Matt_Helm ago

Kubrick was absolutely murdered for making this the illuminati paid a doctor to kill Stanley to make it look like a heart attack. Then the studio Warner Bros. saw the finished film and they went into a blind panic they cut out all of the scenes in the mansion that showed kids being abused the 14 year old girl LeeLee Sobieski played in the costume shop she was most likely at the mansion with a group of her young friends. The footage is locked away never to be seen. The two chairmen at the studio Warner Bros. sat in the editing room and told the editor what to cut and they released it the way they wanted to so as not to offend the illuminati and get killed themselves. I never knew about the original ending I'd love to see it if Stanley filmed it. Maybe some day we will see Kubrick's full version but I doubt it. The footage might have been destroyed.

GreenDell144 ago

After seeing some of these comments, it’s clear that I will have to check out this movie again.

GreenDell144 ago

This was such an odd movie for me, because I was still quite naive and uninitiated. Now I see it as an obvious lunge, a stab at the truth on the part of the director. This movie is clearly based on reality.

Narcissism ago

Probably I am mentioning an old point but in one scene there is a book on the table which is also Krubrick being cryptic.

Mstruthserum ago

I long suspect that the 30 minutes of missing footage in this film depicted children being involved in the ritual scenes. And one thing I have noticed about the mansion is how many goddess statues that were around every corner, holding up an illuminated torch. I am sure that has significance along with the other symbols and clues.

Saufsoldat ago

You should watch the film backwards to listen for demonic messages.


Why do people keep saying Kubrick was trying to send us a message? It's like the WWII codebreakers at Bletchley Park saying Hitler was trying to send them coded messages.

Kubrick's messages are not for you. They are for those who know and understand the codes and their hidden meanings.

angelafogo ago

I believe he is an exception, redemption after all is always a possibiity, if not, then why was he murdered?

InnocentAngels ago

I was watching a movie with Robin Williams today, and I started thinking about Shelly Duvall. My mind went to that odd interview with her on Dr Phil where she said Robin Williams wasn't dead, but shape shifting. She also said she had a disc under her skin and the sheriff of Nottingham was trying to kill her. I wonder if her mental illness was due to MK ultra? She worked under Kubrick in The Shining. He treated her terribly from a couple of things I saw. Anyway, this article is very interesting and maybe he was wanting redemption in later life. He wanted his daughter to leave The Church of Scientology, which she never did. Thought you would like to read it.

ASolo ago

Oh angelafogo angelafogo girl with a glow, why do you tempt me to show what I kno?




On 12 September 2014, Dr Antony Kidman, the father of actress Nicole Kidman, died in mysterious circumstances.

A police spokesperson told Reuters they were investigating the death as 'unnatural'.

Dr Kidman reportedly fell after eating breakfast in the restaurant of The Tanglin Club in Singapore.

Dr Kidman was an Australian clinical psychologist.

Dr. Antony Kidman died "after fleeing Australia when accused of the sexual abuse and murder of children in an elite Sydney pedophile ring.

"A month prior Fiona Barnett had filed a complaint with the police and Child Abuse Royal Commission alleging that Dr Kidman sexualy and physicaly assaulted her throughout her childhood.

"When the Commission opened an investigation Dr Kidman suddenly went to Singapore."

Dr Kidman was at one time a visiting fellow at the National Institute of Mental Health in the United States. (I do not usually cite b4itsnews but this article was authored by a professional clinician)

In 1995, Nicole Kidman appeared in the film Batman Forever.

In 1999, Nicole Kidman, with then husband Tom Cruise, starred in Eyes Wide Shut, the final film of Stanley Kubrick.

In 2004 she appeared in the film, Birth, in which Kidman shares a bath with her co-star, 10-year-old Cameron Bright.

Some of these films are said to be linked to CIA mind-control.


