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carmencita ago

BERNARD KRISHER made countless visits to North Korea, to provide "food relief", while really visiting orphanages to select children for overseas “education”. ( N Korea featured in the Steve Bing Bill Clinton private jet trip to "rescue" female journalists who were shown eating pizza with a tiny girl in Podesta's emails) THE Place they were eating the pizza btw, was Comet Ping Pong. The “One Laptop per Child” project was initiated by NICHOLAS NEGROPONTE, who is the brother of former UNITED NATIONS AMBASSADOR and intelligence official JOHN NEGROPONTE. APPOINTED by Hillary Clinton no less. During RALPH BOYCE'S years in Indonesia over 50 DEAD BOYS were discovered in a cave in Bali. Anti-pedophile activists call him Ralphie Boyz. He later left diplomatic service to head Boeing in SE Asia. SOME of the stuff in this article Turned My Stomach. All this is going on with the Blessings of the US.

DopperGaanMan ago

Just look at @greycloud aka Epstein the highschool physics teacher.

:) wink wink

greycloud ago

ever wonder why the world's best and brightest are more supportive of that type of stuff, and the world's most ignorant and least intellectually gifted are the most opposed to it?