Dickface808 ago

It's pretty great because all of Trumps other nick names have made sense, but seeing as Schiff isn't particularly little it doesn't really make sense. That is unless... :)

Tallest_Skil ago

Who cares what Q-LARP acknowledges when it’s a proven hoax?

septimasexta ago

Tina Allen has a book out: A Modern-Day Guide to Massage for Children

"Tina Allen, founder of leading children's health and nurturing touch organization, the Liddle Kidz™ Foundation, is largely credited with popularizing pediatric massage therapy globally!

Her innovative approach to children's health has allowed her the unique opportunity to create pediatric massage programs in leading medical institutions including the Mayo Clinic, UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital and Nemours/Alfred I. duPont Hospital for children." WATCH VIDEO Little boy is her son. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ou09xKtUqn8

OMG! Go to Amazon to see pages from the book. Click on the one with a PIZZA illustration (p.47). The author uses placing toppings on a PIZZA as a guide for certain hand massage movements on a child's back. YOU CAN'T MAKE THIS UP!

In my opinion, this is a backdoor method for pedo grooming.

pby1000 ago

I saw that there is a woman named "Tina Allen" who is associated with the pedophile "Chester Stiles". I am not sure it is the same Tina Allen from Liddle Kidz, but I thought I would post it so others can check, too.

Chester Stiles was arrested in Vegas, and I am not sure if the Tina Allen of Liddle Kidz used to live in Vegas. The Tina Allen of Vegas looks older than the Tina Allen of Liddle Kidz, but I know how women can easily change their appearance.



DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Q is old news and it was all fake. No arrest, no behind the scenes war. This sub has died. Time has run out on the phony stroylines. None of it is true, yet the Q "Storm" nonsense continues unimpeded. When you make up phony stories about elites being arrested, Rothschilds dying in plane crashes, CIA being taken down by Marines and Trump unleashng a hellstorm any day now as well as 100's of sealed indictemts, even the ost dense will notice nothing happens as time passes. It has been more than long enough to prove it to be the nonsense that it was seen to be by those that are awoke. The mods and shills have subverted the sub, PG suspects and evidence are off the hook. This place is not worth the time and hasn't been for some time. I suggest finding a sub where the topic is taken seriously.

bopper ago

Dr. Jerome Corsi just referenced this post. Good job.

Cat_anon ago

Serious? Where can I find that?

bopper ago

Start at 57 minutes in, then it comes up fairly quick. The comments before that are worth listening to also.

bopper ago

Rewind the above livestream to about 20 minutes in, then begin listening, it's brought up briefly during the discussion about LittleKidz, and it's in a little ways, you can listen on speed dial if you want, to hurry it up. He doesn't say Voat but says "the pizzagate forum."

You would ask that lol. I think that was your post he's talking about? You did the LittleKidz post?

Gilderoy ago

Does anyone have any insight into the Epic logo which Qanon posted last night? The Anon told Q that the logo for Epic looked like the "russian Gannett walnut sauce thing the autists dug up".


Epic makes grass fed organic dried meat bars that you can find in high end grocery stores. They also make bone broth, jerky and pork cracklings. The company is based in Austin, TX, and sources its meat from US, Australia and New Zealand. Sounds innocuous enough, but the logo symbol connection with Anderson Cooper is creepy.

Epic also has an "ambassador" program. https://epicbar.com/ambassadors.html

gaystapo ago


Being from Los Angeles and very connected to the entertainment community, I found myself working on many high profile clients right out of massage therapy school. My clientele consisted of celebrities, soap opera actors and actresses, and musicians. It was fun, fast paced and high paid."


carmencita ago

I saw a comment that Flynn gave a clue about our water. Another said The Cabal plans to steal our water and something about water being bought up by investors. So here is a clue that was submitted: Trump drinking water : https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/421920.html#422046 You can believe it or not. I remember a couple weeks ago seeing something on here about Water and how they have started it in Detroit. That is what is going on in Detroit, it is the beginning. Also many of you will not believe this, but in Racine they have a mayor that was ousted and they gave him control of our Great Lakes Water Supply, it is part of their Bogus Sustainability Plan. Within that plan, I believe there is a plan to Steal Our Water. THIS SCARES ME TO DEATH

captainramius87 ago

I live 45 minutes from detroit. Can you explain a little more about whats going on?

