Relevance to Pizzagate: MKULTRA techniques are strongly suspected of using sexual and ritualistic abuse during the programming process. It is also believed that "mental health" and other "children's centers" may be connected to the Deep State organ and are used to raised MK-programmed individuals.
Here we go:
Exceptional Children's Center:
Note the logo in the upper left hand corner: Pedo swirl with a heart
The team members seem innocuous, but we all know how that happens:
Here is the kicker. ECC on the map:,%20Springfield,%20Virginia%2022150&toWww=1&redig=D862F3A410714EB887CCA96BD6ECB89E
See the U shaped building just above the ECC, about 1/4 mi away? That building is the entrance into this facility:
"In what has been an open secret in Northern Virginia for years, elected officials say the CIA maintains a classified facility in what appears to be a warehouse on property owned by the General Services Administration, the federal government’s landlord. The high-stakes competition for the FBI has put a new spotlight on the site, including new details that suggest the spy agency’s facility is more elaborate than a warehouse.
Some of the proposed sites for a new FBI headquarters submitted to the General Services Administration and made public.
In interviews, local and federal officials — all speaking only on the condition of anonymity because they were concerned about discussing national security secrets or because they knew only a few details about the spot — said the agency has built a facility that may extend underground and whose infrastructure may be so costly to relocate that its presence could scuttle any redevelopment of the 70-acre site.
A Northern Virginia official, who toured the GSA site several years ago, said he was told an elevator is needed to access the CIA’s facility, whose walls are lined with lead."
Whatever is underground in that facility is so big that it scuttled the plans to move FBI HQ what ell believed to be the most optimal location
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carmencita ago
special needs My heart just sank. I know this will not be good. Why do they bother with that mixing up that logo? We Are Not Blind.
Blacksmith21 ago
Can you still hit my map on the edit? I can't. LOL. Guess I pissed someone off...
carmencita ago
What? Pls explain. You mean one of the mods?
Blacksmith21 ago
This one:
No, not the mods. From the archive site.
carmencita ago
Odd those paces are right near the busiest hwy and a metro station. No hiding here. Plain Sight. GSA.
EricKaliberhall ago
Symbolism will be their downfall... Excellent post Blacksmith21!
carmencita ago
Yes. We too can do some Subliminal Exposure.
EricKaliberhall ago
Damn right Carmencita!
carmencita ago
Right now I think that Twitter is our only recourse, as far as exposure. This is a very interesting thought though. Possibly when Tweeting there can be small little phrases, maybe 3 word ones. Add them in a corner somehow. Always including them everywhere. Even on FB. We could do one a week or every two weeks. Maybe, elites hate you , and get meaner every week then elites rape kids , something like that. What do you think?
EricKaliberhall ago
I like that idea... Not too many words, small and subtle, yet powerful. All we need is a signature (symbol) then we can start sneaking it in everywhere... Cyber- guerrilla warfare... Brilliant.
carmencita ago
Seriously we should make this work. The sooner the better. They have had the reins far too long.
EricKaliberhall ago
carmencita ago
I am not a tech specialist by any means. Who can we get to get this idea rolling? Are you good at that? I know @kestrel9 is good at memes, having done a slew for the Swamp Memes.
EricKaliberhall ago
I think we should get a group together in PGwhatever and brainstorm. Or start a post and let people comment. Right now is not the best of times, major drop from Q and Internet is going wild... But don't get me wrong @carmencita I like this idea and I'm willing to participate and push to make this happen.
carmencita ago
OK. It's a plan. TY.