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Factfinder2 ago

From his website (scroll down):

"Alongside his investments, Omar entered the world of philanthropy. He has sat on the boards of Human Rights Watch, the Harlem Youth Development Foundation and was an initial board member of the Rubin Museum of Art, the premier museum of Buddhist and Himalayan art in the western hemisphere. He was a term member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and served as the vice chairman of the Acumen fund, which was voted by Barron’s as one of the “5 charities changing the face of philanthropy.”"

Narcissism ago

Another one who narrowly avoided getting NUKED on 9/11.

KnightsofHubris ago

How do you have nuclear explosion that only affects one tower?

How do account for the absence of enormous blast wind, heat, light and sound of a nuclear explosion? 9/11 had none of these. I really think we would have noticed scalding 650 mph winds and blinding light and a mushroom cloud.

Also I would be dead.

Narcissism ago

You are making the assumption that it was a conventional high-yield nuke which is what designers want for nearly all weapon applications This was a Thermobaric "Fizzle" nuke that just forms a fireball and maintains the fireball without expanding and without the blast wave associated with a conventional nuke. It was mainly fusion D/T/L6 type with a small fission micro nuke primary. This Boutique design was custom made for the job and is very inefficient taking about 1kt to create a 50' fireball. The fireball transfers its energy in the form of extreme heat into the structure and causes molecular dissociation. The fireball just fell down through the building at approximately the rate of gravity making it appear that the buildings collapse naturally. The fireball "sun" can be seen if you search for [SIPA fireball] image. Each building was individually nuked with the same types being used for WTC1 & 2, and different types/ yields being used to demolish the other WTC buildings 5, 6, 7 etc..

KnightsofHubris ago

A magical non-expanding fireball?

A superheated fireball that falls? In 70 degree weather?

A boutique design that hides the blinding light?. A one kiloton explosion that does cause earthquake tremors?

North Korea's failed first test was HALF a kiloton and it was 4.2 on the Richter scale.

Narcissism ago

You are thinking of conventional nuclear weapons which this isn't. 1) It has a gravitational force - the sun is a fusion reactor/ nuclear fireball and doesn't expand. 2) The heated pyroclastic cloud does expand upwards as can be seen in the video evidence. The boutique nuke was packed with 2 tons of iron powder which helps couple the energy into the steel structure. Earths gravity causes it to fall at near free-fall speed. 3) Most of the light is outside the visible spectrum The building core and latter dust shield the light - like the clouds shield the sun on a cloudy day. It can however be seen through the dust in the [SIPA Fireball] photo. 4) There is seismic evidence about 2.5 on the Richter scale however some evidence was also doctored.

KnightsofHubris ago

the sun is a fusion reactor/ nuclear fireball and doesn't expand

The sun is mass of incandescent gas,

a gigantic nuclear furnace,

where hydrogen is built into helium

at a temperature of millions of degrees

And the sun is currently expanding.

2) The heated pyroclastic cloud does expand upwards as can be seen in the video evidence

You don't know what pyroclastic means. There's not a truther alive who does, but it sounds scientific to them.

And the heavy dust doesn't even get up to the roof. The mushroom cloud at Hiroshima rose tens of thousands feet in a few minutes. (A much bigger bomb but still.)

For comparison here's a small explosion on mythbusters

The boutique nuke was packed with 2 tons of iron powder which helps couple the energy into the steel structure.

This sounds like science to you?

3) Most of the light is outside the visible spectrum The building core and latter dust shield the light.

Yeah, it was one of those invisible nuclear flashes.

4) There is seismic evidence about 2.5 on the Richter scale however some evidence was also doctored.

2.3 actually. Yeah, so my point stands a bomb half the size of what you claimed produced 2 points greater on the Richter scale. Do you understand how big a difference this is? Each points represent 10 times more shaking, so that is 10 x 10 the shaking and then when you calculate the energy required to produce that shaking the 1,000 ton nuke you claim was at the WTC produced 1/1000 of the energy a 500 ton actual nuke creates. You're exponetially wrong. The 2.3 seismic activity was

Ha ha ha - you believe there were planes?? 1) Just very bad video compositing

Yeah, I live in NYC I know three people who heard first roaring towards them. Two of them saw the actual plane. It flew south over Manhattan and way more than 20 people saw it.

You're obviously pretty far gone.

KnightsofHubris ago

The sun is mass of incandescent gas,


The Sun is a Miasma of Incandescent Plasma

The sun is a miasma Of incandescent plasma The sun's not simply made out of gas No, no, no The sun is a quagmire It's not made of fire Forget what you've been told in the past

(Plasma!) Electrons are free (Plasma!) A fourth state of matter Not gas, not liquid, not solid Ooh!

The sun is no red dwarf I hope it never morphs Into some supernova'd collapsed orb Orb, orb, orb The sun is a miasma Of incandescent plasma I forget what I was told by myself Elf, elf, elf

(Plasma!) Electrons are free (Plasma!) A fourth state of matter Not gas, not liquid, not solid

(Plasma!) Forget that song (Plasma!) They got it wrong That thesis has been rendered invalid

Narcissism ago

Planes that pass through 4" floors of composite concrete and meters thick structural steel intact with the plastic nose cone popping out the back side intact. That, and believing what your so desperate to be part of the tragedy narcissistic friends told you - your the one that's well gone and misinformed.

KnightsofHubris ago

Planes that pass through 4" floors of composite concrete and meters thick structural steel intact with the plastic nose cone popping out the back side intact.

The nose cone popped out the back? Um....what?

and believing what your so desperate to be part of the tragedy narcissistic friends told you

You're insane. Now you're making shit up about people I actually know. Just the height of arrogance.

Narcissism ago

Chopper 5 + "Believe your own eyes" NO PLANES - Ron Johnson.

KnightsofHubris ago


Is this some sort of truther code? What the hell is chopper 5+?

Narcissism ago

Colin Alexander - 07 The Key

Search Youtube.

KnightsofHubris ago

The fireball just fell down through the building


that just forms a fireball and maintains the fireball without expanding

A non-expanding fireball? An explosion the results in a non-expanding fireball? So the bomb goes off and what keeps the burning gases from epanding? The air pressure of lower Manhattan? We already saw on 911 how a fireball actually behaves. The fireball from the second Impact expanded and went upwards nor down. And jet fuel isn't even a high explosive.

This Boutique design was custom made for the job and is very inefficient taking about 1kt

Did this botique design hide the blinding light? North Korea's first test fizzled. It was about half a kiloton and it caused a 4.2 earthquake.

Did the boutique design prevent windows on the lower floors from being blown out?

Narcissism ago

"The fireball from the second Impact expanded and went upwards nor down. And jet fuel isn't even a high explosive."

Ha ha ha - you believe there were planes??

1) Just very bad video compositing

2) Bombs (likely standard mini nukes)

3) 20+ bad actor/ shills like Mark Walsh who couldn't get their story straight.