samuel999 ago

So there is no option of reporting to police? Facebook is so annoying with all of its questionarries and advertising, the only surveys I can tolerate are those which allow to leave your feedback on a certain company's work and services, those from Facebook are irritating.

SterlingJB ago

This is just so bizarre.

Hortance ago

In an ideal world, social media potentates who think that they should be social engineers would be prosecuted for every attempt to desensitize the public to pedophilia.

Earthbalance2 ago

It's predictive programming. They limit the responses to control the narrative for "acceptable" responses. Parent with shotgun is not on their list.

Earthbalance2 ago


think- ago

@UnicornAndSparkles, I'll give you the 'share' flair!

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Thanks ❤️!!

think- ago

You're kindly welcome! :-)

Shizy ago

They put out this disgusting idea in the form of a "survey", then when people call them on this appauling idea due to this scenario being ILLEGAL, Facebook plays dumb and puts out a fake ass apology?

If no one at Facebook had an inkling that this type of scenario is wrong and offensive to all people who aren't pedos, it only further solidifies my stance that Facebook is a disgusting company run by utter idiots.

On the other hand, the more likely scenario is they were "testing the waters" again in their push to move the Overton window and mainstream pedophilia and exploiting children.

Either way Facebook is a sick cesspool of a company!

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Exactly!!! Testing the waters indeed.

scarlettm512 ago

And why no scenario for an adult man asking a 14 year old BOY for pictures? I know the LGBQT crowd gets offended when you mention pedophilia in the gay community -- but they have perverts in their demographic just like every other demographic. Why aren't we concerned with these young boys being targeted by men grooming them online?

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Stop being homophobic.

ESOTERICshade ago

In their ideal world pedophiles will not be reported to police for attempting to lure a 14 year old girl into being molested. Got it.

scarlettm512 ago

Why does something like this need to be decided based upon "popular" opinion? Popular opinion once thought it was a-okay for people to be able to own another human being. Popular opinion does NOT equal morality. Either you have morals and you know what should happen in this situation or you are a lousy human being who is looking for an excuse to justify this type of behavior.

Here's what we should do:

  1. Push for legislation that REQUIRES Fakebook (and other social media companies -- whether or not they are American companies, if they allow Americans to access their site, that is enough to apply it to them) to report this thing to the police.

  2. Fakebook (and others) should also IMMEDIATELY terminate the account. That won't prevent the pervs from creating another account, but it would at least suck some of their time away as they have to set up another account. You can get banned for much less than this -- including spreading "fake news", so why would it not be okay to terminate these accounts?

  3. We already know that Fakebook and others monitor what users type, so detecting this type of behavior should be a piece of cake. You shouldn't even have to rely on reporting (which most kids WON'T do, even if they are grossed out or scared by it). If they are going to spy on us, shouldn't we at least expect that they "protect the kids" which is why (along with "protecting us from terrorism") they claim to be doing most of this stuff anyway?

  4. Asking kids for pics is only 1 part of the problem. There is a HUGE problem with kids being sent dick pics randomly. It happened to my daughter when she was only 12. I allowed her to use a chat app with her friends on a computer in an open area of the house where I could monitor it and she received multiple dick pics within the first couple of hours she was on. She didn't tell me immediately because she didn't want me to block it with parental controls. It is unfair that kids have to lose the ability to chat with one another because adults can't behave themselves, but apparently adults can't actually behave like adults. A 12 year old boy sending my daughter a dick pic would have been bad enough, but if I could have tracked down these perverts, I swear to God I would gone Lorena Bobbitt on their asses and mounted some dick trophies on my wall ...

3141592653 ago

Yes to this

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Isn’t it sad these very simple preventative methods aren’t already in place.

Nunquam-Dormio ago

For the love of God, people, STOP using Facebook. It's trash, garbage, it programs people into materialistic liars, vapid self-aggrandizing little acolytes in the growing church of ME NOW, ME ALWAYS. It will chip away at your inner peace and slowly rob you of your self worth. "But I only use it to stay in touch with..." blah blah blah JUST PICK UP THE FUCKING PHONE ALREADY.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Instagram too. It’s awful to witness.

Shizy ago

And never let your kids use Facebook! It gives them a fake, twisted view of the world and themselves and causes depression!

GreenDell144 ago

What’s more, the demographic of average Facebook users does not give much hope of a resounding rejection. I predict that plenty of Facebook users will follow the virtue signaling of others and choose poorly. Then the enemy will push forward, using the force of popular opinion. This may be a tough ride.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Yes I agree. And I presume FB is a hub for pedos to find victims so taking many of their opinions into account too!

abcdefg222 ago

I kept my facebook but now I'm done. No more excuses.

Would they not be required by law to give information about child predators to the police?!?!? This is so disgusting.

This dailymail article is really good. They're really calling out facebook here. Any other good articles about how shitty FB is that I can share on my way out?

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Welcome to your new life free of Facebook. You’re going to love it!

carmencita ago

UpVoat! Thank you for shining a light on this. We need to keep up on these sites and their Sneak Tactics.

carmencita ago

So An adult man sending a sexual message to a 14-year -old girl would be an ideal world? That is a really stupid statement in the first place and a very tricky and sneaky one. I have to thank DM for including this sentence. The question was accompanied by multiple-choice answers that included allowing or stopping the content - but did not include the option of contacting the police. THANK You DM for putting that in print, since nowadays, it seems, in case DUH some would not think of that.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

My thoughts too. You’d skim past that sentence and not think twice but knowing what we know it sticks out.

carmencita ago

Shocking but not Surprising, Right? FB after all. Again, I am surprised they pointed it out in the article. Call The Police!

migratorypatterns ago

Is this opposed to expressing how they'd react if "in an alternate universe"?

BDSM_Kinkster ago

We all know exactly what is going on here. The question is how and when do we do something about it.

If we simply keep calling attention to it and no doing anything about it, we'll end up like the other nations.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I think we are calling attention to it. On here. On Reddit. On Twitter. They can shadowban us but they can’t silence us.

We are winning. Don’t believe the media and their confidence to rub it in our faces. They’re scared.

derram ago :

Facebook sends out survey asking how it should react to grooming | Daily Mail Online

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