Eyes Wide Shut Are Open; Antony and Nicole Kidman, Kravitz, Zampolli and MK-Ultra Sex Slavery; Maccoby, Comet Ping Pong

angelafogo ago

Im already aware of all this information. Thank you nevertheless for bringing it up for the rest as it relates to the post. Dr Kirdman failed with his programming techniques, he was murdered by (((them)))

ASolo ago

Well of course you are I wasn't assuming anything I just thought adding it in a nice format would be a good thing. I can understand why so many people are so touchy about things in this world, including me, but it always serves as a good gauge as to how things are ramping up out there. As with any jump off thread I do I like to have some fun with it and at least compliment those who inspired it. So, yeah, thanks. (Puts hands in his pockets and wanders back over to his thread).

angelafogo ago

I also like RPG games ;)

YogSoggoth ago

Jim Morrison's dad might have had a shot over the bow by a Chinese junk, but things really started to roll with John Sidney "Jack" McCain Jr., who was recommended by Ellsworth F. Bunker. He was mentioned by Pedo Allen Ginsburg in a poem called September On Jessore Road, in which he let's us know what he was there for. Is this what I did to myself in the past? What shall I do Sunil Poet I asked? Move on and leave them without any coins? What should I care for the love of my loins? Not making any real connection, other than it seems a small world with certain influential groups.

ASolo ago

Nice comment.

YogSoggoth ago

I hope everyone knows that they can take anything I type for free, lessen I says so. I Am not here to ... well, I'm not sure if I want to be here. 23 skiddo on that one. Last name Ginsburg is a connection.

memphistre ago

It was changed to not depict diddlers.

scarlettm512 ago

The movie was actually based on a 1926 novel (Traumnovelle) which was written by Jewish German author named Arthur Schnitzler. Interestingly, Adolph Hitler called all of Schnitzler's work "Jewish filth". The book ends with the husband confessing everything he had done and promising it will never happen again. The wife tells him not to look too far into the future (meaning that he can't possibly promise such a thing because they don't know what will happen in the future) but that the important thing is that they survived their "adventures".

The author also kept a very detailed diary of his own sexual conquests and recorded details about his orgasms, so it isn't much of a surprise that his work was filled with sexual themes. Evidently, this upper class sex party/ritual thing has been going on for quite a while if this guy was writing about it in the 1920s. If you have ever looked into the degeneracy of the Weimar republic (Berlin became the primary sex tourist destination because literally any kind of perversion could be had for a price -- including child prostitution) -- you'll start to see why it was possible for the Nazis to come into power. Pornography has always been a Jewish dominated industry (and it still is in the US) -- so, it kind of explains why Hitler had such a strong dislike of Jewish people. Of course, he went off the rails with his hatred -- but it wasn't as if there wasn't some reason to dislike the way that Jewish people were influencing the culture.

GreenDell144 ago

The historical details of your comment have piqued my curiosity, thanks. It seems like we are constantly uncovering more and more new information from that era, it’s mindboggling, especially considering that it’s been studied and scrutinized so much.

angelafogo ago

Very concise and to the facts. Thank you. All this is truth. Nazism was a response to the degeneracy during Weimar Republic

Jobew1 ago

Good post

Hagen2018 ago

Kubrick wasn't warning us of anything, just being the demonic kike he was and mocking the sheep with his little occult flick.

angelafogo ago

Really. Then why was he killed just before finishing this one? And why was this one 30 minutes edited?


Kubrick wasn't murdered. EWS is exactly the way he wanted it. I've been researching this movie for a long time. You haven't fell down the Kubrick hole yet. EWS is the greatest feat of cinemetography in the history of cinema. It's kind of like interactive virtual reality. The movie can be edited many different ways to show many different images. Lots of other people have figured this out and leave clues. People keep their mouths shut because they don't want to ruin the thrill of discovery for others. Expand your thinking and your research. Kubrick was raised as a Frankist jew. Research that and Kaballah.

angelafogo ago

"People keep their mouths shut because they don't want to ruin the thrill of discovery for others"

Yeah. Thats the reason.


That's my reason.

scarlettm512 ago

Just for laughs, I'll throw out the conspiracy theory that maybe the 30 edited minutes were a reference to him filming the faked Apollo moon landings :) That alone would be reason to kill him. Although, how he could manage to put in some symbolism that ties EWS to the Apollo missions seems pretty impossible. Although, he did manage to put some in The Shining -- so I guess he could have pulled it off if he wanted to. I don't really believe this, of course, but I am surprised that no one has thrown out the idea that he was silenced for that. That seems to be the biggest conspiracy theory linked to Kubrick.

