think- ago

Another of his foster children - i.e. her guardian on behalf of the child - already went to court last year to sue Arizona Child Protection Service. This story is even more horrible.

graphic/trigger warning:

Later she was placed with another family,

'where the foster mother burned her with scalding water over 80 percent of her body

Fleming and Curti PLC, court-appointed guardian of Jane Doe, sued Arizona, its Department of Child Safety, other state agencies, the Christian Family Care Agency and a host of other institutions and people, in Pima County Court.

The Department of Child Safety, formerly Child Protective Services, removed Jane Doe from her biological mother’s home in 2013, when she was 2, and placed her with David and Barbara Frodsham, a state-licensed foster home, according to the June 16 lawsuit.

The state allowed Jane to stay with the Frodshams for 18 months, despite her biological mother’s complaints of “Jane Doe’s repeated documented urinary tract infections,” the complaint states.

“Instead of investigating Jane Doe’s biological mother’s concerns of abuse, [DCS] and the defendant caseworkers accused her of making false and exaggerated reports to DCS,” according to the complaint.

The state did not act until David Frodsham, driving drunk, left 3-year-old Jane and another child in his parked car while he was collecting his foster parent check in a state office, while “visibly drunk and acting belligerent.” Police were called and found Frodsham had a .28 blood alcohol concentration. They removed Jane from his care but did not investigate his home, the complaint states.

They placed her, when she was still

Narcissism ago

The military seems to be another profession that attracts Pedos like flies.

think- ago

Yes. While I'm sure that there are many people in the military who would never hurt a child, and despise pedos, we shouldn't neglect the connection of dealing with violence (training) on an every day basis, and harming civilists.

In all countries involved in wars, stats of domestic violence e.g. show a steep rising of these incidents, after the end of war.

GeorgeT ago

It does seem to attract people with certain issues. Let's think about it, a guy is signing up to be screamed at and told what to do 24/7. Psycho-sexual domain of those who sign up for this kind of abuse and mind control cannot be overlooked. Something is rotten in Denmark. No disrespect to all honorable military men out there. My own uncle was in the military as were my grandfathers. I personally will not hesitate to pick up a weapon and defend my country from foreign invasion but to sign up as a mercenary, doing bidding for private banks and global monsters like the Carlyle Group - no thank you.

think- ago

But I believe that it is rotten as we go higher up in the ranks and military intelligence.

Yes, think of Michael Aquino, the OTO guy, a satanist who was a high ranking Military Intelligence Officer.

GeorgeT ago

Anbsolutely and the infamous Wes Point Military academy satanic sexual abuse involving children, and despite medical evidence, over 950 testimonies involving 60 FBI agents only one was charged (soon released) Aquino was the mastermind but guess who was the chief prosecutor - Rudi Giuliani!!!!!

think- ago

Giuliani? Interesting!

3141592653 ago

I found this part of the article to be particularly interesting:

"It goes on to say that a psychologist who “does assessments of sex offenders in the military believes that the coded language of the discharge indicates the underlying reason for his removal was sexual abuse of boys in Afghanistan.”

The claim also says John Doe believes “Most of the predators are in the military in Sierra Vista with top secret security clearances.'"

think- ago

I found this part of the article to be particularly interesting:

"It goes on to say that a psychologist who “does assessments of sex offenders in the military believes that the coded language of the discharge indicates the underlying reason for his removal was sexual abuse of boys in Afghanistan.”

While I'm sure that most military staff serving in Afghanistan are good men(women, we should perhaps re-consider that many pedophiles could have gone there, too, knowing that the Afghans have a tradition of child sex slaves, who are presented in the open, so children are even easier accessible than in other war-torn countries.

3141592653 ago

There is also extensive poppy for the stealing.....

HennyPenny ago

Digging deeper: Ratio of number of residents to number of sex offenders per city data in Sierra Vista:1030 to one

Huachuca City, a nearby Army military base: 166 to 1 !!!!!!

Huachuca is also home to US Army Intelligence Center: " United States Army personnel who train at the school become members of the Military Intelligence Corps. AIT students training to become Systems Maintainers (42 weeks), Intelligence Analysts (16 weeks), Human Intelligence Collectors (21 weeks), Geospatial Intelligence Imagery Analyst (22 weeks), UAS Operators (23 weeks), and Special Agents with United States Army Counterintelligence, all receive training here."

Military spooks and sex offenders clustered near the Mexican border. Wonder if Army Special Agents who are also child molesters get preferential treatment from local LEO?

Below see articles on two Huachuca residents nabbed for child porn, one of them went to Sierra Vista library and was using their computer to view child porn

think- ago

Great comment, @HennyPenny, thanks for this!

This seems to be a case we should watch closely.

HennyPenny ago

Here's another Sierra Vista resident, ex military doing time in prison for child molestation. This dates from 2004 to 2007 before the police actually did something about it. This guy was also into film:

"Aug. 5, 1999, said Mr. Ferrell had been in the Army for nine years and had spent most of his career as a broadcast journalist. His next known duty station was Fort Huachuca in Arizona, where he retired in 2004. The defense presented an entirely different view of Mr. Ferrell. It stressed his passion for mentoring and the movies and his work on several charitable, movie-themed programs in Sierra Vista. Those included installing a high-tech mini-theater in Sierra Vista's Henry Hauser Museum, the Movies Under the Stars program at the Veterans' Memorial Park and the Thunder Mountain Digital Film Seminar that involved 11- to 15-year-olds.

Film Seminar that involved 11 to 15 year olds ?? There's a reason why this guy retired to Sierra Vista.


think- ago

Great find, thank you!

bfriend13 ago

That guy's so fat they had to put a poncho on him for his mug shot.

GeorgeT ago

And notice that Dennis Hasterd look many of them have. And speaking of fat pedophiles - check out the notorious pedophile (British Parliament Member) Cyril Smith - the stuff that nightmares are made of. No hyperbole.

think- ago

from the article:

...a youth who had been in Frodsham’s care from 2004 to 2016 – and who was adopted by the family in 2012 – filed a $15 million suit against Arizona’s Departments of Child Safety (DCS) and Economic Security.

According to the claim, “David Frodsham utilized the State of Arizona and the foster care system to funnel innocent, vulnerable children into his home, so he could run a pedophile ring.”

The youth, named John Doe in the suit, was about 5 years old when he was placed with the Frodshams, where he was a victim of sex trafficking, used for the creation of pornography, and was sexually and physically abused for 12 years.

Between 2002 and 2016, 38 police reports were filed on the Frodsham house, and at least 10 reports of abuse and neglect were recorded by DCS, the claim says.

The claim states that Frodsham was relieved of his position with the Department of Defense due to sexual harassment and that a military assessment showed he had an “unalterable personality disorder.”

It goes on to say that a psychologist who “does assessments of sex offenders in the military believes that the coded language of the discharge indicates the underlying reason for his removal was sexual abuse of boys in Afghanistan.

The claim also says John Doe believes “Most of the predators are in the military in Sierra Vista with top secret security clearances.”

think- ago

Summary: Head of pedophile / child sex trafficking ring Department of Defense employee. Perpetrators mostly military men with top secret security clearances. Department of Child Safety knew about abuse but didn't do anything. Police knew about abuse but didn't do anything.