Vindicator ago

Hi @Cc1914, what's the Pizzagate Premise here? I'm going to give you the new 24 hour flair so you can gather feedback to help establish one. Since this is a Link post and not editable, please remove and repost once you have a title or explanation that connects this to child sexual abuse by the global elite. Otherwise, we'll remove this per Rule 1.

Cc1914 ago

Um 😐 sorry . I will delete it . I just wanted to see if anyone saw it 😁

Vindicator ago

;-) Kinda suspected that. Appreciate your honesty, as well as you helping keep the board on topic.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Interviewer: And did you think instantly those were gunshots?... How would you even know what it would sound like?

Kid: I thought it was a drill because** they told us we would have police officers who were gonna be firing blanks**, like scare us, get us, you know train for this. So no one took it seriously until we heard like.. screaming, it was the worst screaming you'll ever hear...

Cc1914 ago

Thank you for posting exactly what I heard with my own ears .

carmencita ago

and that officers would be firing blanks? WTH? Someone please listen to what he says, he talks so fast it's hard to make out. I listened three times. That's what I heard. Holy Moly.

jesus_is_lord ago

state created anti gun propaganda, sounds like treason

breakdown99 ago

From the area. Kids had been told there would be drills, not that the actual attack was a drill. This one was real, folks. Your imaginary drama pales in comparison to what real people experienced that day and are still experiencing in dealing with this. If you feel the need to make a joke of it, that's your problem.

Cc1914 ago


Cc1914 ago

You mean like you made a Joke of Becky P here? Now that is sad !

breakdown99 ago

God, your'e in idiot.

Vetting sources is not the same as making a joke. I hope you truly comprehend that. I worry for you if you don't.

Cc1914 ago

Like I said ! I wasn't making a joke !

breakdown99 ago

Point taken. Thanks, Cc1914.

Cc1914 ago

No worries at all 🙂

Cc1914 ago

I'm surely not making a joke out of it .

breakdown99 ago

I appreciate that. I didn't use the right word there, and I apologize for that. It's just that when your family members are going to funerals, you-- or I, really, feel a little touchy about things. Sorry.

pby1000 ago

I'll betcha the police did the shooting...