captainramius87 ago

This is what everyone needs to see. I wish more people could calm down though and be more realistic about why things will take more time than they want. Me being slightly younger at age 30. I could see how people who have been awake for 30 or more years have not much faith left about anything ever changing.

But we NEED to keep reminding ourselves. The INTERNET is still very very new. The internet has the power to change peoples beliefs like we have never seen before. Even though these sick satanic globalists are doing everything they can to stop people. The internet is something they have never had to deal with. Its literally only a matter of time at this point.

Its my personal belief that Trump and the whitehats have all the evidence they need to make arrests and end things for good. What they need is enough public support and outrage before they make the serious moves.

Please everyone keep fighting, take care of yourselves and be healthy. Be PATIENT. And pray to god that Love will win and the people of this plant will come together and help each other.

GreenDell144 ago

Also, let’s watch out for each other. This isn’t like other chat forums. We’re not here for jokes or arguing. It’s obvious that we are all reasonably like-minded. We have different beliefs and ideologies, sure, but we know something important and we care and we are on the same team. Let’s keep a look out for each other. Shills and trolls stick out like a sore thumb here... but we are dealing with the most powerful people on the planet and the biggest mess in history. Be cautious.

kazza64 ago

you know when i get discouraged ? when i'm sitting at home and i catch mainstream media reporting the news .... its very disheartening because everything they say just takes the wind out of my sails ..... and reddit is very anti trump too it is planted with many many anti trump stories ...... facebook :/ dont even go there it is just completely anti trump and it was before the election i cant believe the bottom feeders on fb swallow the crap they are being dished up

Baichu ago

I wonder if "they" ever thought about never being caught. Thanks to the internet, "they" can't keep up with those who will never give up. More and more people getting the message everyday, even though it seems so sloooow and takes many a long time for the horror to sink in.

Vindicator ago

@GreenDell144: Just wanted to say thank you for making the effort to craft this as a research post that complies with our anti-shitpost submission rules. 👍

Psalm144-1 ago


huhWHAThuh ago

Well said. I think my only disagreement would be the choice of background music. I'm hearing a robust version of Tom Petty's "I Won't Back Down" playing along with the progression i'm watching. I sometimes take a rest and reflect on how things are moving, but i'm never discouraged because the tipping point has passed. It is far into the rear view mirror of this process. Too many know too much about a cabal that is far too sickening and evil to share a planet with. They overplayed their hand. As Admiral Yamamoto said after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor: "I fear that the only thing we have accomplished is to wake a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve." The giant is only now slowly starting to awaken. But everyone with eyes open to this is definitely filled with a terrible resolve. And that can only spread further as more come into the light.

GreenDell144 ago

Well said. I like that Petty song a lot. Robert Plant put out some new stuff a couple of years ago. One song in particular is quite apt: “Satan, your kingdom must come down”. It’s kinda nice if you ever liked zeppelin.

argosciv ago

Oh hey, just saw I'm pinged to this.

Tip: Only the first 5 pings per post, go out; I'll ping the missed ones for ya: @think- @pizza-party-pooper-2

Bonus tip: helps to not ping spamaleks like JFA

Per the main post itself:

Message 1: Very well said, except for one detail which muddies the waters exponentially - that aside, couldn't agree more.

Message 2: Nail on the fucking head.

The rest: No argument here.

GreenDell144 ago

Thanks for looking out, friend.

darkknight111 ago

Here here.

I'd say 1 million (based on global numbers) is relatively accurate. Given that our enemy is the .1%, a reasonable number.

More to the rallying cry....

"Don't forget. Always, somewhere, someone is fighting for you. As long as you remember that, you are not alone." Yeah, I know, tottaly cheesy to reference an anime quote, but its context of hope vs overwhelming odds and soul crushing despair is VERY relevant to us.

Also, this line that summnizes us and who we are.

"We are what nightmares fear!"

GreenDell144 ago

Kewl. Which anime? Is it relatively kid safe?

darkknight111 ago

Puella Magi Madoka Magica.

Really dark magical girl series by Gen Urobuchi (the author of stuff like Fate Zero).

I'd say TV-14 namely for violence. Has an excellent dub (the movie version rather than the TV version since its the same cast but vastly improved).

The series that helped red pill me and refine how I think in terms of this investigation is "When They Cry" (both Higurashi and Umineko). Half psychological horror half fair play mystery. NOT for kids for it is TV-A due to intense violence.


I wish I could say the same thing for the UK. If you watch any of the television over here, most of it is marketed at pedos, or is pushing a pedo agenda to the weak minded.

