Are_we__sure ago

The second link doesn't mention GSK at all. The first link mentions donations of medicine through groups in Haiti. It does not even mean GSK was in Haiti. GSK is not a subsidiary of Google.

Jobew1 ago

There's information indicating a similarly dastardly connection to the "atlanta child murders' of the very early 1980's. it's been a while since i read/looked into it, but there was allegedly a motivation of harvesting melanin (or some other compound i think from AA male genitalia) in that case as well

GreenDell144 ago

This is all kinds of messed up. It’s like we are LITERALLY up against the umbrella corporation from resident evil (BTW I hate zombie stuff with a passion).

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

OMG yes this is definitely suspicious AF

letsdothis1 ago

GlaxoSmithKline and Harvard Stem Cell Institute announce major collaboration agreement

A cancer effort, lead by Siddartha Mukherjee at MGH and Ben Ebert, at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, with guidance from Gary Gilliland, of BWH, and David Scadden of MGH, the HSCI co-director. The researchers will focus on novel therapeutic approaches to selectively target cancer stem cells

Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Haiti connections:

See this thread

Partner in Health is a Boston non profit where Ophelia Dahl is a co-founder

Dahl is chairman of Dahl & Dahl LLP, which manages the literary estate of her late father, the writer Roald Dahl. She also serves as vice president on the board of Roald Dahl’s Museum and Story Centre.

Roald Dahl, Satanism and MI6

Roald Dahl (1916–1990), born in the UK to Norwegian parents, was an intelligence agent for MI6.


Physicians for Haiti: Change From Within

swordfish69 ago

GSK bought Burroughs-Wellcome PLC, who I and others have theorized is behind a lot of Pizzagate activity.

racmo ago


carmencita ago

WTH do they need this for? What devious plans are ahead regarding this: Bioelectronics, sometimes called the next medical frontier, is a research field that combines electronics and biology to develop miniaturized implantable devices capable of altering and controlling electrical signals in the human body. Large corporations are increasingly interested: a joint venture in the field has recently been announced by Alphabet, Google's parent company, and pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline (GSK).

Read more at:

This cannot be good. It scares me to death.

scarlettm512 ago

I've always wondered why Google's parent company was named Alphabet. Makes me think of the alphabet agencies (CIA, FBI, etc.).

carmencita ago

A very good deduction. It makes a lot of sense, since they usually are hiding in plain sight. This makes people less suspicious, actually.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Pizzagate is Fortune 500 on every level.

Human beings are being harvested and exploited to their maximum profitability.

Been saying this since the beginning.

letsdothis1 ago

Pizzagate (Abramovic) and Biotech > the brain/computer interface: (my favourite Abramovic video).. this event took place at the Biotech Campus, Geneva

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Yo what the fuck that's some straight up illuminati type of shit right there

toutedesuite ago

WHAT was that? Must dig...

Zinnsee ago

A connection seems plausible to me.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Incredible connections you're making. I saw this article this morning about the bio chips, but had no idea it circled back to PG. It's beyond stomach churning.

letsdothis1 ago

And have a look at all the threads where Glaxo is mentioned

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, I just commented on your deleted post.

letsdothis1 ago

On March 6th QAnon asked the question : "Why are the children of Haiti in high demand?

@Cat_anon , when I first saw your post I thought it was silly. Then I actually read the article ..

The study – published recently in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences – points to a new way of interfacing conventional electronics to biological systems using a combination of ion-and-electron conducting biomaterials such as melanin.

I've been going on about the biotech industry being related to pizzagate. And recently posted about Madonna and her adopted black children and her move to Lisbon and I think there is a connection with a new biotech company there. Also, the Belgian Royal family are connected along with Guterres of the UN.

I also read this today..apparently Elon Musk as a company called reported to be developing implantable brain–computer interfaces (BCIs).

I think this needs further research.

kestrel9 ago

No worries, no one will read people's minds and manipulate them against their will without informed consent Anonymous: First ‘Mind-Reading’ AI Can Literally See Your Thoughts