septimasexta ago

Here's the archived the_Donald reddit post linking Laura Silsby and the Clintons in Haiti: "BREAKING: I believe I have connected a convicted child abductor who was caught stealing children in Haiti with the Clintons (self.The_Donald) submitted 25 days ago * by PleadingtheYiff"

"The individual in question is one Laura Silsby, former director of The New Life Children's Refuge. She was caught trying to steal 33 children from the country, most of whom were not even orphans and had families. Hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO. Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for this purpose. They instead located to Haiti. Sources: Huma Abedin was constantly forwarding Hillary articles on this woman's organization: One of the first things the Clintons did when they took over the scene in Haiti was to have Bill get Laura off the hook: And the attorney who represented Laura Silsby? A man who was himself convicted as a sex trafficker: Even more disturbing, we uncovered an email in Wikileaks where they are literally pricing how much it costs to transport children: Again, this was the same group that got busted by Haitian Authorities trying to Traffic kids. They're in the Clinton Emails; Pitch for funding or some shit, super sketchy. This looks like Mills & co are drafting statements following extradition. Help me research!!! There are surely more emails to be found in Wikileaks on this! If we can connect the Clintons to a child abductor their campaign is DONE!!! EDIT: Wanted to add this email showing HRC contacting a lawyer regarding the 10 people who were arrested for their roles in this kidnapping case, thanks /u/Look_See_Think for bringing me this: EDIT 2: More info on this story:"

Are_we__sure ago

Here's the archived the_Donald reddit post linking Laura Silsby and the Clintons in Haiti:

It's false. Specifically this premise is entirely false. Both of these sentences are false

hillary has a LONG history of interest in Ms. Silsby. Wikileak emails dating back till at least 2001 have been found in her archives discussing Laura's NGO.

EDIT: Wanted to add this email showing HRC contacting a lawyer regarding the 10 people who were arrested for their roles in this kidnapping case.

What's your conclusion here? I actually think I know what this is about, but I'm curious as to your thoughts. Note that GOH is Government of Haiti and the Harold Koh has the official title of Legal Adviser of the Department of State, a job created by Congress

From your other posts

Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions

Pretty sure you saw my response to this in another thread. the UK Times stopped saying this about Clinton just days later and this report is unsupported by any other media organization then or in the seven years since.

More SOS Village/Haiti support:

MORE CONFIRMATION THE 33 CHILDREN WERE TAKEN TO SOS Children's Village! The following is from a local Idaho paper,

Everybody knows this. It was widely reported. You're confirming basic known facts as if they are damning evidence.

I think you completely miss the point here. There's no connection at all between Silsby and SOS Villages. When they stopped the 10 Baptists with the kids, the put the Baptists in jail. They needed to figure out what to do with the kids. So they took they to a LEGIT and functioning orphanage until they could sort everything out. All the kids had parents and they were all returned to their parents.

Abeldanger is a pure nonsense source.

septimasexta ago

"Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions Tony Allen-Mills February 7 2010, 12:01am, The Sunday Times A DIPLOMATIC deal over the 10 American missionaries jailed in Haiti on child abduction charges may lead to the release this week of all except the group's leader, Laura Silsby, according to legal sources in Port-au-Prince.

The intervention of Bill Clinton, the former president, who is co-ordinating relief efforts in Haiti, may accelerate the resolution of an affair that has embarrassed the US government, dismayed relief agencies and angered many Haitians who believe their plight is being exploited by unscrupulous foreigners.

During a visit to Port-au-Prince on Friday, Clinton said the Haitian government was "not looking for some big fight. They just want to protect their children ... I think they'll find a way to defuse the crisis"."

septimasexta ago

More SOS Village/Haiti support: Conrad N. Hilton Foundation awards $575,000 to Organizations Helping Children Impacted by Earthquake in Haiti "Partners In Health and SOS Children’s Villages International, both laureates of the Hilton Humanitarian Prize, will receive $300,000 over two years for a collaborative project to help orphans and other children affected by the earthquake. The Global Fund for Children will receive $275,000 over three years to partner with locally led, community-based organizations in Haiti that are assisting vulnerable children. The new grants bring the Hilton Foundation’s contributions to Haiti to $1,075,000." MUST READ!

