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letsdothis1 ago

You realize that with the focus on the location and Tavistock in that post also points very much to the Hampstead case very directly right?

@swordfish69 @ListenUp

The Rt Hon Baroness Manningham-Buller LG DCB, Co-President, Chatham House; Chair, Wellcome Trust; Director-General, UK Security Service (MI5)

Sir Christopher Geidt, Private Secretary to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

BT, the Red Cross, the Clinton Foundation and Will Draper. Yup, it's another US/UK connection for the Hampstead case.. the UK pizzagate

Btw, in terms of Will Draper - he went to work for a very discrete Swiss Bank in London called Mirabaud back in the summer of 2015. ......... (Mirabaud is on the same level as the Rothschilds). Their London address at the time was 33 Grosvenor Place. Here's a peculiar article on this address: GROTESQUE DEMONS AT 33 GROSVENOR PLACE

33 Grosvenor Place, London, which appears to be an office building, stands directly across from Buckingham Palace gardens. The iconography decorating its upper storeys is nothing short of startling, and makes me wonder if there is / was something significant going on in this building - such as intelligence operations.

... What's most interesting about the figures is that the angel figures are all male, the demons are female - all showing breasts, and hooves, and most of them appear to be pregnant - and -- most shockingly -- the angels are stabbing or lancing the demons' pregnant abdomens! This suggests two things to me: firstly, the concept of "slaying your lower nature", and secondly the ritual 'cremation of care', as the angel-men are slaying babies in the wombs of the demons - probably their own offspring - born of a union between the angel and the demon in question - which ties in with child sacrifice to Moloch. It's really quite shocking.

I just did a search for that address in Wikileaks. Seems its connected to Stratfor, you know, that global intelligence outfit. Seems the associated London company is CQS Management. And the CEO there is one Michael Hintze Read the section on his charitable foundation. Seems like a wealth of information there.

'Sugar daddy' Tory donor's company earns £125million a year....but pays just £77,000 tax

Hintze is also a Vatican Bank board member: Revealed: Vatican bank officials tied to fossil fuels,

Vatican>CQS CAYMAN(hedge fund)>Michael Hintze>Child Investment Fund Foundation>Clinton Foundation (pizzagate)

With an impressive resume, one of the organisations Hintze supports is The Oxford Foundation for Theoretical Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence.

The Oxford Foundation for Theoretical Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence and the Hampstead Case - Six Degrees of Separation

Prime Minister Appoints Sir Michael Hintze, Björn Savén, Sir Peter Stothard and Rachel Wang as Trustees of the National Portrait Gallery.

The Rt Hon Theresa May MP has appointed Sir Michael Hintze, Björn Savén, Sir Peter Stothard and Rachel Wang to the Board of the National Portrait Gallery for terms of four years, ending on 2 April 2021

Truth behind Tory donor in honours row: Why multi-millionaire hedge fund baron was pushed through to be knighted

Sir Michael has donated £1.4 million to the Tories and provided a further £2.5 million in loans to the party since 2005.

But he also occupies a key role in Prince Charles’s life as chairman of the Prince’s Foundation for the Built Environment.

The Prince’s former aide Michael Fawcett organised Sir Michael’s lavish 55th birthday party at Wrotham Park, Herts.

‘Although Charles made no direct personal intervention on behalf of the honour, his gratitude for the work Sir Michael has done for him is widely known,’ I am told.