jb877 ago

Evision Newsletter 22.02.2018

Dear Investors,

Corporate Group eVisionTeam is once again called upon to maintain and demonstrate our public image and our structures.

We have always been committed to a high degree of transparency toward our Investors and will endeavor to continue this way in future.

Press Releases and What Is Behind Them Most of you know the extreme actions with which the German authorities proceeded against the Corporate Group in 2016, resulting in the closing of the German GmbH (Corporation), as the Prosecutor's office drove the company into insolvency. In the wake of all of this, many of our investors also lost part of their money.

Mr. Schmalohr came to Cambodia in order to move projects along personally and on site, and his passport expired. He therefore went to a German embassy in order to either apply for a new one or to face the German authorities, in order to end a situation burdensome to many people.

Since it was to be expected that the former situation would not come to pass, the Corporate Group made preparations to deal with Mr. Schmalohr becoming unavailable for some time.

This next point will be unsettling to many. Mr Schmalohr is now in Germany and has been taken into custody by the authorities.

The Corporate Group remains functional and will continue with our work.

Event in Cambodia April 2018 The Event in Cambodia will also take place as planned, albeit without one certain person. Many of you wanted to come to the Event specifically because of this one person. If you wish to cancel your participation for this reason, we will return the cost of the ticket to you which you have already purchased. Regarding the flight you may have booked, we ask you to contact the airline and see if they can still cancel your ticket. eVisionTeam regrets we cannot reimburse you for that. However, we would very much welcome your participation.

Changes at eVisionTeam We will be ending our project "webet4you". Unfortunately sports betting is prohibited in many countries. The project "webet4you" will be ended on 1 March 2018.

New Concepts at eVisionTeam We will of course be initiating something new to take the place of the old and will therefore shortly be introducing two new concepts to become part of the system. The new concepts "webet4you 2.0" and "Time Machine" will fill the gap. With "webet4you 2.0" you will be able to purchase shares in the amount of 50.00€, as before. They will produce gains of 1.0% to 4.0% per week and will have a runtime of 14 weeks. A detailed description of the concept will follow prior to publishing. "Time Machine" is another concept we will be making available to you as our Investor. "Time Machine" is a unique concept that cannot be compared to any other concept, since you, the investor, will be in complete control of your finances. You decide the runtime (choose from 3,6,9 or 12 months) and the interest you want. The interest will be computed on the basis of runtime and level of capital invested and will be cumulative. On this concept "Time Machine" as well, you will receive more information shortly before publication.

Current State of Disbursements One more brief information to end this Newsletter. The current payout is still backed up by 10 days, and we are working as fast as possible to reduce the jam. We ask for your understanding. We wish you continues good success with eVisionTeam in this year 2018.

Your Corporate Group eVisionTeam Management

Narcissism ago

Robert sounds like total scum.

Financial abuse and child abuse why do these two always seem to go together?

jb877 ago

Criminal business partners of Mr Robert Schmalohr

Dwight A Hayden so know as Dilly Da Don. http://www.facebook.com/dwight.a.hayden

Brendan Gallagher: http://www.facebook.com/omegadawn

"Disgraced Lawyer" Shaan Stevens: http://www.facebook.com/shiners.stevens

Francis Ganderton: http://www.facebook.com/francis.ganderton

carmencita ago

James McCabe, executive director of the NGO Child Protection Unit, said he had received no complaint, notification from police or any other intelligence to suggest Schmalohr was involved in child trafficking. Hmm. Cambodia is one of the hottest places for child trafficking. Possibly the NGO Dir. has learned to look the other way, in exchange for payment. One question. This Valentino's, is it owned by the very famous designer? He has a BF by the last name of Giommetti who owns a club in Dubai and one in LA in the Hotel Figueroa. The two were also pictured on the instagram of DVF's husband Barry Diller. Btw, look who is on their FB and who is with him. Oh my. https://www.facebook.com/valentinosclub/

Narcissism ago

Some really creepy stuff in this video on Robert Schmalohr's Youtube channel - images of child dolls laughing and using video cameras. Game Station Phnom Penh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzUEduHFx9I

carmencita ago

It sounds to me as if they may have problems with evidence in charging him with trafficking, so they are going to charge him with RICO charges against his businesses. That is for now anyway. Possibly more will come out as the case progresses. But the Germans coming pick him up really speaks volumes. Also they could be protecting him. We don't know. Further watch is recommended.

exposethecriminals ago

His hotel: http://www.valentinoshotelandsuites.com/

Valentino's Nightclub: http://www.phnompenhpost.com/post-weekend/valentinos-palatial-club-late-night-revellers

The hotel's general manager defended housing 10 children there, from the OP article:

Valentino’s general manager, Rothanak Sovan [said,] “People think wrongly that Mr Robert has done bad things to the kids, but he hasn’t done anything bad – I’m sure, 100 percent,” Sovan said.

“In the beginning when they came here, they are not very healthy . . . After that, under our responsibility, [they were] very safe, very healthy, [they had] lots of fun.

“Mr Robert is not here anymore and we cannot support them anymore. It was heartbreaking, everyone crying. But what can we do?”

Sovan added the parents were permitted to visit their children in the hotel, and that they were attended to by nannies, all of whom had background checks, at all times of the day.

Rothanak Sovan and the nightclub manager: https://web.archive.org/web/20180223141150/http://www.valentinoshotelandsuites.com/about/

exposethecriminals ago

Great find

He is also involved with Riverhouse nightclub http://www.riverhousecambodia.com/.

On their Facebook page you see they are a member of the Pink Elephant Entertainment Group.

From someone investigating Robert Schmalohr, Pink Elephant Group is very suspect for trafficking, including in Dubai:

Words from Robert Schmalor on his forum page....

The Pink Elephant Entertainment Group Co., Ltd., which is a 100 percent subsidiary of eVisionTeam Networking and belongs to the corporate group eVisionTeam, has bought up last weekend another nightclub in Chiang Mai (together with the associated property), which is in Chiang Mai for 25 years. The club is an "institution" in relevant circles and known far beyond the city limits of Chiang Mai addition, yes, you can even say that visitors from around the world, visit this club, not by chance.

We had received the offer and sometimes you have business opportunities where you simply do not say "no"

And so is this adding the EMBC (eVisionTeam Members Business Club) another addition to its own portfolio and will for years an 'interesting' contribution to the eVisionTeam list. This have not yet been approved, the name of the club will change, since the transfer of the two companies that stand behind this club, in the possession of the Pink Elephant Entertainment Group Co., Ltd. are still in full swing.

EMBC Evision Team members business club. Another company somewhere in Dubai where you just pay a monthly amount to receive the EMBS card who stands for ?.



This is the Facebook page about Robert Schmalohr: https://en-gb.facebook.com/schmalohr/

Narcissism ago

Thanks for posting the additional research.

think- ago

Thanks for the additional info, ETC! :-)