Haldelos ago

Funny you bring this up. I watched EWS the other for the first time in awhile...I've seen in 3-4 times in the past. At the end i was more focused on the daughter who goes off with the two men and all the teddy bears all over the place....I was surprised at her last line "fuck" ...I literally was thinking to myself it's weird that i don't remember that being the ending.

angelafogo ago

The Script in EWS is considered by experts and critics as one of the most beautifully written scripts in the history of cinema. That stupid ending is like a stain in the face of the Mona Lisa.

mrnobu ago

Wow. Mind blown

GeorgeT ago

Kubrick might have chosen Nicole for a reason. Nicole's father Anthony Kidman was under investigation when he died under mysterious circumstances. He was purported to be a member of the 9th Circle Hunting Club - A notorious child-torture-pedophile ring where it involves hunting and rape torture and murder of children. Fiona Barnett held a press conference in 2015 detailing the bloody escapades of the cabal - implicating a well known Australian Prime Minister and other high ranking politicians. By casting Nicole in the film, Kubrick threw a gauntlet at the cabal. Let's make sure Stanley did not die for nothing.

angelafogo ago

Exactly. Thank you.

GeorgeT ago

Thanks a million angelafogo. I have been researching this film for years. I missed that one.

angelafogo ago

I have been researching this film for some time now as well. For me it is one of the most important films. Please note i have not read the whole script yet. I am going to read it and dissect it. But just this change in the ending for me it means almost too much and i am surprised nobody has brought it up yet.

GeorgeT ago

Great dig. This movie cost Stanley his life. In the Shining he exposed the moon landing hoax.

21yearsofdigging ago

I also heard that scenes were cut from the film after Kubrick died. I think a crew member on Eyes Wide Shut mentioned children being sexually abused(ritually abused?) and that those scenes were cut out. I will try to find confirmation.

DerivaUK ago

I’d say ‘features’ rather than ‘stars’. The comments have other suggestions

21yearsofdigging ago

Would be VERY disappointed if it is Kubrick.I relly thought he was out to expose the pedophiles and the secret societies (i.e. ritual abuse). But as we all learn around here, anything ans anyone is possible

carmencita ago

Yes. But, was not Chaplin mentioned as well. I could not decide. What do you think.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Any luck? Could definitely red pill some Lefty film friends.

Smartech ago

This is bullshit. In the original Kubrick's ending Nicole Kidman kills Tom Cruise with poison during breakfast the next morning, and before he dies, she explains to him that she is an MK Ultra slave who obeys everything she is told to do, like the prostitutes at the orgy. It was cut off and substituted with the meaningless ending at the mall.

cguinevere ago

If I remember correctly, the "meaningless" ending at the mall actually depicts their daughter being plied with teddy bears by two men, as if their daughter had been sold. When I first watched the movie though, I did expect an ending almost exactly like what you said.

scarlettm512 ago

That wasn't in the novel that this screenplay was based on -- so that is definitely an element that Kubrick added. Also in that same toy story scene, Bill and Alice walk past a display of a board game that looks like a red pizza box and the name on the box is "Magic Circle". And, if you notice, the two men who the their daughter follows off camera look an awful lot like the two men sitting at the tables in the Christmas party scene. Meaning these aren't just any 2 random guys. These are part of that "upper crust" sex party/ritual crowd.

Knowing that Kubrick was meticulous about details in his movies, I think it is safe to say that these are important details that he placed there for some reason. Of course, it is up for interpretation what he meant by putting them there -- but my interpretation is that the entire movie documents their initiation (a test, so to speak) into that inner or "magic" circle and that probably includes their daughter participating or being groomed into it as well.

Smartech ago

That's right. The poisoning scene goes right after Tom Cruise discovers the white mask on the cushion with the sleeping wife.

cutelobster ago

Have you got a reference for this alternative ending? I haven't heard of it before.

Smartech ago

No. Unless you have access to Kubrick's personal files.

cutelobster ago

OK - maybe I should ask, how do you know about this ending? From what I read before, the differences in the main alternative version, the one which was cut by the studio, related to the middle of the film and not the ending.

