WeShouldTalk ago

We should talk, game. I can help you.

tech-adm ago

Truly sick, this certainly explains the Johnny Depp, Tim Burton and by extension, Hunter S. Thompson connections between all of these freaks.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I wish I could scratch my eyes out .. or the part of my brain that will never let me forget what I just seen.

Aasb ago

Thx for bringing this guy to our attention!

The video on youtube starts with him looking into water and a devil face on the water surface. His inner demon? Water portal to summon evil?

He is also friends with Tim Burton(friends with satanist Johnny Depp and director of Alice in WL) and made amongst others the music for Charlie and chocolate factory. We know that another hollywood composer, freemason and alleged pedo Christian Kriegeskotte https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2387245 did also compose for that movie. Interesting right? But the creepiest thing is this:

Danny Elfmans brother made a bizarre movie called "Forbidden Zone" in 1980 with all kinds of occult symbolism including dominos. This is the movie description on imdb: "The bizarre and musical tale of a girl who travels to another dimension through the gateway found in her family's basement." http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080752/ And Danny himself plays the devil in the movie. Here is the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjN4Ysdc69w and it starts with saying "just keep telling yourself its only a movie" hahahaha this shit is getting too weird now. Im out.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Guess who did all the music for Tim Burton / Disney's live action Alice in Wonderland starring Johnny Depp? And they all went to the Obama Whitehouse in Halloween..........hm.

Shizy ago

Not just went to the whitehouse for Halloween, but did so in secret!

Yuke ago

In that photo, isn't that Danny Elfman himself kissing that girl?

enginedriver13 ago

Yep! Kinda sheds a new light on how he became so successful doing music in Hollywood later....

derram ago

https://archive.fo/X478R :

What was the deal with Oingo Boingo’s ‘Little Girls’, still the creepiest music video of all time? | The Independent

https://archive.fo/ZwIkp :

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=H2LQMElLoLs :

Little Girls - Oingo boingo - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Hunterpedo ago

This mentions Stewart Copeland who happens to also be friends with Brian Robbins aka Brian Levy actor on head of the class and friends of Dan Schneider


Hunterpedo ago

Did a search on been verified Brian Robbins of Tollin/Robbins productions and good friend of Dan Schneider Guess who’s name shows up? YES Daniel Robert Elfman 10880 Wilshire