think- ago

@mrnobu: Unfortunately I will have to take the post down now, since it hasn't been edited. Removing per Rules 1 and 3, please see sidebar.

You can repost unedited to v/pizzagatewhatever or edit and repost anytime to v/pizzagate. Thank you.

MrBoneCrusher ago

You idiots seriously think that any company that has a swirl in their icon is full of idiotic child molesters.

think- ago

Hi @nrnobu, thank you for your post. However, we will need some more hints to connect the foundation to pizzagate.

Maybe you would like to use the comment @Carmencita provided as a starter.

Please add a paragraph and explain why exactly this foundation is suspicious (and therefore of interest to the pizzagate investigation), beside the logo. Please also edit the headline and describe the connection to the pizzagate investigation in the headline. Please add that 'Make a Wish' is a foundation, otherwise people won't understand it.

Since unfortunately headlines can't be edited, I would like to ask you to self-delete, edit and repost. You can save the source by clicking 'edit', then copypaste into a new submission sheet.

Please delete within 24 hours, otherwise we will have to do it. You can edit and repost anytime or repost unedited to v/pizzagatewhatever.

Thank you.


carmencita ago

There are people from FB, Twitter and also Berkshire Partners LLC on the Board of Dir. Now, there is also someone from Southwest Airlines. I have read a while back that they are suspect, but can't remember how. Most probably with their being an airline. You need to work on the link to Pizzagate.

carmencita ago

Your link to the logo is not working. Gave you an UPVOAT!!! Because.....well, MAW has been on my mind. Every time I see an ad or hear about what wondrous thing they are doing for a child, yes, Disney pops into my head too. Also, at this point almost any charity sets of an alarm.