Forgetmenot ago

Great research op! I had a feeling something was not right about them. This resonates with me.

Micheal84 ago

Some interesting tweets about Charles Wade here:

Piscina ago

Chrissy Teigen, a 'model'. She came out of nowhere and is feted by the media. She's unattractive (for a model) so something made her famous, but definitely not her looks. She also has no talent....doesn't sing, dance, act, write. So why so big in Hollywood?

Waltherchick3118 ago

Who's Nabil? (The director of the video)

Waltherchick3118 ago

Love me now, John Legend A few interesting things in this video: 48 sec- what's on the flag? 1:09 Drawing next to bed 1:30 Child wearing t-shirt that states Daddy's Mustache

Baichu ago

Hollywood and the music industry.....full of deception.

snapplemoose ago

If you really look at them, they are not what they seem. A reversed couple. Tranny couple.

Scarlet_Begonias ago

I hope transvestigations hit the mainstream in 2018. Trannies everywhere

Micheal84 ago

This could easily be true.

This is something important i found:

Found this tweet from John Legend

The most interesting thing i thought, are the reactions, about a friend who is accused of child trafficking.


What i found about him is this

More importantly this

New lead maybe??

Factfinder2 ago

Good work.

carmencita ago

Also posted in the Twitter was this: Charles Wades Photo and his Charges and Information. Pretty Clear Cut.

Factfinder2 ago

Yeah, I saw that. I can't seem to find what happened in his case, whether he actually went to trial and if so what the verdict was.

carmencita ago

Found this at the end of that Daily Caller article: Update: After this article was published, TheDC obtained new information about Wade’s January grand theft case showing that the charges against him were not merely dropped, as he claimed. Records show that on April 29, two days after he was released from jail following the prostitution arrest, Wade agreed to enter a deferred prosecution program. In such cases, defendants typically agree to perform community service and stay out of trouble in exchange for an eventual dismissal of charges. SO, Basically, they did not drop the charges, someone agreed for him to get off with doing a few good acts. Hmm.

Factfinder2 ago

Yeah, I saw that. I was looking for the results in the human trafficking case. Seems odd there's nothing on that when he was arrested well over a year and a half ago.

think- ago

Found this tweet from John Legend

The most interesting thing i thought, are the reactions, about a friend who is accused of child trafficking.

Great catch!

VoatisCIA ago

"Formerly a stylist for Solange Knowles, the sister of Beyonce, Wade has been featured in numerous news articles about the Black Lives Matter movement. He was also invited by the White House earlier this week to a movie screening with other Black Lives Matter activists." -

this info links this PEDO scum to Beyonce >>> JAY-Z DIG EVERYBODY...DIG!!!!

Micheal84 ago

Stylist or Pimp? You decide.

DomKeyhote ago

Weird how the few blacks implicated are the exact few whose careers depend on Jews. Feel free to draw no conclusions from that. Modeling, entertainment, publishing, etc i.e. fashion of course are all gay/Jewish industries. They bout to experience the REAL FASH:

Donkeyhote face reveal!

ESOTERICshade ago

The donkeyjew grows desperate, and it cries Oy Vey!!!!!

DomKeyhote ago

"I can't think of anything intelligent to say and I can't offer a rebuttal because I know nothing about the economy...maybe I'll do his thing but like turn it around on him...calling people shill makes me sound astute and experienced, unlike posting links to faggoty occult blogs...yeah ima do that"

Did you forget I can see right through you, FAGGOT? Do you still want to suck my dick for the "badass" posts you didn't realize were mine? I'm in a truck so your mom will have to scoot over

VoatisCIA ago

Thanks @DomKeyhote for bringing that WOKE statement! Glad to see you got here before the trolls did! The Khazarian mobsters are being exposed in our lifetime .... REJOICE!!!!

DomKeyhote ago

Shut the fuck up, shill faggot. The Khazar thing is one of the most asinine pieces of disinfo EVER, EVER. Makes ZERO SENSE. Anyone who would rather believe in "racial impostors" rather than simple ethnic conflict deserves to get hit by a truck since they probably didn't look both ways first.

VoatisCIA ago

Disinfo? The "HIS-STORY" you've swallowed up in your ass is bleeding. Maybe you need to have your LGBTQ Alt-right lover to attempt another birth in your colon cancer! STFU!

DomKeyhote ago

Philosemite. Cuck. PUSSY.

First they said it was satanists and I said bullshit.

Then they said only elite jews tho and I said bullshit.

Then they said Jews arent really Jews they're Turks and I said bullshit.

Then we gassed all you motherfuckers and I said hooray.

The_1 ago

men were bred from women.

it's the only way a race could have existed, before the "hu-man" race.

or the notion of angels—

DomKeyhote ago

God created women exclusively to help men. They have precisely zero rights except the ones men choose to offer them. Luckily for them men want children so it would serve no purpose to oppress them.


The_1 ago

just not possible—consider the myths of angels, and overly feminine art of the apostles, both in style of artwork, and apparel, hairstyles—

the arts, and even imagination itself, is most often attributed to women. men are generally bestowed the mantle of shaper of matter, while women are maintainers of matter.

Had to imagine a group of penis's spontaneously having babies. But somehow, seems to make a little more sense if you consider all women developing the ability—from cross-breeding—

chicks made dicks pal... give it a thought, and even if true—who cares? what's the big deal? men still got their functions and purpose, and women still love men. so what would it matter?

would only show that we're being doubly lied to, on more ominous levels than previously suspected.

DomKeyhote ago

Are you being serious? The English language didn't even exist a thousand years ago. Get the FUCK back in the kitchen

The_1 ago

I'll let you be half retarded, hopefully, you can recover the other half, and go full retard on me.

derram ago :

Kabamur on Twitter: "Chrissy Teigen + John Legend. Despite MSM portraying them as victims of an airline mishap, they are not. No passengers boarded the wrong f…"

This has been an automated message.

VoatisCIA ago

"White hats forced the plane to turn around as part of an ongoing investigation.

No ‘proof’ to apprehend yet, but they were interrogated.

Teigen was a nervous wreck as seen from her tweets.

They will be indicted. They will fall.

This will not be reported for some time."

VoatisCIA ago

"Chrissy Teigen + John Legend.

Despite MSM portraying them as victims of an airline mishap, they are not.

No passengers boarded the wrong flight. This is a cover.

Both are pedos in HRC group and have taken part for years."