I think the police and intel agencies involvement in child trafficking, prostitution and brownstoning has given them data on how many paedophiles there are in the UK and what social strata they belong to. This data has made its way to banks, corporations and government and now they are going for the children to abuse them and ruin their futures.

GreenDell144 ago

Hang in there. This thing is gonna have different effect in different places. Even tho you are most oppressed, u r also most awakened, am I right? Prolly limited access to free speech and other distractions is keeping u divided/isolated. When your government starts to lose international alliances, you will likely see more progress, IMO

NeverGiveUp ago

Great post bru, but at the end the storms are going to come from heaven..If not we're all screwed.! Pizzagate had no official victims, Dutroux had victims...what HAPPENED? NOTHING. The system is just too corrupted to make a U turn.

Laurent Louis fighting for the kids since day one, but everyone else just don't give a fuck.

GreenDell144 ago

Yeah. The Dutroux case is foreboding. Perhaps the nations where that occurred are too deep in the global elite power nexus. Maybe those people are just too polite. I dunno. It’s an anomaly that has a lesson for us. It would behoove us to look closely at 5hat event and ask why they failed. Also, what worked for them? My guess is that it is directly connected to the tyrannical power of the government in general, for that region, and free speech issues.

JusticeforAaron ago

This is a great post. I also agree that God is behind this. I'm not religious but I give full gratitude for everything to God. Any great person has been inspired by God, by the source, by whatever you want to call it.

I gave into arguing with people of a low nature, that just emboldens them. I know there are good people here that want to make a difference and I need to remember them. Thanks for the message.

Agile ago

We are lucky to have this community on voat, keep up the great work you can feel the tide turning hard. It's been a long journey of red pills and toughening up!

FuggBenis ago

Well written and thought-out. Saved, for those rare moments of doubt. Thanks.

GreenDell144 ago

On the contrary. Thanks for sounding out. I’m glad I could help. Thanks for being here.

migratorypatterns ago

I'll keep this on hand because I'm constantly getting discouraged.

But it's only been a year ... so much has been accomplished.

We should be proud and not discouraged of what's been done, and thankful to those in power helping rid the Cannibal Elite from positions of power.

GreenDell144 ago

Hang in there. You do great work.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

I appreciate it.

TrishaUK ago

This is exactly what I have been encouraging. GreenDell144! - God is for us, and people are slowly awakening. @carmencita you are right too!

carmencita ago

Yes, I think God is giving us a Helping Hand! :)

Baichu ago

I believe all of it is in His hands.

carmencita ago

Yes, but those that do not help themselves will come up empty handed. We can't always wait for Him and many times we can get the ball rolling.

Baichu ago

Agreed, a person must act, be responsible and do something and once that is accomplished then.....

carmencita ago

Yes He put us here to take care of the Children 👶 and the earth 🌏. That is our job.

BlueberryPancakesESP ago

To the microchip

Blacksmith21 ago

Kudos and strawberry flavored upvoats (as opposed to dick flavored) for you. @greendell144 - Read this:

GreenDell144 ago

An excellent link. Than you.

Blacksmith21 ago

Go for it. I'm getting slammed by the Nazis on another post.

BlueberryPancakesESP ago

You want people to be microchipped.


Cc1914 ago

Thank you for this uplifting and 100% spot on post !!

purplueelephant ago

You do realise these people are Tavistock and Seth Rich is a made up character?

NoBS ago

This post has a distinct Dick flavor towards the aggregation of information.

Have you tried Jim Jones juice? Flavor Aid was the brand back then but Kool Aid is openly accepted.

Grape was the most common flavor, but we don't discriminate.

carmencita ago

UpVoats!!! Thank You for the Pep Talk for We need one Now and Then. Especially Today. Some are on here trying to Take Down Two of the most Valuable Researchers we have had @Jem777 and @Gothamgirl They do not even know how to spell our usernames correctly. They will never deter those that you list in your post nor all of Our True Warriors.

GreenDell144 ago

Jet always comes through. A great contributor.... good job lookin out for others.

carmencita ago

Yes, Jem and @Gothamgirl too. True Warriors.

purplueelephant ago


Tavistock witches

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you for sharing this.

GreenDell144 ago

I give the credit to the Big Boss upstairs.

I commend you for your fine effort

PigeonCoup ago

Trying to harm people intentionally. You are total scum @gothamgirl aka @jem777 aka @carmencita

Blacksmith21 ago

He just got a bag full of dick flavored downvoats. Y'all need to remember to downvoat he trolls generously.

DerivaUK ago

Ain’t been here long if he thinks Carm and Jem are one and the same

Gothamgirl ago

Is that the best you have. Try harder lol.

PigeonCoup ago

Fuck you FBI scum