scarlettm512 ago

I get that the article linked here is debunked, but the way that it appears as "debunked" in the list makes it seem like the notion of Jay Z being a Satanist itself is debunked. That is not debunked at all. He clearly does quote Aliester Crowley in his clothing line (Do What Thou Wilt) and he throws up Satanic hand signals in his video, in photos, etc. I think there is some pretty compelling evidence that he is a Satanist, but I wonder how many people will simply see the thread has been debunked, skip over it, and mistakenly come to the conclusion that Jay Z is definitely NOT a Satanist.

tirejack ago


faggot corrupt mods

Oh_Well_ian ago

The proof of Jay Z worshipping Satan has already been established.

This is FAKE NEWS deliberately sent out to discredit the proofs against him.

MDE ago

Topbuzz is another cleverly run (possibly CIA?) disinfo site. Just like: YourNewsWire / NeonNettle / TopBuzz in my opinion will be targeted soon in a coordinated campaign by MSM to censor legit alt-media running real legit stories that expose the elite. I think this is their next step to squash PizzaGate and all other REAL stories that MSM don't want people reporting on, then anything Pizzagate related will appear as fake news to the general public.

PedoStomper ago

It already is considered a joke to the general public. Just try asking some random Joe about PizzaGate and I'll guarantee you that it will either end with him A. laughing in your face, or B. accusing you of being a "Trump supporter."

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He only finds himself involved with Abramovic, so does he need to actually say it? He is only a top paid artist in the music industry, does he have to say it? He and Beyonce only flash all the hand symbols and have videos with Satanic and occult symbolism, does he have to say it? It is not like these people are hiding it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Rap and Hip Hop artist have ruined the game haven't they? They are too obvious and it has become dull hearing them push the illuminati bullshit. They have no subtlety. Of course that serves to fictionalize it and makes it seem like a gimmick. The sheeple don't get it and think it is a 50 yo skit.. CIA runs the industry, not the illuminati AFAIK. Illuminati morphed ino Council on Foreign Relations, according to Myron Fagan.

Vindicator ago

@MolochHunter: I'm giving this a "debunked" flair based on comments.

dtneslo ago

CHECK SOURCE.....No sources no video no links.....

KnightsofHubris ago

What is this website you are linking to? That article is garbage.

rooting4redpillers ago

I know very little about Jay Z, but this struck me as too scripted to be a “backstage tirade.” So, I did a search on the words: Jay Z says the true god is Satan? The majority of top results were debunking, with varying explanations about how it got started, and other sources that support it.

Since I know very little about Jay Z, I have no significant bias. And, I can’t read the entire link because I’m not downloading the TopBuzz app.

If there’s more to this, beyond an anonymous primary source - someone overheard it backstage - I’d like to know. I find it very odd, that there’s a detailed transcript of this long tirade, and details about the reactions of the people watching, but there’s no video or audio of the incident.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Google puts "debunked" at the top of these types of searches. That is their game. Snopes or metabunk are usually the top search hits. Jay Z talks about Crowley and they all use the symbolism. This is not shocking or revealing. It is an open secret. The sheeple however, do not understand that it is the way things run. Not sure how they filter it. Yes, the music industry is hemoraging occult symbolism. It has got really corny. Amazing that normies can't figure it out.

PedoStomper ago

The small number of normies who can even begin to believe some of this stuff, they think: "It can't be all of them. It's just a few bad apples ruining the bunch, that's all. A few lone sickos." The idea that 98% of all "celebrities," even ones on Reality TV shows, are involved with secret societies, secret oaths, drinking blood, pedophilia, murder/snuff parties, etc., they just can't take it. Their heads begin to short circuit, and then they quickly build up their mental walls again and go back to worshiping their false idols. Try telling a hardcore fan of Beyonce or Adele that these people are all involved in witchcraft/occult/pagan activities, and they will literally defend these people like they know them personally, like you just insulted their best friend. The mind-control is STRONG guys. You have to remember that when dealing with normies. They see the world one way, through controlled lenses, and we see the world for what it is. We see beyond the glitz and glamour, but most cannot. And that's not to say that we're "better" than normies, because I know for a fact many other PG researchers, and people labelled by their friends/family/coworkers as "conspiracy guys," have thought to themselves at least one "I wish I could go back to a time when I knew nothing about this shit." Normies are annoying, but they have one thing we don't. Blissful ignorance.

ESOTERICshade ago

Normies are annoying, but they have one thing we don't. Blissful ignorance.

I remember blissful ignorance. Vaguely. It certainly was more blissful that is for sure.

pixiesbitch ago

Well said

tech-adm ago

Fake - no sources, citations, authors or corroborating confirmation - other than other sketchy sites.

epicure ago

obama love aleister crowley too

PedoStomper ago

Yep, I remember when that fake pic made its rounds on /pol/ and everyone believed it.

epicure ago


ESOTERICshade ago


Clive Davis video chronicles the secrets, truth, and lives of artists such as Curt Cobain, Jimi Hendrix, Prince, Janice Joplin, the beating death of Otis Redding for refusing to "sign in blood", James Brown, Luther Vandross, beating death of Sam Cook, many others, and the involvement of facilitators such as Al Sharpton through their trip down the Rabbit Hole of the small faction of the upper tier of The Masonic Satanic Brotherhood and music entertainment industry.