carmencita ago

The water supply, remember when people were trucking big vans and buses filled with water to Detroit. I contributed to the cause for water. They were overcharging people for their water bills that they could not pay. It was horrendous. It made me want to cry. In this country. Well, they are stealing our water all over the country. The other one I know about is in Cali where Nestles is stealing water from the Aquifer for decades for pennies. This has been going on under the nose of the Governors. They all know about it. Yes. And Flynn said they would make our children thirsty. I saw that on 4chan. It is escalating little by little drip by drip. This is how they have pulled off what they have. Drip by Drip. And the water supply will be depleted as well, imo. In Africa it is happening too. This has kept me awake at night.

carmencita ago

In addition to this Water Problem I remembered hearing about Foxcon and need for water. Took a while to find it, but found this. There is a Sucking Up of OUR water by the elites https://chicagotonight.wttw.com/2018/02/06/could-climate-change-lead-global-water-crisis Wisconsin Politicians are sitting on the fence about this? The Answer is NO!!

Gimmemymoney ago

Look in the corner of the websites front page and they have the devils sign.

FalsePseudonym ago

Ahahahaha this website thought it was going to run flash player. What websites still use flash?

Matt_Helm ago

Trump is taunting Schiff calling him Liddle now Trump needs to Arrest Schiff and Expose him to the entire world.

TrishaUK ago

Agree wholeheartedly!!

SoSpricyHotDog ago

He didn't only reference it... he posted an image of it. Something big is going down.

gaystapo ago

In liddle kidz founders book, she states "Let's try some tomatoes, using soft cupped hands, place them and move them in a circular motion on the back. And a little more cheese (for the PIZZA) lightly tap fingers all over the back. Now we just wait for the pizza to get nice and hot, move your hands in a circular motion a few times."


Cc1914 ago

Huh? It really says that ?

bopper ago

They are talking about grooming, this is grooming being described. @Cat_anon Massaging the pizza etc.


gaystapo ago

Go on Amazon and search for Tina Allen A Modern Day Guide to Massage for Children

Then scroll through the images of the book. It's the second last or last image. I can't link to amazon on voat.

Cc1914 ago

I think you can link it if it's archived ?

gaystapo ago

I don't know how to archive. If I try to link the direct amazon page is says it's not allowed. Did you find the book I'm talking about?

Cc1914 ago

gaystapo ago

Cool thanks. If you click on it and look at the left hand side, it has a picture of the cover and under it says "see all 9 images". I tried to click and it is just text. That's where you can see the pizza manual I was talking about.

Cc1914 ago

Ok I see and I tried clicking too and nothing .. can you screen shot it? I will keep trying

Cc1914 ago

gaystapo ago

I have a screen shot but I can't load those on here. If you click on this thread the very last post is the image I'm talking about.


Cat_anon ago

This statement deserves a thread of its own!


Reminds me of Alice In Wonder. If I am recalling correctly, the character Alice was based on a real girl named Alice Liddle. Little Alice.

bopper ago

Yes. And Lewis Carroll photographed nude children.


Yeah. I know.

bopper ago

I mainly said that for others to see, I know you've been around here longer than me !

gaystapo ago

Okay this Tina Allen bitch is not helping any. If you check out her instructional children's massage book on Amazon, there are several sample pages and on one she uses assembling a PIZZA to demonstrate technique. That's fucking weird. It appears that I can't link amazon directly on voat so go to amazon and search for Tina Allen A Modern Day Guide to Massage for Children

Then scroll through the images!

TrishaUK ago

Mmmm I agree genuine massage classes with mommies and babies are very beneficial, my daughter has been to them with her baby and it is lovely to see him and her smiling and seeing him calm down after having colicy episodes. But this other Liddle one is worrisome imo. I do hope this does not occur often in her 'classes' (big professional camera videoing the 'experience') https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=Tina+Allen+A+Modern+Day+Guide+to+Massage+for+Children&rlz=1C1GGRV_enGB751GB751&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj6koPQxbHZAhUOmbQKHSoAAqIQ_AUIDSgE&biw=853&bih=386&dpr=3#imgdii=zPbScWI_w1W-7M:&imgrc=Iu0ngbcB1wBkbM:

Vindicator ago

Okay, so I just verified the Q link. The Q drop mentioned, 783, does lead back to an anon discussing this organization. Here's where: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/421920.html#422182.

Giving this the "QAnon Storm Watch" flair. Thanks for posting it Cat_Anon. Please edit these links into the main body of your post.

argosciv ago

Oh EXCELLENT, so it's just greatawakening wiped of Q posts? Or did you fetch that from one of the new sites?

Vindicator ago

Used the new github alternative and followed the links back. Qresearch is still going strong: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/426641.html.

