migratorypatterns ago

About time people are fighting back and calling this pedo apologist out!

It is unacceptable!

gaystapo ago

When you see how much hatred Dylan received initially, it's hard to believe that she made it up. What was the benefit to her? She must have known that Hollywood was going to protect him and yet she still came forward!

3141592653 ago

Yes! This is the way i feel about 99%+ of survivors who speak up

Sackajahweeda ago

He would like to change? Then fucking start with your treatment of Dylan Farrow...

ReddittRefugee ago

And just remember that Alec Baldwin is a buddy of Jeffrey Epstein:


Epstein runs some kind of entrapment operation for US & Israeli intelligence, which means Baldwin has probably be pwned by Epstein and others.

fogdryer ago

Murderous rage

Children matter !

used2likepizza ago

He breaks it down into a stupidly simplistic Moses vs Dylan. A he said vs she said. What about Ronan??? What about me Soon hornYi? Actually I shouldn’t have made that name up, he’s probably got her mind controlled thinking it’s fine for Fathers to fuck their daughters. Also..... Love how he defends his lifelong misogyny with “I’m from a generation where you don’t treat women the same”. Really Alec? It’s not your fault, it’s your Mom’s probably for birthing you in the decade she did.

3141592653 ago

Totally. Alec so demeaned the female survivors who came forward in the MeToo movement

think- ago

I wonder what's in Baldwin's closet.

3141592653 ago

Who else remembers the sick SNL Canteen Boy skits with Baldwin?

scarlettm512 ago

Methinks he doth protest too much. I mean, he does have a daughter that he once called a "rude, thoughtless, little pig" and that she didn't have the "brains or the decency as a human being" because she wouldn't answer the phone when he called her. She was 11. Her parents had a nasty divorce. Her mom may have even alienated her from him (that's what he says, anyway) but you still don't take it out on an 11 year old girl like that. You never say things like that to a child that will cause tremendous psychological pain. He's an ass. Now I'm wondering if maybe Kim Basinger wanted to get her away from him for other reasons, given how vigorously he is defending Allen.

think- ago

Methinks he doth protest too much.

Lol, that's what I thought too!

I mean, he does have a daughter that he once called a "rude, thoughtless, little pig"

Well, his qualities as a father seem to be outstanding. /s I'm glad she divorced him. That's beyond disgusting.

I remember only one Woody Allen film he starred in (this was the time I still watched his movies when Allen didn't act as well - after that I boycotted them completely). Can't seem to remember the title - Cate Blanchett played the lead, and Baldwin her husband.

But I'm sure they are in the same inner circle... cough cough

3141592653 ago

Was it called Blue Jasmine?

think- ago

Yes, exactly! I always loved Cate Blanchett as an actress. But then, I havn't been to the movies for months now - haven't even seen her latest film.

3141592653 ago

I agree- she is great. I feel the same way about Kate Winslet now.

anotherdream ago

They have to rally around Allen. If he goes down, the Pedo parties are over. He's living proof; a living, child molesting monument that sends the message. "Go Ahead!" "Enjoy Yourself!" "I've been molesting and sexually abusing vulnerable children for years; and look at me!" "I'm famous, doted on, and protected by my peers!" - Fucking sick man, and I don't care what anybody says; his fucking movies.... Oh .."Hey, - wanna go sit down and spend three hours watching a movie with a dialogue heavy plot that is basically drawn from the inner workings of a neurotic jew pedophile?" - "Oh... A Woody Allen movie?" "Yeah! - Let's go!" - Raises pistol to his own forehead*

think- ago

If he goes down, the Pedo parties are over.

I'm not sure about this. Look at Weinstein, look at Spacey, they went down and raping continues - both of children and adults.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They didn't go down. No jail time, no charges, no trial. Nothing. They are likely being compensated for their efforts. And nobody is talking about child molestation. They are talking about inappropriate sexual advances. Bait and switch. You took the bait.

Jobew1 ago

If judd apatow say so, it must be so. What did alec tweet?

Jobew1 ago

thanks. unless baldwin had some first hand info, why he even opens his mouth on the situation given all the other smoke around woody for decades is nuts

carmencita ago

They think they are safe. Sadly mistaken. Times Up.

janet58 ago

What a worthless POS Baldwin is. I hope he's the next to be exposed as a predator.

gaystapo ago

The trump curse is coming Alec!

PedoStomper ago

If he gets exposed, he'll take other celebs with him. He won't go quietly.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Is woody accused of having sex with an underage girl?

PedoStomper ago

Woody Allen married his stepdaughter. The guy is fucked in the head just based on that alone.

derram ago

https://tweetsave.com/juddapatow/status/957778186519044096 :

Judd Apatow on Twitter: "Alec Baldwin's tweets about Dylan Farrow are completely unacceptable t.co/VjK4NFouc2 via @hellogiggles"

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