Smartech ago

I was involved in the making of the script as a consultant.

cutelobster ago

I see. Did you work on any other of his scripts? Do you regard Kubrick's career as fulfilling the Luciferian/Illuminati agenda or as aiming to undermine it?

Smartech ago

No, and never met him irl. Clockwork Orange, 2001 and EWS have explicit occult symbolism.

Dressage2 ago

I had read somewhere he was planning on coming out with a movie about pedophila. Had you been consulted regarding this future movie that was never made?

Smartech ago

No. I only know that Kubrick died before finishing the original ending.

ProudTruther ago

I forgot it was Nicole Kidman whose fatger turns up in the Pizzagate stories Fiona Barnett I think her name was.

carmencita ago

Yes! Her father Antony Kidman tied Fiona to a chair and abused her as Nicole stood there with a smirk. That is from Fiona's own words. Every time I see her on TV I want to throw something at her, The Bloody Witch.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I think the father was silenced when he "died" overseas.

carmencita ago

Yes, I do too. They had to protect what he would be confessing in order to save his own neck.

millennial_vulcan ago

IRONY that Kidman was in this film! Specially picked? See oher comment I copied you on...

carmencita ago

Also, The message to not pay attention to things like George Orwell's 1984. 1984 was a Look Into The Future. Don't pay attention. It means nothing. Also, all the things they are doing now will affect the future, yes, like MK Ultra. Don't worry about the future. Live for Now. Don't pay attention. I think it is a message that it is all one big party. Nothing to Worry About.

angelafogo ago

Yes. For me it is a message to the lambs from someone living among the wolves. It was his last predicament and a warning "Act now or be lost forever"

carmencita ago

Oh yes, that is part of it. The Lambs become Sheep. They will be lost if they do not pay attention. And yes, he was most def Sending A Message. Time To Turn This Car Around. Right Now. Grab hold of that wheel.

angelafogo ago

Please check my recent post. Carmencita

Blacksmith21 ago


Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Brave New World

carmencita ago

BNW is a much better idea than NWO Great Name!

cutelobster ago

'Brave new world' maybe sounds better because it is a quote from Shakespeare ('The Tempest'). 'New World Order' isn't from Shakespeare.

carmencita ago

Yes and I love the word BRAVE. We should make sure though, that this is not one of their plans.

Caveman_in_a_suit ago

Two factions of the the elite: those who desire misery and suffering for the masses (1984) versus those who prefer docile and always distracted sheep (BNW). We seem headed for the worst of both Orwell & Huxley's visions.

carmencita ago

I am hoping that BNW means what it says. Brave to Defend and Fight their NWO. Yes, they do love the Sheep. And they have done a good job with distraction, but I also see many Waking Up.

EricKaliberhall ago

Mandela Effect... :)

angelafogo ago

...Incredible. Nobody remembers this ending, and it is such an awfully shitty ending for such an absorbing movie. Do you have any theory?

resurgence ago

Wasn't the movie heavily editted after his death and before its release?

angelafogo ago

He was killed during editing.

EricKaliberhall ago

How do you communicate to a global satanic pedophile cabal... You change something that they know by heart (If they had hearts, you know what I mean). I believe that this is how they communicate, symbolism and subtle messages for the world to see...

letsdothis1 ago

No doubt Kubrick was pulling the curtain back to peer into a world that was largely unseen then but I'm not sure what your point is about the ending change. Could you expand on that?

angelafogo ago

The ending was a warning. We will not be awake for too long. We must act now or be lost forever. The world is divided between the awaken and the sleepers, we are losing ground. This was Kubricks last warning to us all and this is why he was killed.

pby1000 ago

They removed the warning.

letsdothis1 ago

"We should never look into the future" ?

pby1000 ago

I'll have to rewatch it and read the end of the script. I recall that she said "Fuck!" At the end, whoch made no sense.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

"Fuck" is an imperative word. It's NLP speak. IMO, it's being used to continue to brainwash the audience into thinking about the mindless orgy/sexualisation, instead of this ending: that CLEARLY matches the title of the movie.

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, that's how I interpreted it.

pby1000 ago

Sure, I can buy that. However, it seems like it is much different than the script.