think- ago


'Prehistoric naked figurine censored by Facebook

The statuette is over thirty thousand years old.

THE PREHISTORIC VENUS of Willendorf figurine, considered a masterpiece of the paleolithic era, has been censored by Facebook, drawing an indignant response from the Natural History Museum in Vienna, where it is on display.

The tiny statuette of a voluptuous naked woman, which is some 30,000 years old, was discovered in the Austrian village of Willendorf in the early 20th century and is considered “the icon” of the museum, the facility’s director general Christian Koeberl said in a statement.

The 11 centimetre statue from the early stone age is “the most popular and best-known prehistoric representation of a woman worldwide,” he added.

....“Let the Venus be naked! Since 29,500 years she shows herself as prehistoric fertility symbol without any clothes. Now Facebook censors it and upsets the community,” it said.

“There is no reason for the Natural History Museum Vienna to cover the ‘Venus of Willendorf’, and hide her nudity, neither in the museum nor on social media,” Koeberl insisted.

'There has never been a complaint by visitors concerning the nakedness of the figurine.'

The museum said it had never directly experienced censorship by Facebook, despite its recent post on “Stone Age pornography”.

scarlettm512 ago

Because, let's be honest, most of the perverts running social media actually despise women's bodies. Some prefer children. Some prefer men. Either way, it is clear that they cannot handle being exposed to real sexuality, especially not the human female form unless it is presented in a humiliating (ass or boob shots) way. Maybe that is because for most of human history, women have been the ones to uphold morality in society -- after all, our first ethics teachers were generally our moms (since they stayed home to instruct us while dad went off to work). The quickest way to destroy morality in any society is by weakening the position of women as the moral backbone of the family and convincing women that it is their morality that is the biggest stumbling block to their success outside the home. Sadly, it seems to be working.

InnocentAngels ago

I'm beginning to believe that " gay manifesto " that someone posted is a real thing when I see things like this. I also think most gay people are totally unaware of this crap going on. It's those in powerful positions pushing this insanity.

tholinz ago

we have no intention of allowing it

Bull. Shit.

TippyHome ago

Saw it just now. And, mic drop. When people say you are crazy thinking pedaphilia is a huge problem and being promoted right behind transgenderism, then, this right here. Could this be what Q referenced with BOOM?

Nana66 ago

Ii have been finding so many things like this lately but they have me so censored on all social media that I am almost a ghost.

Vindicator ago

I'm going to give this the "Share!" flair. Can't even believe they're considering condoning this. Send this to all your older relative and tell them to ditch Facebook!

think- ago

TBH, I thought this must be fake news. I couldn't believe it. But it's even all over the MSM.

You can see pics of the survey in this Guardian article:

Yvette Cooper MP, chair of the [British] Home Affairs Select Committee, condemned the survey.

“This is a stupid and irresponsible survey,” she said. “Adult men asking 14-year-olds to send sexual images is not only against the law, it is completely wrong and an appalling abuse and exploitation of children.

I cannot imagine that Facebook executives ever want it on their platform but they also should not send out surveys that suggest they might tolerate it or suggest to Facebook users that this might ever be acceptable.”

(my emphasis)

So what comes next?

'We would like to ask our users whether they think they should have the ability to publish pics of children who are raped and tortured. Please choose an answer: yes - no - maybe - don't care'?

GreenDell144 ago

Facebook dipped their pedo toe in the water and came back with some virtue signaling from MSM and politicians. They may have just redpilled a few million for us. Awesome 😎.

think- ago

Facebook dipped their pedo toe in the water

LOL. Yes, somehow I am grateful they outed themselves. People tend to not believe me when I say that Facebook tolerates pedo groups.

GreenDell144 ago

Wow. MSM reports something relevant and holds open the possibility of condemning this behavior. Haven’t seen that in awhile.

sandywhitewater ago

I just saw this circulating on Twitter. This is so disgusting. I thought it might be a little of a stretch when some people claimed that Hollywood and msm is pushing pedophilia, but now I'm convinced.

carmencita ago

NO. Anyone answering YES to this should be checked out by the FBI.

GreenDell144 ago

In an ideal world. In a a better than ideal world, the question wouldn’t even be asked.

carmencita ago

I remember such a world. At least I never heard it decades ago, not in this country, or mixed company. Also, the whole country would be outraged at such a question by the media. Shocking, people would say. Kind of like a lady showing her ankle in the Victorian Era. Now, hardly a whisper.

EvaEverywhere ago

My definition of most social media network is "tool made by men to help other men be more of a pest to women." I guess we can add children to this.

Put that article under the definition for facepalm in the dictionary...

Shizy ago

That's a very sexist thing to say

EvaEverywhere ago

It's an accurate and measurable description of the technology investment ecosystem. It's quite unfortunate it's totally sexist. Go and change that okay?

Yuke ago

Reasons to hate Facebook: number 47,372

new4now ago

Mistake my ass

Testing the water? Noticed age too, Still have my FB account for birthdays and such

Time to delete it permently

FuckReddit69 ago

So this was the straw that broke the camel's back that made you delete your fb account?

new4now ago

Wasn't much of a straw, havent used it other than wishes in quite awhile

FuckReddit69 ago

my point is you shouldnt be using it at all. using it just perpetuates its use even more. if more people migrated to better censorship-free platforms the rest will follow because they have no one to talk to on it. network effect works both ways.

Nana66 ago

I joined Gab and it made me realize that, except for troll infiltration, these sites that we migrate to are basically circle jerks if we can't post things that get info to people that don't know whats really going on.