The video gives special attention to the death of Whitney Houston and reveals much about the details about her death and the reasons for it.

The video explains the process a young entertainer goes through as they enter the music industry as a talented artist inspired by hopes of fortune and fame, and their ultimate spiral into depravity, insanity, and death as they are used up by the music industry monster.

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (Part-1)

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (Part-2)

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (Part 3)

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (Part-4)

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (Part-5)

Sometimes these last two parts get taken down on content notice but I have always been able to find it on the net.

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (Part 6)

Clive Davis: Satan's Son (The Finale)

StolenPyreGiftedWire ago

@soulbrotha2 @ESOTERICshade Whitney Houston The Note Pass to Clive Davis, killed shortly after

Soulbrotha2 ago

Note was not passed to Clive. He definitely saw it, and I'm sure asked later about it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Whitney Houston The Note Pass to Clive Davis, killed shortly after

Yep. The person that made that documentary was well clued in. That is one of the best Hollywood docs on the net in my opinion.

StolenPyreGiftedWire ago

Here is another one Snoop Dogg just before Tupac was shot

Soulbrotha2 ago

Otis Redding died in a plane crash.... FYI

ESOTERICshade ago

Otis Redding died in a plane crash.... FYI

That was the story, but I don't know if i believe it.

argosciv ago

Lol... - Jay-Z slams Trump's 'shithole' comment as 'hurtful' |

Jay-Z went on CNN to have a whinge about "shithole", are you sure you want to believe every bit of drivel coming out of the pretender's mouth?

new4now ago

And how many people have you killed or have killed to get where you are?

How many children have you sacrificed?

You are not of the blood Jay Z

You are not one of them

Some day, someone will kill you to get in the club

PedoStomper ago

Jay-Z thinks he is untouchable because of how much he's "contributed" to the Brotherhood/Cult, but soon he will see that the people who truly own him, they hate him and will think nothing of killing him if it furthers any of their agendas, or if he steps out of line. I have a feeling that his kid, Blue Ivy I think is the name, will have a very "suspicious death" one of these days, and then you'll know that they came knocking on J's door for a blood sacrifice. If it's not his kid, it'll be Beyonce.

alloutwar ago

Like wealth and fame are everything important to strive for? That's why you see all these celebrities stung out on drugs, because they got it all? Wait until you're no longer in the club...wait until you do something wrong...then you're dead. Not such a great teaching then.

PedoStomper ago

The whole "sex, drugs, and rock n' roll" lifestyle is 100% Aleister Crowley-based. Not slightly, 100-fucking-percent. There's a reason why Jimmy Page bought Crowley's house, where he supposedly performed some of his darkest rituals.

alloutwar ago

Well yeah, he is all about rebellion, and most people that like Crowley don't sacrifice babies. People in Thelema deny Crowley did any sacrifice at all. They say he was talking about his sperm which is possible because he was big on sex magick.

I think the article is fake and I don't think many people know about these different groups like thelema, golden dawn etc. I think the people that kill are the ones who run the companies.

PedoStomper ago

I've heard the "semen theory" before, and I think it's just a cover so his followers can say "See, SEE? He's NOT a child molester! You're just a crazy Christian!"

alloutwar ago

Maybe, that's a possibility but we don't know for sure. One person made the case that if true, that would've made him the most wanted man of his day. I just don't see that.

PedoStomper ago

Thelema, Golden Dawn, OTO, Masonry---all tentacles on the same fucked-up octopus. It's all the same shit. Putting many labels on it just confuses people and makes it seem like there are no "real" connections between all these groups.

alloutwar ago

How much have you read of any of this? How many people have you know that were involved in it? I am guessing...none.

InnocentAngels ago

First guest on Van Jones show that aired tonight.

Cc1914 ago

Mark 10:25 It is easier for a camel to go through a needle’s eye than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of God.” .. so Jay Z we don't have to worry because your riches are temporary and Gods are everlasting ! Btw I'm not trying to hijack your post with religious stuff but this was called for .

Cc1914 ago

Lol wow

Cc1914 ago

omg! Wow at least they're not hiding it anymore . Jay z sounds just like Satan did when he was the serpent telling eve that God is holding something good back from her by not letting her eat the fruit. Taunting her with lies about God and she gave in and believed it ! I'm in utter shock righ now ! This is finally out for all to see what they truly believe . And IMO it's time for us all to really make a choice as to who we really look to for hope , either this system ( satans system) or Gods kingdom ( future ) Psalm 37:10,11 10 Just a little while longer, and the wicked will be no more; You will look at where they were, And they will not be there. 11 But the meek will possess the earth, And they will find exquisite delight in the abundance of peace. ... notice how it says " the meek will possess the EARTH ?