DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Horrible people. I prefer the bankers over the scumbags they enhance to go along with their agenda's. What is worse, the devil, or people that make deals with the devil at our expense and for their own enhancement? Baldwin has always been an epic turd.

Votescam ago

Alec Baldwin refers to Moses Farrow's comments in a continuing attack on Dylan and Mia. The press has to search the original statements of Moses as originally he suggested that when Woody Allen first began visiting Mia's apartment at the beginning of the 12 year relationship, that he was paying inordinate attention to Soon Yi. At that time, as well, Moses asked the Court not to force him to take part in visits with Woody Allen. And the Court agreed not to force him. The Court also denied Woody custody of any of the three children -- Moses, Dylan, Satchel -- the first two whom he had adopted with Mia -- and Satchel who at that time Woody believed to be his son. At that time, Justice Wilk also makes clear that Woody Allen has been involved in attempted manipulation of Mia Farrow's family -- "pitting one family member against the other."

Long before the pictures of Soon Yi taken by Woody Allen were found by Mia ... family and friends of Mia's were stressing their concern to her about Woody's "obsession" with Dylan. Mia had also observed what she referred to as Woody's "sexual" looking at Dylan and recommended that he seek psychiatric discussion of this "obsession" with Dylan. At this point babysitters and nannies were instructed that Woody was never to be left alone with Dylan. Nonetheless, at Mia's Connecticut home a babysitter walked into a small room off the den where she found Woody kneeling in front of Dylan sitting on a couch, his face in her lap, pointed towards her body. Dylan has now told us what he was doing at the time. When Mia returns from an errand, she sees that Dylan is not wearing any underpants. Later that same day, a babysitter is searching for 15 for Woody and Dylan. They are found in a dark third floor attic which is where Dylan says that she was penetrated digitally by Woody Allen.
In order for Moses to be telling the truth, ALL of the above needs not to have happened. And unfortunately, ALL of the witnesses make clear that it did.

Ronan Farrow also tells us that he observed Woody putting his thumb in Dylan's mouth.

Limpness ago

I would bet good money Alec Baldwin's family from Ireland were catholic..

Catholics = fascists. Fascists hate women and children. Think about it.....Things are a lot clearer then.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Projecting much, Alec? I read this headline at work where Alec compares Dylan Farrow to Mayella Ewell, the adult white female that falsely accused the black Tom Robinson of rape. The problem here is that Alec is no lawyer, Allen is not socially disenfranchised, and the accusing party was a child at the time. Maybe Allen really is innocent, but how the hell would Alec know? I was incensed after reading, but then I quickly cooled down. After all, it's only Alec Baldwin, a known fool. Let him dig his grave deeper, I say.

Micheal84 ago

Did you read this article about Alec Baldwins horrendous behavior against his (at the time) 11yr old daughter.?

" He called his eleven-year-old daughter, Ireland, “a rude, thoughtless little pig,” He bellowed that “you’ve insulted me for the last time”, and he threatened to “straighten your ass out.”

PDF File:

used2likepizza ago

Bet he would never let Ireland audition for him.....or let him babysit Carmen!

millennial_vulcan ago

Ireland has YUGE drug problem and spent half her life in rehab. Been in many blind items.

used2likepizza ago

Maybe Alec let Uncle Woody babysit then. Sad.

gaystapo ago

It's cool that he married his adopted daughter because muh movies

unclassified ago

He is such an incredible asshole. I would LOVE to see him strung up next to Podesta and the rest of those sicko's.

alloutwar ago

He has a sleazy vibe.

Cc1914 ago

Perfect ! On to tweet this! Do you have the little black book link handy , so I don't have to dig? Ty

TomDrew87 ago

Why is no one concerned about Trump being in the book?

millennial_vulcan ago

we're all ignoring that bit for now :/

Cc1914 ago


millennial_vulcan ago



Money for child sacrifices would be easier to launder if you could convine the public a blob of paint on canvas or any other kind of art poop was worth thousands.

Are_we_sure ago

Why do child sacrifices involve money?


Purchasing children from the people who run the risk abducting them

migratorypatterns ago

Alec Baldwin was already on the radar, but this puts his name in bold block letters with arrows pointing to it.

If anyone else in PedoWood would care to out themselves, we're all ears.

AndrewBlazeIt ago

The last good thing Alec Baldwin did was Beetlejuice.

derram ago :

Alec Baldwin carries daughter Carmen on LA family stroll | Daily Mail Online :

This has been an automated message.

ASolo ago

I'm telling ya, gotta start pumping out those picture memes...


millennial_vulcan ago

id like to revisit this book. Found it fascinating reading. LOL of COURSE Courtney Love is circled.


Cheesebooger ago

(((Jimmy Buffet))) is on that list. I guess we now know what he considers a cheeseburger(children). Its as if its jewish culture

used2likepizza ago

Pretty sure he is 100% "redneck riviera" Gulfocast born and raised and went to a Catholic High School. Where did you find out he is jewish?

Cheesebooger ago

You just made me laugh. Redneck?? Don't you ever insult rednecks like that again. Geraldo Rivera is a jew. His real name is Jerry Rivers. He is a degenerate. He is not a country boy ----I don't even know where the fuck something like that would even come from but I know jews like to claim dumb shit like that

used2likepizza ago

Dude, you wrote (((Jimmy Buffet)))....not (((Geraldo Rivera))). Jimmy Buffet is in fact a Gulf coast boy. If you know something about him being Jewish I don’t know then I am all ears (that’s why I asked) but as far as I know he went to Catholic school. Also, the “redneck riviera” is the gulfcoast area of the Florida panhandle, Alabama, Mississippi. Where Buffet is from......And as far as if I can talk about rednecks or not ....well that’s like telling Jay Z he can’t use the N word. Lol.

Cheesebooger ago

hahaha are you for real? Or are you pulling my leg?

used2likepizza ago

Are you saying Jimmy Buffet is Jewish or not?

Cheesebooger ago

So isn't Brad Paisley and Toby Keith. You want to know some more? Sammy Hagar. ohhh did that one burn?

used2likepizza ago

So “isnt”??? Is that like “depends on what the meaning of is is “ kind of speak? Link on Buffet or shut it. Links on the other two appreciated but not really what I was asking about.

Hagar is waaay obvious. Doesn’t burn me. Why would I GAF either way? If you aren’t abusing kids then I don’t care what you do. And if they are, then I don’t care what color or religion they are, they’re all animals to me at that point.

Cheesebooger ago

But when there is a pattern and they are jew almost every time then it fucking matters. Just like Hollywood sexual assault is a jewish thing. It matters.

used2likepizza ago

I hear ya. You might be seeing a pattern.....but it’s not a prerequisite. I think you’re wrong on Buffet. Probably on Paisley and Keith too. Hagar you’re right about..... but he’s never been accused of being a pedo while Catholic Joe Biden has been.

Cheesebooger ago

I'm not wrong. You can take my word for it. I wouldn't say it if it weren't true. I don't want people thinking I am a liar. Buffet has admitted to all kinds of shit in the bars down in Florida back in the day. He was one of those guys that nobody really liked. He shot his big mouth off about a few things after he got drunk. He cant handle his drink.

used2likepizza ago

What Jews send their kid to Catholic school?

Cheesebooger ago

Many have. Many. Billy Joel did. Jews hid amongst the Italians.

alloutwar ago

I was going to write, what is he afraid of? You answered my question.