Shizy ago

Some people have been able to teach and train snakes or bears to not bit and kill them, but what kind of nut job would risk trusting a dangerous creature??? Pedos can NOT be fixed ever. The only way to stop them is to put them down

septimasexta ago

The death penalty for 2nd offenders would solve the problem. Fear can be a great motivator. Their "disability" is a constant menace to others.

13Buddha ago

Here is a link to Dr. Elizabeth Letourneau's academia publications. It's beyond stomach turning.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

This is all so disingenuous. I work in an adult male correctional facility. I know what the ratio of child sex offenders is to the general population of offenders. I know they have treatment programs available and have for a long time. Do they work? I've heard they aren't very successful. I'm okay with them trying to treat it. What I'm not okay with is them hiding in the medical industry. It's not a true medical condition like schizophrenia. It's a personality issue, like narcissism or sadism. These are not nice people we are talking about. These are people with severe personality defects, ego defects, and empathy defects. The honest truth is only God Himself can help them. Ask Jeffrey Dahmer. They mostly won't humble themselves and admit they are sinners and have blame. They'd much rather hide behind the smokescreen of a "medical condition". It feels nicer and less shameful and if they fuck up,'s just that i have this medical condition you see. And what the hell. Do you notice the part at the end where they're basically talking about how harmful the sex offender registry is to pedophiles? What we're trying to do is prevent more of these pedophiles from being created. Now we have to care about the feelings of the goddamed pedo itself. It's like saying death row is bad for serial killers. No doubt. But they've preyed on the innocent and the time to care about their well being is over with. Death penalty for child sex offenders. It's the only thing that makes sense.

Markb63 ago

Defective people like pedofiles need to be killed.

carmencita ago

I agree. But I can't see that being agreed to by lawmakers. I think we must and should push for it, but if not, we should at least insist on lifetime incarceration with NO parole under any circumstance. But I agree there is really no turning them around. None. Btw, thank you for doing the job you are doing, not many are cut out for it. Also, for your understanding. We need more people like you, willing to try to understand the problem. There really is no other solution. Unfortunately. I have always been against the death penalty, but even I must agree. I am sure they would not be as kind to their victims for many have had their lives taken in the most horrific ways.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I don't do much in the way of research. I just try to redpill others and encourage y'all, and downvoat shills. I do what little I can. People like you are the real heroes. Mainly I just need to know what's going on in the world. And I pray for you guys! I want God to have y'alls backs! 😁 Yes, I know lawmakers will never agree. I'm just giving my two cents.

carmencita ago

It' hard lately to do the same amount of research we have lost man of our voaters to other subs. So, there are the same ones here all the time working hard. Thank you so much for your voats of confidence and prayers. You don't know how much it helps for you to talk to others. Each one you convince will help our cause. Each one is a Voat Disciple. :)

Podge512 ago


bb22 ago

I’m pretty much in agreement with this. I don’t think the “treatment” attempts are a big deal in and of themselves. The fact that people approached these clinics for help is a sign that these people are concerned with their predispositions. My problem is that I don’t trust the people doing the “treatment” for obvious reasons, and I agree that it’s a behavioral issue and not a “medical” problem as such. They say homosexuality can’t be “cured” either but I don’t really believe that, though I did at one time. The fact is much of this behavior is encouraged socially through various messaging through movies and music and all the rest, and without that social influence, I’m sure the frequency of these behaviors would decrease. An “awareness program” would only be putting thoughts into the heads of impressionable kids and I do not like that idea at all. It’s like sending in the DARE officer to 1st graders. Unless their parents are already junkies you aren’t doing kids that young any favors, only putting new ideas in their heads.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Pedos will become the next transgender with regards to victim culture and virtue signaling. Someone else already called it. But they're right and it's so scary and sickening. God, why?!

bb22 ago

They won’t get that far. Trump is going to have military tribunals exposing all of this before 2020. Might sound like a stretch still at this point but I firmly believe it all ends soon.

13Buddha ago

One can only hope.

Vindicator ago

Switching over to the US, Elizabeth Letourneau, Ph.D., is involved with 3 "family-focused" research projects. Letourneau is Director of the Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.

This "researcher" isn't related to Marykay Letourneau, the pedophile teacher, is she?

carmencita ago

Looking for connection and am having hard time. I feel there is a strong chance they are connected. The family has connections to GHWBush and to Scientology and Mary Kay has sisters living in DC. Her father had an affair with a student!!! Read my comments and those of Backsmith A 3 yr old sibling of Mary K died in pool while under sibling care. Too many questions.

13Buddha ago

Good question. I knew I heard that surname somewhere. Need to do some research.

Looks as though there is a close affiliation with Elizabeth Letourneau and ATSA. First of all, their goals are exactly the same - prevention of child sexual abuse. Letourneau contributes often to ATSA's "Child Maltreatment" journal. Here is one classic example.