Vindicator ago


srayzie ago

Yeah I made posts

argosciv ago

Schweeeet. I saw the link to the new github in the comments somewhere, I'll save it aside :)

kazza64 ago

you can sign up to massage orphan kids ..... hmmmm ..... i cant see that opportunity being misused by pedophiles

argosciv ago

Would like to think this business is forced to check names against the sex-abuser registry(whatever it's actually called, lol)...

Oh_Well_ian ago

This 'business' is a child pornography factory.

This goes way beyond pedo's scheming to touch kids.

sandywhitewater ago

God, I hope not. I wrote an article about LiddleKidz and Tina Allen, the owner, contacted me asking me to take down my post. I was like...no. www.whitewatertruth.com. You'll see a bonus pic of Mr Billy Boy Clinton too w an orphan.

PedoStomper ago

This. An "organization" like Liddle Kidz is definitely selling children for sex, sacrifice, and for snuff films.

Cat_anon ago

look at what they have on knowyourmeme:


gaystapo ago

The founder tina Allen travels around the world with her husband and son and other massage therapists join them on location. It seems like a small operation and most of the therapists who accompany them are women. The site makes it look huge because they're in many countries but it's basically her travelling, giving workshops and promoting her book.

gaystapo ago

I'm a massage therapist who is also certified in infant massage and I've looked at the website, their instagram, Twitter and YouTube and this looks like a fairly small organization run by one main woman, teaching infant massage around the world. It could be a front but I see nothing nefarious about it. If you look at her twitter, people are already calling her out... Honestly, this kind of witch hunt makes us look fucking insane.

just_floatin_by ago

im in my 30s and have NEVER heard of kid massages by volunteers. you are fkn crazy

gaystapo ago

That being said. There are some super creepy things, that I've listed in this thread. Her website looks like a comet ping pong pedo concert flyer. Her book has infant / child massage techniques that she uses to making a PIZZA to explain. She started her career as a massage therapist working in Hollywood with celebrities etc so she is connected to pedowood.

bopper ago

Yes, and that's the connection to Adam Schiff, whom POTUS referenced in his tweet "Liddle' Adam Schiff."

gaystapo ago

They go to different countries and help them set up therapeutic children's massage clinics in hospitals etc. And teach them the techniques and protocol. It's not really an organization where people volunteer to go massage kids around the world.

argosciv ago

If you look at her twitter, people are already calling her out... Honestly, this kind of witch hunt makes us look fucking insane.

Hmmm... it's almost as if people are jumping to conclusions over "devil horns", could it be, that Satanic Panic does indeed lead to witch hunts? :O mindblowing

PedoStomper ago

Satanic Panic is a made-up term to convince people that Satanic Pedo Rings didn't exist. And you fell for it.

rooting4redpillers ago

The droooooling Teddy-bear is questionable.

Cat_anon ago

that bear is known as pedo bear. look it up.

goodguy1367 ago

Anybody else notice the cartoon devil horns hand sign on the main page for liddlekidz? Right there at the top on the right hand side, the fucking devil horns, literally right in your face, the devils horns.... For fuck sake... @Cat_anon @just_floatin_by @argosciv @Vindicator @GaydolphNiggler

EDIT: Archived http://archive.is/BogjC

argosciv ago


Churches (where children have been abused) sport the crucifix symbol... does that make pedophilia a Catholic/Christian ritual? No.

I could write a whole bunch of bullshit and release it in a blog or whatever, and use that to convince gullible morons that abusing children is a Christian thing to do and that it will bring them closer to Jesus, does that make it true? No.

If there's something untowards about the site/organisation in question and how they treat children, by all means, uncover it... Trying to rest your case on "they have devil horns in their logo" is even more flimsy than relying on the FBI pedo symbols; it's one thing to point out a possible symbol match, you still have to prove that something illegal is happening.

PedoStomper ago

Why do people like you have SUCH a problem with swallowing the Devil Pill? All of these high-level pedos, you know what truly bonds them? It's not the pedophilia, it's the Satanism. These people follow and worship Satan. Everything they do, they do it for him. They are all part of a RELIGION whose tenets are all about MURDER, PEDOPHILIA, and SACRIFICE. So tired of people acting like it's "just a few pedos at the top." They're ALL FUCKING PEDOS. At this point, until its proven otherwise, I consider any and all people in a position of power to be 100% compromised.

Accepting that God and Satan are real, and that these people hate Jesus and worship Satan, that's the biggest factor to this whole thing. Atheists are not going to last long in this fight, because they can't handle the bigger concepts. An atheist is more likely to start spouting "facts" and going on and on about what makes a sociopath/psychopath, but they'll never touch on the true issue, which is that these "people" are 100% possessed by demons, which they themselves conjure up during these rituals where they rape and murder kids. If you can't handle that, get outta the ring, kid.

