Markb63 ago

He killed his girlfriend and they saved his ass.

for_the_wookie ago

the senator's eyes give it away.

HD may exist, but no one produces or distributes hd quality because tells would be so fucking easy to spot

Z11Mama ago

I have been pointing this out all along. Kutcher is NOT on our side. If you're part of Hollywood and you're not exposing Hollywood, you are part of the problem. No matter who you advocate for.

maggiethatcher ago


DeathToMasonsASAP ago

He can't act, period. Terrible goof. And he has no reason to be connected to McCain other than they are both part of the parallel society.

EricKaliberhall ago

Ashton Kutcher is a mason. Thorn, his "foundation" is sketchy as fuck.

The congress hearing with Thorn (Kutcher) was a school-play...

FE_Rebekah ago

They tell the truth, then something corrupts them, and they start hurting the movement. Happens all the time. For example Alex Jones and Joe Rogan and a bunch of the PizzaGate researchers I followed.

This is why I believe Genesis Chapter 1 to be a plausible description of Creation, especially over Big Bang and evolution from rocks to monkeys to humans.

I agree with all of Chapter 1, including the firmament and the sun, moon and stars being for signs and for seasons.

But when you get to Genesis Chapter (Illuminati preferred number) 22, all of the sudden people are being rewarded for being willing to sacrifice their own child, and for performing animal sacrifice.

There is a pattern to the manipulation happening to people who watch mainstream programming.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Alex Jones was never part of the truth movement. He has always been cointelpro. Their M.O. is to give some truth to get your trust, and then take you in the wrong direction, discredit the movement by acting untable, not allowing you to go past a certain point, AKA gatekeeping. Rogan is on TV so he is theirs. It is not hard to understand.

Hagen18 ago

You have not understood Genesis 22. It is a condemnation of human sacrifice. It tells us that faithfully obeying God's will can never lead to harm. God will never ask us to actually go through with anything that would harm us or others. Blind faith in God is required, and justified, since He is supremely just.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly! And when people read stories in the Bible they think that since stuff like homosexuality , child sacrifice , etc is written about in the Bible then it must be ok to engage in these acts . WRONG ! These things were put there as a warning for us .

Hagen18 ago

Exactly. So very many people really do not understand what they're reading, and that's the source of so much trouble...

FE_Rebekah ago

Sure, they were in there as a warning. But the Bible needs decoding. Read Chapter 22 and pretend they’ve reversed God and Satan. This is a Chapter where Satan is “God.”

If you haven’t researched freemasonry, numerology or Illuminati symbolism, then I highly recommend it. Things are not as they seem, and being blind is the absolutely worst thing you could try to be at this point in history. We are supposed to stay sober and vigilant.

Hagen18 ago

"Satan" is a Hebrew word that means "adversary". "Satan" is not a personal name. God can be a "satan", just like some mortal human can be a "satan", in other words, an adversary to this or that party. For what it's worth, the biblical basis for the existence of a fallen angel called Satan/Lucifer is very flimsy if not utterly inexistent, which leads me to suspect that no such entity exists and that it is rather an extra-biblical, pagan invention. However, since the existence, or lack thereof, of the entity called Satan is a rather big topic with far-reaching consequences, I am not going make definite proclamations regarding this topic at this point, not until I've done more research into the question. But I will say that it is doubtful that any such "fallen angel" ever existed.

I know plenty about freemasonry and their numerology and symbols - it all goes back to rabbinic judaism - but I also know that these things do not predate the Bible. At best you could claim that that particular chapter has the number 22 because some medieval occultists divided Genesis so, ok sure, unlikely but not impossible, but so what? What relevance does that have for a passage written c. 1450 BC? Furthermore, we can say with certainty that that passage existed two thousand years ago due to the existence of physical fragments containing parts of it. And of course, as stated above, God has preserved that passage since the it was born, sometime c. 1450 BC.

