worshipfulmaster ago

Any Tony mottola or other Westchester County elites are connected to a possible pedophile ring revolving around Marsh Sanctuary near Mt Kisco

Marsh sanctuary is near Sarles St where mottola lives

Are there any links to mottola

Here are people connected to the marsh sanctuary inc - a non-profit for the sanctuary

Tim Ghriskey is the president of marsh sanctuary inc. He is a Wall Street guy like Jeffrey Epstein

Kriegeskotte was a third degree mason His current degree is unknown his old lodge

Not sure but is Daniel Clemens Van Starrenburg connected He went to “the Waldorf school” and might have worked with marsh cia his company Savatree.com the Waldorf School

Kriegeskotte has triangle image on his album like the fbi pedo symbols His father owns the “Silver Owl Group” Note owls are associated with the occult

All speculation except kriegeskotte is a child rapist


FalconsAreGay ago

Hey Falcon Lover. Let me break this down for you and tie this to pizzagate. The keys are Marsh Sanctuary and Sarles Street. Sarles Street houses some of the most famous and powerful people in the world, perhaps you have heard of this name, Donald Trump. Trump knows pizzagate and pedogate are real because kids were being raped in his woods. Not whenever that WarFace guy made his site, but when the rapes were first brought to parental attention by the masses, the mega mansion of Mariah Carey and Tommy Matolla mysteriously burned to the ground. Also, Corey Feldman wants NY CVA passes- why? He was raped there. Michael Jackson only ever called one person the devil ever—-and guess who that was. Pizzagate will regain its traction if we turn this into MarshGate and then reverse engineer it backwards. Let’s start with children who are now adults that admit to being raped in the woods of the worlds elite.

FalconsAreGay ago

PS. take a look at Corey Feldman’s last two pinned tweets on Twitter, “we aren’t out of the woods yet” and “we’re at war”. Something tells me Feldman hasn’t been to war. It’s all a bunch of riddles

worshipfulmaster ago

Christian lives near sarles st where tony motolla lives.

Triangle within a triangle on his album cover https://www. amazon. de/Plex-Emitter-Christian-Kriegeskotte/dp/B00N50M0HI?SubscriptionId=AKIAILSHYYTFIVPWUY6Q&tag=duc03-21&linkCode=xm2&camp=2025&creative=165953&creativeASIN=B00N50M0HI

worshipfulmaster ago

Christian Kriegeskotte belongs to my lodge. LEAVE him alone http://lodge45.org/lodge-45-fam/lodge-history/

gamepwn ago

Creepy, He says one of the rape locations was at "Marsh Sanctuary, Mt Kisco" https://www.google.com/search?q=Marsh+Sanctuary&oq=Marsh+Sanctuary&aqs=chrome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 saying the origial family has since left the property which was the pedophiles parents.

That place is still up and has 188 likes on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/marshsanctuary/ Pedo location?

Cc1914 ago

Check out the rapists logo https://archive.is/o4Rua

fakebabitz ago

direct google image

If you're trying to post that initial view that allows you to go to the site it won't work as your calling a function on a page.

You need to click the 'see image' or 'visit image' button or whatever and post that URL.

Cc1914 ago

I appreciate you taking the time to point that out 🙂 Clears a lot up for me . Thanks

worshipfulmaster ago

Note the one album cover. A triangle inside a triangle?

Cc1914 ago

Yes that's exactly what made me do a double take . Those symbols were no coincidence IMO

carmencita ago

This rapist evidently found his niche. They know how to find protection. LE, Pedowood.

ESOTERICshade ago

Please only contact the Westchester County Police, as per their request on 11/15, if incidents occurred in Westchester. Furthermore, no police agency can publicly comment on my case, as it is classified as special victims case.

Convenient. I wonder if the local cops are guilty too and keep this situation contained?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Why do you wonder?

ESOTERICshade ago

Why do you wonder?

I don't really. But, if I refrain from speaking in absolutes that I cannot provide proof for it keeps down the hassles.

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

uh oh... Melinial Falcon OTW.... PEW PEW!!

gamepwn ago

I remember seeing this a few days ago and it was removed. This is is someone in pedowood that rapes as many children as possible. This is fucking pizzagate. Millennial Falcon is a real asshole destroying this investigation and it gets more apparent all the damn time. They should have a group mod vote instead of giving all the power to a single mod.

Baichu ago

Some people just can't help it....they love being assholes and lives their lives loving their assholeness (as in the case of Mill. Falcon). Sorry, but just the fact that you would call yourself a "millennial", says a lot. Oh, and falcon = 6, 1, 6, 3, 6, 5 !!!