GrDec ago

Hasbara / zionist shill Vindicator, deleted this because according to him it

"doesn't offer a plausible connection to child trafficking by the rich and powerful,.."

What a laugh.. If an underage girl that was being trafficked and offered to rich and powerful people like a jewish rabbi, doesn't have a connection to pizzagate, i don't know what does LOL

We all know that vindicators are a hasbara /zionist shill, who will delete anything that offends his zionist / jewish overlords.. this is not the first time he does this.

Vindicator ago

@GrDec: Nowhere in the linked article is their any evidence the "rabbi" in question is rich, runs a synogogue, or is among "the elite" as our current ruleset requires, nor have you offered any additional information supporting this idea. The article characterizes him as "camp counselor".

We all know that vindicators are a hasbara /zionist shill, who will delete anything that offends his zionist / jewish overlords.. this is not the first time he does this.

Rule 4 requires moderation concern discussion threads be posted in v/pizzagatemods. You're showing a pattern of disregard for the submission rules here. Keep it up, and you will no longer be welcome. Removing per Rules 1 and 4.

@think- @ben_matlock

GrDec ago

right genius.. we all know jewish communities are all dirt poor and their rabbis are paupers. LOL in what fucking world do you live? you can ban me if you want.. fuck off.. voat sucks. .