FE_Rebekah ago

Can the elite drop powder on us and manipulate us and make us forget everything we know and and substitute a different Bible? We are limited by the research each of us can do. Given how many times the Bible was “translated,” it’s not hard for me to imagine that none of the history we know about it is true.

People forget what they did yesterday or an hour ago or what they just got up to do. How do we know history hasn’t been censored and replaced? Who has this historical record about the Bible? The Catholic Church? Yeah no, I’m not sure what sources you could give me that I truly think is legit beyond any doubt.

Hagen18 ago

You are way out of your depth here. But feel free to indulge in your delusions.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

There's nothing stopping you from obtaining the original Hebrew/Greek and trying to translate for yourself. The best thing you can do for yourself is to get a Bible, ANY Bible and pray before reading it that all truth would be revealed to you. The Father is happy to give you his word. Just ask. He would never limit us from obtaining the truth.

FE_Rebekah ago

I have the Bible thanks. I’ve read it numerous times. But I realize now it is not as it seems. It needs decoding.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

I'll reply quickly to this then more fully to the other later. The decoding comes from a deeper relationship with G-d. Doesn't really tend to come from human knowledge, but that's really G-d's business if that's how He chooses to reach you. But G-d answers when we seek him. And when we ask for help with his word, we get supernatural assistance. Not just what We think, but what G-d thinks we should know. Pray about it and He'll answer you. We are to be gentle as doves and wise as serpents. But not without HIM.

FE_Rebekah ago

I thought I was supposed to love my husband unconditionally, until I realized how abusive he was being to me and my children. My love for him should have had boundaries.

I don’t believe in a God who would tempt a man to sacrifice his own child, nor reward him for blind faith.

If you think about it, Abraham makes a better candidate for the Dark Side. This is the type of follower Satan wants. A blind person. God told us to stay sober. And that’s how I’ll try to be.

I don’t find it sacrilegious to say that I pick and choose from the Bible, and I find it odd that we are programmed to believe denying the Bible could cause pain and torture. Sounds like the Crusades and the inquisition.

I also find it ridiculous and arrogant to think our religion is the best and most important without any flaws.

I’m not denouncing everything in the Bible. I’m saying it’s been corrupted with truth and lies.

I find it surprising when PizzaGate researchers refuse to look at things with a little more common sense.

Hagen18 ago

The Bible is not corrupted in the way you suggest. The particular passage about Abraham is certainly not a corruption and figures in all known versions of the Old Testament.

The Crusades and inquisition have nothing to do with the Bible. There's nothing in the Bible that would've advocated for these non-Christian phenomena.

Maybe you mean my religion? Clearly Christianity is not your religion when you doubt and reject the Bible and doubt its value against pagan false religions.

If you go back to my post and still do not understand my point about that passage with Abraham and God, then there's nothing I can do for you. You are blind and will probably remain so. Don't talk to me about common sense. And how dare you compare your sinful husband to my perfect and holy heavenly Father.

FE_Rebekah ago

Dude, I’m just not okay with the #PIZZAGATE style animal and blood sacrifices in the Bible. I don’t think we needed to shed blood to be forgiven.

Ugh, it sounds more gross every time I think about it. It has #PIZZAGATE written all over it.

The entire story of Jesus leads to him being sacrificed on a cross. Is this not the kind of stuff we are worried about in here?

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Respectfully, I think you are missing a few points. G-d expects sacrifice: time, attention, prayer, helping people, defending weak. These are all sacrifices. But they are sacrifices that have nothing to do with blood. Blood is a very special thing and G-d warned us away from blood sacrifice very early on in the bible:Because they were being misused by groups we now call satanic. Jesus was the LAST sacrifice and he would accept and it was a multi function one in that he is the covering for ALL sin if we sacrifice our PRIDE and take that sacrifice.

These satanist sickos WANT you to question G-d's power and authority (That's what satan does). There is nothing wrong with questioning the Bible as long as you continue researching. You are correct, He didn't want us to be ignorant. But if your questions aren't drawing you closer to Him, then you might want to do some more study, because I can GUARANTEE you once you do, you'll have BLIND FAITH in him. Test the spirit by the spirit. If anything, Pizzagate brought me CLOSER to The True and Living Father. For those that accept his word: Jesus- His Mercy Endureth Forever.