Cat_anon ago

they prefer to be called Luciferians, but yes, they certainly exist and do all kinds if sick crap.

PedoStomper ago

I really don't give a shit at all what they prefer to be called. I call them useless scum.

argosciv ago

As said elsewhere, Luciferians =/= Satanists.

argosciv ago

Rofl, I laugh more at people like you, than I laugh at people who think Satanism is about praying to "Satan" and rebellion. Carry on with the Christ-signalling all you like, assuming I'm an atheist, that the Christian definition of "Satan" is the only true one... etc etc, whatever you gotta do... 'tis no skin off my back.

PedoStomper ago

If Satanism/Luciferianism wasn't about directly worshiping the "Christian version" of Satan, then why do these Masons and secret societies specifically target JESUS as their enemy? Masons are taught the teachings of Aleister Crowley and Albert Pike, both of whom wrote several times about how A. Masonry is a religion, and B. Lucifer is the deity that they worship. Both authors also specifically attack CHRISTIANITY and JESUS, not every religion worldwide, only the Christian religion. Now why do you think that is? Because the one true God is only Jesus Christ, and all other "gods" are false gods, lies, made up with no other purpose but to deceive. The Masons do not concern themselves with caring about false gods; they only fear the one true King of Kings who can slay them all like the beasts they are, and that deity is not Muhammad, Shiva, or Bhudda. It's Jesus Christ.

The Bible speaks very clearly about people like you, people who will blaspheme and hate Christians with every fiber of your being. I bet you don't have nearly this amount of anger towards any other religions, do you? Only the meanie Christians who just won't stop having a different opinion than you do, right?

You are a faggot, please jump into a fire with Marina Abramovich and Jimmy Comet.

argosciv ago

You are literallly a moron.

I've said countless times, Satanists aren't Luciferians. Luciferians are dumbarses who worship Lucifer.

As for the rest of your whinging, cry me another Euphrates, fuckwit. I don't hate Christians at all, at worst I disagree with a few things here and there, mostly the ignorance.

the one true King of Kings ~ It's Jesus Christ.

Aaanf of course, only Christians can be right...

Fun part, I'm not ripping on Jesus either... but, you carry on with the signalling.

Rgusraper ago

[–]argosciv -1 points (+0|-1) 1.2 days ago

You are literallly a moron.

I've said countless times, Satanists aren't Luciferians.


dragonkiller ago

You are literallly a moron.

I've said countless times, Satanists aren't Luciferians.

Shut up argosciv you treasonous little blood drinking maggot. Nobody cares what you think.

PedoStomper ago

Sorry that you like to live in this open-ended world where everyone can be correct, regardless of their spiritual beliefs. Well, not when it comes to PizzaGate. If you want to take down these Freemasons and these LUCIFERIANS (I used the right term so you wouldn't get so triggered) and you don't believe in Jesus Christ, you may as well just bow out of the fight, because these people--these demons--will drain you of everything that you have if you don't have the full armor of God.

If you go on YouTube and listen to "A Call for An Uprising" or "Richie From Boston" and you laugh at their views, YOU are also part of the problem. Those two guys are the most dead-on out of any and all "truthers." Long story short, if you believe someone to be a "Truther" and they don't mention Fake Jews, Israel, and Satanic Child Trafficking, they aren't telling you JACK SHIT about what's actually important in this fight. Shit like Flat Earth, Genders, SJWs, all of that stuff is for the normies to fight over. The people who see through that and see that God/Satan is at the core of everything, those are the very, very few people who are actually awake. This fact may be hurtful for a lot of people who consider themselves to be Truthers.

If you are not caught up with your literature, non-believers, read Albert Pike's "Morals & Dogma," Manly P. Hall's "The Secret Teachings of All Ages," and Aleister Crowley's "Magick in Theory and Practice." These will tell you everything you need to know about what these Freemasons are taught at the highest levels, which is that Lucifer is God, and that the goyim are cattle and slaves for them, the "Enlightened Ones."

