I have never posted but here goes and going to leave this with the super sleuths. I initially posted most of this info into a few other threads but have since edited this. ..... I have been researching the whole pizzagate thing for many years now before it was known as pizzagate. To make a long story short, I became suspicious of the FLDS when they were busted several years ago for abusing their children/marrying the girls as young as 12 to pedophiles. They made the news and over 400 children were removed and placed into care from their sprawling 1,700 acre Yearning For Zion ranch in Eldorado, Texas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1hxmws7yQMQYouTube
Anyone remember? The women and little girls wore 19th century style prairie dresses and hairdos seemingly color coded in some strange way. The women and mothers took to mainstream television pleading for the return of their children very timidly and eerily in a robotic manner as if severely brainwashed. They all sounded exactly the same pleading for the return of their children and refused to answer any questions. The men or husbands rather, were never seen. Mind you many women have escaped before and after this even and have since were interviewed many times with their stories.
Children were reportedly found often with broken bones and young girls as young as age 8 were being secretly married to older men. Reading up on survivors of MKUltra and SRA they usually mention one of many sources perpetrators get their baby 'sacrifices' are from 'breeders', women held in captivity who give birth just for this sole purpose. The FLDS would be perfect candidates for this. Why? Because this particular group YFZ are in the middle of nowhere. If anyone tried to escape it would be such a challenge since they are literally miles from nowhere for one.
Another strange thing often mentioned associated with the FLDS is the 'Lost Boys' where male children are sent away and made homeless because the older men look at them as competition when obtaining multiple wives, but I am not buying that story. Where are all those men today speaking about being involved with the FLDS and sent off? What really was the fate of these young boys? Like I mentioned before, there are many young women and girls who have left and spoke out. I have a strong feeling the 'boys' are sold off for sex slavery or sacrificed. I hope I am wrong about that.
Warren Jeffs was and still is the leader or 'prophet' of this cult and has been jailed for sexual abuse of minor children of YFZ ranch. Apparently, another man by the name of Winston Blackmore with his 27 wives split off to another FLDS community in Bountiful, BC because of Jeff's conviction. Interesting the name Bountiful same as in Utah (bountiful as in procreating?). Anyway, have a gander at this interview. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UixdcBdOjNMYouTube Skip to 26:30 for the juicy part where the interviewer asks a surprise question of his involvement with trafficking children and he acts completely weird and guilty
I believe their is much more than meets the eye with the FLDS. I just wanted to share my two coppers on the matter since it has been discussed here. There is another thread here discussing the FLDS and a blind item which inferred they had a private airport delivering children. I also think that the Turpins couple in California may have been using their daughters as breeders and maybe that is where they received funding all those years. Don't be surprised if they discover that some of those girls gave birth before. Hope that isn't the case though.
Apparently a wife that was married to Warren Jeffs is still missing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xp-xwzyfUhIYouTube
Okay I am going to copy this and paste into the newest thread about this. Peace.
Baichu ago
Yes, it is Bountiful as in procreating! I lived very close to Bountiful and saw young girls, perhaps 22 or 23, already with 5 - 6 children, all the time shopping at the local store. Many of the women are on welfare! Many complaining about their lives, the gossip, the drama, the jealousy involved in the community but still, people in the outside world like you and I are called gentiles (outsiders) and gentiles are evil. "do not associate with gentiles" is one of their mandates. There again, more control by the hierarchy. These people are brainwashed beyond belief!
ASolo ago
Well hold on to yer hats ladies and gentleman cuz it's ON MrsT:
You have to know about this...
Today's Blind Items - The Church
Apparently their religious model has been admired by wealthy parties interested in procuring some of that activity for themselves.
shewhomustbeobeyed ago
https://stjudesranch.org/ http://archive.fo/2018.02.18-191216/https://stjudesranch.org/
About 15 yrs. ago this facility was well known for taking in 'Lost Boys'. I don't know if they still do.
SterlingJB ago
Ever read the Pace Memo? http://mormon-alliance.org/casereports/volume1/part1/v1p1c06.htm#ELDER%20GLENN%20L.%20PACE:%201990%20MEMO
Also, if you're looking into FLDS groups, don't forget the Kingstons http://kingstonclan.com/
Mstruthserum ago
No I haven't read the memo or heard of the Kingstons. Thanks for the link!
Mstruthserum ago
I have just finished reading the memo. All of the signs and techniques mentioned are identical to what other survivors say. I remember there was a woman who remains anonymous, who gave her testimony that David Icke published in his book Children of the Matrix. She talked of being raped and made to participate in rituals where babies were sacrificed. She also said that the temple in Salt Lake City were performing sacrifices in their basement. Like in the memo you posted stated, churches have been infiltrated and used for this purpose.
jangles ago
FLDS have no birth certificates
Mstruthserum ago
I heard the same. Is why I was wondering if SRA survivors are alluding to these communities when talking about breeders. They have stated time and time again that the babies aren't in the stats because they have no birth certificates to register their existence as to go unnoticed.
Blacksmith21 ago
Excellent post. I've long maintained that pedophilia knows no religious, cultural or other boundaries. Kiddie f*****s exist everywhere.
It would not surprise me in the slightest if FLDS could have been a "supplier" to other "secular" pedos. Heck, it could be something as simple as a "brothel/outbuilding" on the property.
You may want to dig in a bit more to see if you can identify the above mentioned properties. It would pretty easy to determine if there was a landing strip on the property.
Having said that, landing strips on ranches - especially in TX - is not unusual. I've know several Texans over the years who had their own private planes and landing strip (or municipal airport) just so they could commute around the state (think oil industry).
Mstruthserum ago
Thank you. I have often wondered the same about groups like the FLDS being fronts for something far more sinister. The airstrip was mentioned on another thread about the FLDS and the location was noted to be on a border of Utah. I forget which other state but lots of info and connections were made on that thread. It was pertaining also to a blind item and about the FLDS caught in a money scandal.
Baichu ago
I've read just about every book by those who have escaped the FLDS. The boys are often just dropped off on the highway to fend for themselves with no money, no education, no food. Many become drug addicted, maybe even prostitutes. The book, Lost Boy, by Brent Jeffs, one of the many offspring of creepy Warren tells a compelling story of being raped by Jeffs numerous times while his accomplices stood by and did nothing. They have a massive "temple" in Texas, complete with secret chambers and the sacrificial bed for the young girls and boys. I do not understand why there hasnt been a mass exodus from the "church" by it's members, however, that is the power of a cult. Make you totally dependent on it, so you can't leave. It is a despicable cult to the core (as most are).
derram ago
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=1hxmws7yQMQHookTube :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=UixdcBdOjNMHookTube :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=xp-xwzyfUhIHookTube :
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