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought the exact same thing when I saw her name. There is a massive amount of not-unattractive female teachers who like preying on teenage boys.

I'm wondering if there is a psychological "break" in there - molest a hetero girl when young, traumatize and stunt emotional development. She gets married but still thinks she is closer to a teen. And bingo, the careless life of a teen becomes what she becomes attracted to and voila, she's cheating on the husband (who's probably a creep as well) with a teenage boy. Just a theory.

Vindicator ago

I could see that. What a shitshow.

carmencita ago

Look at this. I can't believe it, well yes I can. It is scary beyond belief to me: Look at her father. I believe he was a pedophile. He had an affair with a student. I believe Mary K was abused. She passed it on. Look at her husband Billy and what they are doing. Ugh. I am still looking at the connection to Elizabeth.

Blacksmith21 ago

"Letourneau's brother John Patrick Schmitz is the former deputy counsel to President George H. W. Bush.[8] Another elder brother, Jerry, is an engineer and was affiliated with the San Francisco Scientology mission. Letourneau's two younger sisters, Theresa and Elizabeth, are married and reported to be living in the Washington, D.C., area.[7]"

carmencita ago

This family imo is suspect. DC Scientology. The father, patriarch at the head of all this. Where does Eliz. fit in? Did she go to school in DC, Did a relative move to the East Coast? Idk. funny they are both striving towards the same goal.

carmencita ago

Yep And her 3 year old brother died in a swimming pool while in the care of Mary and a sibling. The father was a pedophile and had an affair with a student. I can't even get it all into my head. I am still trying to connect them to Eliz.

Blacksmith21 ago


"The Tampa Police Department also came under scrutiny when it was revealed they took graphic nude photos of Lafave while she was in stirrups in a jail cell. John Gillespie, the lead detective who requested the nude photos of Lafave, was arrested before the trial in an unrelated prostitution sting.[14]

Lafave later attributed her indiscretions to bipolar disorder, which is associated with intense and irregular mood swings, and with hypersexuality and poor judgment during manic episodes.[15] "

Blacksmith21 ago

In case you aren't doing anything today ; )

carmencita ago

I had to stop reading. I truly got sick and dizzy. Epidemic is an understatement. There seems to be something at work here. Possibly MK Ultra on some because there are just too many. Slaps on the wrist and low sentencing. Idk, this Reeks to me.

Blacksmith21 ago

Some days we have to step back. I do it about every other day for a few hours. Don't think I've gone more than about 18 hours with engaging.

carmencita ago

Yeah, it's hard to stay away for too long. I may have to stop & rest now. But it may just be a mini rest of 1 hr. Will get back to their connection because I strongly believe there is one.

Blacksmith21 ago

If you have the time, there are probably 100 high profile stories over the last 10-20 years that I'd bet all have a similar background.

carmencita ago

And a good one. There has to be some reason we are seeing more of this as of late. I seem to be hearing about it more and more on the news. I think they are creating them on purpose. This is not just occurring on it's own.

Blacksmith21 ago

Am I crazy or is B back? I think the name has an extra "5" at the end.

carmencita ago

I don't know B

Userly ago

Dear drama queen, one single person trying to sell his services within a large hospital does not represent a whole country. It is good anyway, that there is research.

13Buddha ago

This "drama queen" begs to differ. Germany has set the ball into motion. The US is following suit. AND you have the name that speaks for itself, Johns Hopkins. The hospital recently ranked nationwide as #3 out of 4,700. Now take the Bloomberg School, the only school of public health in the world that has a department dedicated to mental health. Plus, it has ranked #1 in the nation for more than 20 years, ever since Public Health was added as a ranking category. Currently, there are more than 50 accredited Public Health schools in the US. Trust me when I say that any research study coming from JH is taken seriously, especially one coming from Bloomberg. Finally, I would bet every cent I have that academic researchers all over the globe are very busy these days.

Finally, you don't need a ton of corroboration in order to change the world to benefit the evildoers. Do we Voaters not see this on a regular and consistent basis.

carmencita ago

Ben Carson is from Johns Hopkins. Wonder what he knows. Believe me that hospital has not been kind in the past. They did experiments on minorities and the homeless. Look up Henrietta Lacks. I don't think that there has been much change , especially behind the scenes.

derram ago :

German hospital offers therapy to paedophiles, 7,000 people show interest | The Independent

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carmencita ago

I am going to be sick.

13Buddha ago

I am right there with you.

carmencita ago

I have relatives in Germany but really do not correspond, the woman has deep depression problems. What the heck is going on over there? Are we going to act the same way over this? I hope to God not. Well they have been trying to get rid of God for decades now. Trying to get us to not believe. Now I am wondering if it is wrong not to go to Church. We do not have to give money. Just attend. I have been wondering if at some point, decades from now, if they will not allow us to even follow God. Kind of like Communism. No Crosses. No Blessed Virgin Statues. I will never stop praying.