migratorypatterns ago

Wonder if Killary's much anticipated sex tape was filmed at a Marriott.

Get the popcorn ready.

Remember: It's not really Killary in the Baphomet costume and strap on buggering Huma up her ass.

Narcissism ago

The CEO of Marriot is on the hacked list I have of CFR members.

smokemirrors ago

These guys preceded by last week's Standard Hotel stories...

Man. Is this the next big reveal? Well forget the big gun hotels...what about the hundreds/thousands shady little motels??


exposethecriminals ago

I agree.

I have a huge lead on Air bnb if you or anyone wants to pursue it.  I do not have time.

Charles de Santis and David McDermott, a married couple who are friends of HRC and WJC, have an Air bnb tie-in that has not been posted, I believe.

They have been covered on Voat Pizzagate, such as here:


(but note: the David de Santis identified in the thread above as Charles' brother is not; I did quite a bit of digging on that a year ago. I didn't keep it so people should fact check it for themselves)

Charles de Santis is Chairman of the UN Refugee Agency:


And he is the President of the Board of Nyumbani USA, the biggest and wealthiest orphanage in Africa that attracts a lot of "elites" and no one has ever heard of it:




But --- there's this, too:

David McDermott runs a cleaning company for Air bnb's and owns/owned several Air bnb properties himself:




letsdothis1 ago

Interesting friends de Santis has https://imgur.com/a/vqs1i

realityisinsanity ago

They harbor for sex trafficking operations.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Yqztj :

We can't fight human trafficking alone

'Several years ago, we teamed up with End Child Prostitution and Trafficking, or ECPAT-USA, a non-profit policy organization that focuses on ending the sexual exploitation of children, and Polaris, a non-profit that works to fight human trafficking, both leaders in the fight against human trafficking, to develop a comprehensive training program for our hotel staff. '

'Here in the U.S., more than 4,400 sex trafficking cases were reported to the National Human Trafficking Resource Center last year alone. '

'In January, we made human trafficking training mandatory for all associates, and developed training tailored to the specific roles on our properties. '

'The fact is that human trafficking is an urgent issue that is not going away. '

'At $150 billion a year, human trafficking is one of the largest global criminal enterprises. '

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