dragonkiller ago

pinging as requested

Thanks. You did a great job on the post. I believe the kids. I still struggle at times to sort out all the involved parties into their correct sockets of involvement but I believe the children. Have not had time to think about everything you just posted but I will look through it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Good digging bro. That is a lot of info I have not seen. Have not had time to really digest it and try to plug in these puzzle pieces yet.

Aaron Dover is still a mystery to me. I have not done deep digging on him and i'm not sure what all is out there to be found.

The children's responses to questions are too detailed and spontaneous to be be made up in my opinion. Sometimes they practically speak in unison when answering too. Some people think the children do not seem PTSD enough but I think that is normal in their situation. Satanic ritual is not a shock to these children. They grew up with it and it is their normal. That is their life. They don't even understand that they are supposed to be shocked and traumatized by it.

The shills hit that case hard. The shills tried to confuse the situation and make a mockery of it which is another indicator in my opinion that it is real. I have a friend that is a kindergarten teacher. She socializes with a big group of teachers.

I showed the children's testimony to a group of kindergarten teachers that were lounging around at her house and all of them thought the children were were legit. So do I.

Kindergarten teachers have a good radar for when children are not telling the truth and they thought the kids were legit.

think- ago

I also think the kids are legit.

I do think, however, that both the father and the mother and her new partner are fishy.

I'm with David Shurter, who said that most likely this was a psy-op to discredit any SRA victims who might come forward in the future.

It would have been easy for LE to show the kids are not legit - they'd just had to examine the bodies of the teachers who allegedly abused the children. The children gave detailed descriptions.

Also, you can never judge how traumatized someone is by the way they look. This applies both to kids and to adults.

Unfortunately, this is very often the reason people won't believe that someone is sufferering from severe PTSD, because the person in question doesn't look as if she/he would suffer.

Even I sometimes think along this line when I see footage or pics of survivors, and then I always feel ashamed because I fell into this trap.

Survivors have learned, most often over a long period of time, to 'appear normal'. Don't forget how strong many of them are - and often you will see this strong side, with helped them to survive, and the timid, anxious, desperate part of the personality is buried.

When someone suffers from DID and switches openly (for everyone to see), often in an interrogation only the most mature of the personalities will show.

letsdothis1 ago

Agree that most likely all the adults in this saga are suspect. What the children have been put through needs to be investigated and the people responsible highlighted. The whole thing was monstrous.

carmencita ago

I worked at a school for quite a few years, all different ages on and off and I can tell you that those children are telling the truth. Where in the world do kids get info about stuff like that to make it up. This is something that I keep coming back to especially about the sexual talk. Kids do not wake up one day and this stuff pops into their heads. We have to start believing our children. I think the reason some people discount it is because they don't want to face the fact that people can actually have done these things to children. Their brains don't want to go there. Well, it is going to keep happening over and over until enough people say ENOUGH. The pedos know this and are banking on it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Where in the world do kids get info about stuff like that to make it up.

Their answers to questions were detailed and spontaneous. The names they gave the activities related to sex and ritual abuse were spontaneous and consistent. They knew the days on which different activities were scheduled without flinching. They had names for the different rooms where certain things happened. It would be extraordinary for the children to have made that up without getting it all confused.

Vindicator ago

That is a really good observation.

carmencita ago

Exactly. The people that don't believe them either don't know a darn thing about kids, or are sympathizers. Point Blank.

letsdothis1 ago

I've worked in the education sector as well and was deeply disturbed when I came across those children's testimonies. Real evil shit afoot.

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=sku66WKVR_k :

Hampstead Abuse Case Update - This is Far From Over - YouTube

https://archive.fo/uwmr2 :

Cannabis-smoking City worker fell to his death in Malaysia | Daily Mail Online

https://files.catbox.moe/meqw77.png :

This has been an automated message.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

The "This is far from over" video you linked to is actually my production. My TNN YT channel was dumped without explanation a few months back, so I'm glad it can still be seen.

That being said, what is it with people reposting the work of others without any credit? Present company excluded. I think it's cool to name the creator and provide a link to them where possible.

That concludes my lecture.

letsdothis1 ago

Thank you for commenting. Apologies for not adding your name to the post. I'll rectify that now. Appreciated your videos.

Tyranny-News-Network ago

No prob. That critique was about the video poachers.

Also I should say that I haven't forgotten those kids. But unfortunately many victims are gonna have to sit tight. Hopefully relief will come to all of them in time.