Blacksmith21 ago

"Inside he found an eight-mm movie film, four magazines and one advertisement for another film. For the purposes of the instant motion, the Court assumes that the film and the magazines are obscene.[3] Also reviewed at the same time were two other magazines found in the package, "Boy No. 53" and "Sweet Little Sixteen, Volume 3, No. 8" and two pictures. The magazines and the pictures depict nude boys. This latter group of material differs from the earlier described material in that, while the latter group of material consisted only of pictures of nude boys, the earlier described material depicted nude boys engaged in a variety of sexual acts.[4]"

Oh_Well_ian ago

Recent revelations about the Seychelles being a center for human trafficking by elites make this move by Mueller appear as a blatant attempt to direct allegations at Trump.

Sounds like a manufactured headline, in every way.

Obama State Department improves Seychelles human trafficking rating in 2014

Human trafficking of blue-eyed, under aged white girls in the Seychelles in 2015

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

The George Nader mentioned in the OP's article is probably this pedo:

It's all coming together.

Oh_Well_ian ago

what an awesome find !!

good work

Kacey ago

JFK used a back channel to Russia to diffuse the Cuban Missile Crisis and we are an intact nation today because of it. Putin has made it clear he can destroy our country and defend his own. The Deep State is fighting tooth and nail now and I believe they are getting desperate. Lets hope Trump and Putin have some back channels for the sake of the survival of mankind.

BoyBlue ago

Should it shock anyone Trump had tons of business dealings with Russians, Sand Niggers, and Jews? He wasn't a career politician like Obama/Clinton/Bush/McCain/Schmer who sold out the US for they personal gain. Trump was a business man trying to make profit. Hey, he is still a business man working deals. Term limits!

mrfetus ago

You're posting in a passive voice and mistrusting men. 😞

BoyBlue ago

I used to get criticized for passive voice usage back in college. Weird how I don't see it until someone brings it up. Thanks!

mrfetus ago

You got it brother, it's out of love. It's a very left thing to do, they're afraid of directly voicing their own opinions. Have faith in Trump. Grading on a curve he's doing a great job. Love your Voat family, they're what you've got.


Oh_Well_ian ago

as we are busting the lid off the worldwide Satanic Cabal...

soy boys want term limits

BoyBlue ago

Soy Boy....lmao. You would never say Soy Boy to my face you pussy ass sheep! Yea, not good at anonymous stuff cause people who met me don't argue. Yea, on VOAT we are equals, but in real life you would get you ass kicked!

amonymous ago I didn't believe in collusion until on /pol/ someone brought up a knights Templar group that controls the right,These images come from a discord known as "The knights Templar". Apparently according to the screenshots the Russian collusion is true. Apparently this Masonic Templar is the group who are responsible for the bots and 4chan and 8chan supporting Trump.

dtneslo ago

Am I supposed to believe these screenshots as facts cuz............

amonymous ago

Absolutely not. However I assumed the Russia narrative was hogwash then I saw the screenshots and thought about it.

CyborgCuttlefish ago

gas yourself kike, fucking discord, choke on nigger cocks faggot

i_scream_trucks ago

Back channels are NOT a bad thing. It's the way they can be abused that is bad.

dtneslo ago

Smear By newly found association?

darkknight111 ago

Other way around as the investigation there was legit. See below.

What if what was found in Seychelles and the threads that came about as a result (the shit regarding the Clinton shell companies) ROYALLY pissed off the Deep State?

Damage control via retalitory smear attack.

lamplight ago

This was the first thought I had when I read about Mueller looking into the Seychelles. I am hopeful that he will stumble upon some evidence that the Clintons and others were involved in human trafficking. Perhaps there are bank accounts thereto explore.