FE_Rebekah ago

So I disagree that God “requires” sacrifices of us like time and niceness. He don’t get to Heaven by works. We get there by grace.

Saying that God didn’t like sacrifice and warned us about it, but then we needed “one last” sacrifice to be “saved” sounds very hypocritical within itself to me. In Chapter 22 like I mentioned, God asks Abraham to sacrifice a goat after telling him nevermind about sacrificing Isaac. So “God” did ask for animal sacrifice. You can’t excuse this or tell me it’s not right there in the Bible. So then you think “God” sent a “son” for the purpose of having a “last” sacrifice? So are you talking about a “God” who required sacrifice, then changed his mind?

Either we needed bloodshed to please God and earn his favor, or we didn’t. Personally, I don’t think God would ever require anything like PizzaGate/Illuminati rituals of us.

What’s #PizzaGate? Well it includes an email where someone admits to plans of sacrificing a chicken to Moloch. Well that sounds exactly like a bunch of Bible stories of animal sacrifice.

And the animal sacrifice has not ended. People eat meat all the time. Though these people would NEVER kill the animals themselves, they are 1000% complicit to it when it lands on their plate. It’s hypocrisy.

Our bodies are herbivorous anyway, but they’ve been brainwashing us that we “need” meat to be strong and healthy, when the effects of meat are actually extremely negative to a human body.

I’m gonna reverse your statement and say that satanic sickos want you to never ever question your beliefs or his power and authority. Because satan has corrupted the Bible, our churches, our screens, our schools, our politics, our “space” agencies, our military, our food, our air, our water. On and on people trust these things, while never considering how satan might have corrupted these things.

The truth doesn’t mind being questioned over and over again. The truth just sits there and stands firm, never wavering no matter how people manipulate it. God is my truth, and He doesn’t waver. He stands strong and true while I question my beliefs and try to discern what exactly He wants from me.

If anything, those horrid stories in the Bible kept me from finding God. I wasn’t confused and scared of Him. But now I can see Him through the lies. He’s more real than ever before for me. And I feel more prepared for the coming end time deceptions, because I’m not gonna watch some alien looking light descend from the sky and go running for it like it’s Jesus returning. I’m gonna refuse to play the devil’s games and save myself and my children from Lucifer’s deceptions.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

This is going to be complicated to answer, as your response is going back and forth. If you have had a look at some of the other books of the Bible that have been ignored: Enoch, Jasher, Apocalypse of Abraham, etc, you will discover some missing clues to what is going on and why. Rather than pick apart what is contradictory or not, I'd suggest you have a look at at least these three books just to give yourself a primer as to why the text was written the way it was. G-d would NEVER require anything like Pizzagate. That was an abomination created by demon dominated people that wanted to mock the Most High and everything He did. We are to question everything but ask G-d the questions and he'll direct our paths. It says that repeatedly in scripture. If you let HIM direct your research and listen to that quiet voice that tells you what the right thing is to do, then you'll be lead to the right things to study. If we rely on our brains for everything, we are lost to the evil one. If we hear G-d, we stumble on things we'd never discover on our own. Everything G-d did/does, Lucifer tries to emulate and twist. It's not looking for the answers that is the problem. Its how.

153sdsd ago

I knew he was in on it since that tear in court, also demi moore

dundundunnnnn ago

Yup, yup, I expected this. I told my husband a week ago that the system Kutcher is describing would actually be terrifying if they were using it against dissenting civilians. They always cloak their message in "it's for the children!" But

smashbery ago

i will give it to the left, they attempt to persuade you with what they want even tho there fucking you over hard. the right will just try to sneak it in and they say well i was elected to be the voice of the people.

im so glad we dont have killory for our pouts but all those shit bag polititions are trash.

