Shizy ago

Very strange story about a wealthy couple who hung themselves (or murder suicide) from nooses off the railing of their pool. Hmmmm

Matt_Helm ago

It's the same pool the ropes hanging down prove it's the same pool the painting is based on a real event. They invited the artist to watch the sacrifice torture ceremony and he or she went home and painted what they saw all the paintings are based on real events of kids being raped and abused.

darkknight111 ago

Look more closely at the ropes (may need to zoom the images). Noticed this due to "painter's eye" (obtained through lots of practice noticing more shades of color via mixing for my model painting hobby) If my observations are correct, then I think I know how this is happening.

Observation: Is it just me, or are the ropes coloration darker on the loops, especially near the bottom? Almost like a hue of dried blood mixed in with the color of the rope?

Theory: The murders are done via slitting the victims throat, then hanging them via a noose like knot. This explains the odd pooling patterns and the rope's colorations.

crazycycle ago

It's obviously not the same pool. The tiles in the painting are square and laid in a grid, while the actual pool has rectangular tiles and laid offset, like a brick wall. Also the drains... The similarities are still disturbing, but this isn't a smoking gun.

Gothamgirl ago

Honestly we can't really say either way, the tiles could've just been updated. They're certainly seem to be, all into the same wacky stuff.

Narcissism ago

I think both sets of tiles are rectangular if you look closely.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Close enough that if you were painting a rendition of a real event that took place, you might recall it looking more like the painting.

crazycycle ago

I think most of TP's art of this type were rendered using still photos/video, not from memory.

Oh_Well_ian ago

It's not the same pool.. IT'S THE SAME CONCEPT of torturing and murdering victims in a tiled pool.

Did you notice the firehose with a brass nozzle down the right side and the stairs/ladder with missing steps ?

crazycycle ago

I see what you mean and some shit most likely happened there, but it's no smoking gun. Also, anyone who's heard of pizzagate, but doesn't believe it, isn't going to be convinced by this. In fact, it'll reinforce the notion that pizzagate isn't real because of inaccuracies.

Has anyone done research on the vegetation in TP's art? He also has a torture chamber in DC. I feel like it if we're ever gonna find the smoking gun, it'll be with the Podestas/Weiner/JA. Where it all started.

madmama ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

it's not the same pool... It's also not John Podesta that owns the art, it's Tony Podesta. It's all over Twitter that it's John. More disinformation.

sionblade22 ago

@madmama dont link to facebook you nigger

madmama ago


Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Adding in the pool where the Shermans were found dead:

Canadian billionaire pharma couple/Haiti and Clinton connections, homicide investigation - they were hanging from those railings.

madmama ago


carmencita ago

There must be something about pools that really sends them. Odd.

Factfinder2 ago

It's not a stain--just a cleanup fail:

Pllatinum ago

Don't see any drains in the photo.

YogSoggoth ago

Endless drain at the bottom. My plumbers install them all the time.The drains in the picture could well be just fictional, or just another end of the pool. How big is an old Vanderbilt pool? My opinion, probably at least 1920's big. Now that we know about the underground levels under the friggin highway built on top of the club house, I should hope that gives everyone here the willies.

Factfinder2 ago

Excellent point. No drain = collection basin.

snapplemoose ago

Yeah and pretty amazing that the "red stuff" stains accumulate around the ropes.

Factfinder2 ago


Shillaxe ago

So they can bathe in the blood of children, how nice.

argosciv ago

Vot ze fuck?!

Get a look at this if you haven't yet! use the archived link provided by deram, because facebook:

@carmencita @LightlyToasted @The_Savant @Commoner @Gothamgirl

LightlyToasted ago

I saw that. The artist is Serbian. I have to look at past posts about her...

The_Savant ago

Yeah... just gross. I'd seen this in his twitter mentions. No unseeing that one...

argosciv ago

No unseeing that one...

Pretty fuckin' much, and I've seen the dutroux article ffs...

The_Savant ago

Well... I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about there, but the day after I got redpilled (in February or March) I came across the fatherhood video on Twitter. I had no idea what it was. That shit fucking sucked. What a cunt. I'll swear this to God - I'm never gonna stop pushing forwards until that scum is put away. I'll die first.

argosciv ago

Well... I'm not entirely sure what you're talking about there

You don't want to know, I think this is enough of a gut wrencher for today...

carmencita ago

So Anderson must know about this. After all he has lived there for decades. I just can't wrap my head around that picture. We all have pictures on our walls, but none of them look like that. What up wit dat Johnny?

argosciv ago

We all have pictures on our walls

I don't :( my walls are bare as fuck lol...

So Anderson must know about this. After all he has lived there for decades. I just can't wrap my head around that picture.

I know right? the resemblance is uncanny...

carmencita ago

It is sick when you look at their lives, his and his mother's. Couple that with the pool and the art work, it is astounding. Something very sinister is going on in that building. Wonder what other famous or well known people live there. You could have blown me over with a feather when I read that Obama moved there.

argosciv ago

You could have blown me over with a feather when I read that Obama moved there.

Wait... fucking what?! News to me!

carmencita ago

This is what I read in the other thread. I have just looked it up and now find that they are "perusing" the building. So, don't know if they bought or not.

argosciv ago

still... eugh.

carmencita ago

They are awaiting approval. I don't think there will be a problem. Page Six broke the news last Monday that Barack and Michelle Obama have been viewing an apartment at 10 Gracie Square, an exclusive, white-glove apartment building on the Upper East Side, situated at 84th Street and the FDR Drive. Sources now tell The Post that the couple are merely awaiting co-op board approval to purchase the unit — which is reportedly in the $8 million to $10 million range — in the 1931 enclave, whose residents have included designer Gloria Vanderbilt, exiled former first lady of China Madame Chiang Kai-shek, media mogul Steve Ross and socialite Brooke Astor. GLORIA Vanderbuilt moved from the building. Soon after the awful incident, Vanderbilt moved from her expansive penthouse at 10 Gracie Square. She now lives on Beekman Place.

DerivaUK ago

How can he afford it?

carmencita ago

Afford it? Are you kidding? He is a Multi-Millionaire. Believe me they can afford it. He has more going for him than investments.

merica_fk_yeah ago

yep, i hate it too, can't unsee any of this and so you have to take a break and spend some time with family and just love them all and be grateful God has spared many of us from this horror.

derram ago :

Travis Smith - What is that staining at the bottom under... | Facebook

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madmama ago


argosciv ago

vot ze fuck!