PedoStomper ago

Christians are right. I'm sorry if that fact bothers you, but it's the truth. That's why the Freemason Mafia specifically targets Jesus and his followers. Why don't Masons hate Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, or Jews? Why do they ONLY attack Christians in their literature? It's because the Masons are at least smart enough to know that there are only two deities that exist: Jesus Christ and Lucifer. There are no others, The Masons have chosen their side, and I've chosen mine, and for anyone who's still believing in IDIOTS like Richard Dawkins, well, those people will learn their mistakes soon enough when they figure out that this is a spiritual battle, not a physical or even scientific one. This is the overall force of Good fighting against the overall force of Evil.

goodguy1367 ago

Geez, ease up turbo, was just pointing something out, no need to go in to attack mode.

argosciv ago

M'bad, hairpin trigger :P

Filtering out the attack mode, though: I still absolutely encourage investigation into this one. If not for the devil horns, the seemingly related Trump/Q mention(s). Could very well lead to a "potential lead"(flair), if Q/Trump are indeed making reference to LiddleKids or even Alice Liddell.

goodguy1367 ago

haha all good! And not to mention this creepy as fuck 2011 "newsletter" of theirs with statements like this:

"On LiddleKidz.org you can learn how Liddle Kidz Foundation Global uses the power of touch to reach the world’s most vulnerable children throughout the world with experiences of appropriate nurturing touch that they often lack."

"Our group of 18 global ambassadors spent two weeks in Vietnam traveling from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi providing hands-on massage therapy and nurturing touch to hundreds of infants and children." And also they go on tour called, Liddle Kidz Touch Tour. It all just sounds sickening given where this investigation has taken us. spew...

argosciv ago

"On LiddleKidz.org you can learn how Liddle Kidz Foundation Global uses the power of touch to reach the world’s most vulnerable children throughout the world with experiences of appropriate nurturing touch that they often lack."

Does make the skin crawl for a moment, but, to play Devil's Advocate(oh shit, cue the downvoats now...) for a moment... I am partially reminded of DJT touching the face of a vet who had 2 prosthetic arms, so as to establish an actual physical connection with him; "the power of touch to reach the world's most vulnerable"

"Our group of 18 global ambassadors spent two weeks in Vietnam traveling from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi providing hands-on massage therapy and nurturing touch to hundreds of infants and children." And also they go on tour called, Liddle Kidz Touch Tour.

Now that has me worried... that right there is a perfect opportunity for a predator.

argosciv ago

@just_floatin_by is correct:

OP "about 2 weeks ago" that was today my dude... crazy


Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump

Finally, Liddle’ Adam Schiff, the leakin’ monster of no control, is now blaming the Obama Administration for Russian meddling in the 2016 Election. He is finally right about something. Obama was President, knew of the threat, and did nothing. Thank you Adam!

Feb 18, 2018 12:22:29 UTC

Like @gaystapo, I too, would like to see the Q post relevant to this, however, there's a slight issue with that, at the moment... (seriously, wtf is going on, on that end...)


Alice & Wonderland


Alice Liddell

Relevance unknown, if any: Root of Corruption - Part 7: I lied, one more; "Had to let go"; Vindicating the bards: Lewis Carroll apologies for disarray of that thread

@Vindicator @srayzie @LightlyToasted

Vindicator ago

Thanks for "user-modding" argosciv. This link was sorely needed.

@Cat_Anon, s'pose you could edit it into the body of your post? :-)

Cat_anon ago

sorry, what do you want me to do?

Vindicator ago

Can you provide links to the Trump tweet that argosciv added, and to the Q post where you mention them in your post? We don't want that buried in comments. Technically, "all major claims need supporting links". It's how we sort the disinfo from the real sauce. :-)

argosciv ago

Noteworthy as fuck:


See the apostrophe? Mistake? Shortened word? Missing letter?

Liddell (swap le around to el, add the missing l)

gaystapo ago

Do you have a link to where q mentioned this organization?

Scirel ago

Q posts are now collected here

The above reference is to post number 783.

But post 783 back references to posts 344 and 345. Everyone thought the words on the paper Anderson Cooper is looking at was "Gannett," but it actually is a Cyrillic script and says "bazhzhe" which translates to "walnut sauce," so it is believed Cooper is looking at a rag that is shopping kids that are for sale.

dragonkiller ago

but it actually is a Cyrillic script and says "bazhzhe" which translates to "walnut sauce,"

I forgot about that. I found that very intriguing.

EricKaliberhall ago

Anderson Cooper - Gannett - https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2290164

just_floatin_by ago

OP "about 2 weeks ago" that was today my dude... crazy

bdmthrfkr ago

On the same day that Q drops the same word.

There are no coincidences.

ProudTruther ago

He's done it at least twice.

GaydolphNiggler ago

Whether Q is a larp or not is unimportant in this scope. There is something very wrong here for sure. Preemptive reminder to stay focused. Myself included

siegnagel ago

Q is too intricate to be a larp. It's either true or a psyop. Idk either way, but there's a lot of time being invested.