Cheesebooger ago

Wasn't he messing around with Mila when she was very young?

millennial_vulcan ago

wow. A post without mentioned the 'jew' word. Did you get a lobotomy

Cheesebooger ago

Mila is a jew whore probably molested by her jew daddy. There.

2impendingdoom ago

yes. fake and part of the problem.

argosciv ago

Hahahahahaha! Fuckin' Kutcher...

I remember the day of the following interview was brought to my attention by @Wisconsin_is_Corrupt or @Commoner:

Ashton Kutcher: My Organization Helped Find 6,000 Human Trafficking Victims | TODAY | published on Oct 7, 2016

2:51 onwards:

Kutcher mentions his mission statement as of "when Obama was taking office", he asks for prayers regarding his organization(THORN) and it's work in "digital tools to fight against human trafficking" and how it has allegedly been involved in identifying and recovering "over 6000" trafficking victims & 2000 traffickers. Towards the end, Kutcher also mentions that his next commitment, "when Hillary's in office", is to tackle child porn.

^ Per the date of publishing, one can't help but notice the blatant attempt at reality seeding(election manipulation) and hijacking of civilian-led efforts regarding the early days of pizzagate. They wanted to capitalize on pizzagate fervor by pretending that an alliance between Obama-Kutcher-Clinton would bring down international human trafficking and child-sexual-abuse networks.

@44NJ9 commented in this thread: (hooktube equivalent below quote)

watch the girl behind in the video while he talks about Thorne. She's smirking, she know's he's full of shit. He looks sweaty and like he's on drugs. His eyes are also black and dead like a shark.

The video in 44NJ9's comment was published on Feb 15, 2017

Well, shit the bed...

Look who it fuckin' is...

Cory Booker

cc: @Vindicator @millennial_vulcan

CRADLE OF FILTH - Blackest Magick In Practice (OFFICIAL VIDEO)

Rob Zombie - Well, Everybody’s Fucking in a U.F.O. (Explicit)

Avatar - Torn Apart (official live clip)

new4now ago

Corey Booker, another Rhodes Scholar

maggiethatcher ago

And doesn't the performance remind you of Cory Booker's performance (fake tears) the other day. Oh and Chucky Schumer too...

Gothamgirl ago

Don't forget the questionable way his 2 exes died. Great post by the way.

argosciv ago


millennial_vulcan ago

Have bought this up countless times on here. Thanks for doing so once more.


Here4pg ago

Wasn't he on some board for Soros or something like that?

Blacksmith21 ago

A good looking young actor like Kutcher starting off would definitely be Spaceybait.

millennial_vulcan ago

stealing that

44NJ9 ago

watch the girl behind in the video while he talks about Thorne. She's smirking, she know's he's full of shit. He looks sweaty and like he's on drugs. His eyes are also black and dead like a shark.

jealoushe ago

he looks like such a dumbass

EricKaliberhall ago

wtf_is_happening ago

That girl: textbook "duper's delight"?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Holy cow she looks like she’s about to burst into laughter. She looks like someone that knows every word out of his mouth is utter bullshit.

angry_mob ago

i don't agree. she's backing kutcher, you can see she's nodding in agreement. she looks like she thinks he's some kinda hero. she's def aware that she's on camera, which is why she seems a bit odd.

racmo ago

There's something REally wrong with that girl. i noticed it when the video first broke and couldn't believe her behavior--very disconcerting. Kucher seemed real to me at the time, but who knows?

carmencita ago

Kutcher was married to Demi Moore who was in Epstein's book as the Head of the Pugs a Very High Order. He blew a Kiss to John McCain at the end of that bunch of fake lies he dished out to the Committee. Someone once pointed out that the girl with the dark hair was someone we know. Can't be sure but related to JP perhaps? Does someone remember.

Here4pg ago

Like something like you'd see on got punk'd?

dassaer ago

Yup, whenever I see one of these 'celebrities' anywhere anyhow - a shitty little voice in muh head goes "Scene 1, Action...."

derram ago :

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