CONRAD HILTON'S HEIRS: "REALITY star, businesswoman and heiress Paris Hilton has reflected on her 2003 sex tape scandal in a new interview, saying it remains her biggest regret in life. Speaking to Marie Claire, the 36-year-old Simple Life star reflected on the sex tape, which she filmed with then-boyfriend Rick Salomon when she was just 18. Hilton maintains that the tape, titled One Night In Paris and sold for profit, was released without her consent — and insists she made any money from it." Sister Niki married James de Rothschild.

Also: "OrgaNIzaTIONs suppOrTed bY The CLINTON fOuNdaTION haITI fuNd The Clinton Foundation Haiti Fund allocated a total of $3 million to the following organizations for immediate humanitarian relief efforts: • ACTED, to support emergency assistance as well as provide and deploy over 1,000 shelter and rst-aid kits • CARE, for the distribution of much needed food and water to survivors • Concern Worldwide uSA, to provide food, water, shelter, and medicine to survivors • Food and Agriculture Organization, for the immediate purchase of seeds and fertilizer in and for Haiti • Interim Haiti Recovery Commission (IHRC): $1 million for operation support; $500,000 to support Building Back Better Communities • International Organization for Migration, to support the coordination and delivery of emergency shelter • International Rescue Committee, for medical care, clean water, and emergency sanitation for survivors • J/P Haitian Relief Organization, to provide bridge funding for the Petionville Club Camp to enable J/P HRO, whose staff is 90 percent Haitian, to continue to manage a camp of 55,000 displaced people, provide medical services, and support a rubble clearing project • Médecins du Monde, for the distribution of medicine • Médecins sans Frontières, to provide surgery and basic medical care to as many patients as possible • Oxfam, to provide more than 10 tons of water, sanitation, and health and shelter equipment • Partners In Health, to provide medical care and supplies as well as bring in urgently needed medical expertise to Haiti • Save the Children uSA, for immediate needs such as shelter, health, water, sanitation, and child protection; and, as conditions allow, the restoration of education for children • uNICEF, to provide adequate sanitation, safe water, and basic health care for survivors • We Advance, to fund training programs for women in camps for internally displaced people and poor communities in Port-au-Prince • World Food Programme, to distribute high-energy biscuits as well as airlift food from WFP emergency hubs"

nameof ago

Maybe why Twitter is calling ng for war on trump today I'm locked out. Thanks for this very good good good. For me the silsby problem points to Trump's need to deal with this mess asap, and people need to know why.

septimasexta ago

SOS Children's Villages / Clinton links:

GREECE The banquet, which was one of the most successful fundraising initiatives hosted by the Greek-American community, focused on the theme “Investing in the Future of Greece.” Former President Bill Clinton, Greek Prime Minister Anotonis Samaras, and prominent members of the Greek-American community, including George Stephanopoulos, were in attendance."


SWEDEN "05/07/2002 - SOS Children's Villages Sweden is the major beneficiary of a big celebrity event being held this summer where former president Bill Clinton will be in the spotlight."


septimasexta ago

Another interesting local news story on the Silsby/ Haiti affair. Interestingly, LAURA SILSBY IS REFERRED TO BUT NEVER NAMED! Her 'lawyer" Jore Puello is quoted:

SILSBY NOT IDENTIFIED "A spokeswoman for the group, which also includes five members of Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, acknowledged she had not secured the proper papers for the children, but argued the group was simply trying to rescue orphans from the quake-stricken capital and give them a better life."

"New Life Children’s Refuge, formed by a couple of Central Valley members, had already planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic but hurried into action after the earthquake. According to a plan posted on the Eastside Web site, the group was to gather “100 orphans from the streets and collapsed orphanages” of Haiti in one day and then drive them to a leased hotel in the Dominican Republic until the actual orphanage was built."

TRAFFICKER'S "LAWYER" PUELLO "Jorge Puello, a lawyer for the Americans from the Dominican Republic, told the AP they were being treated poorly, lacking air conditioning or electricity in the earthquake-damaged capitol. But one of the group — 24-year-old Charisa Coulter of Boise — said while she was being treated Monday at a University of Miami field hospital that she’d been treated “pretty good.” She said she had either severe dehydration or the flu. A diabetic, she initially thought her insulin had gone bad in the heat.

“I’m not concerned. I’m pretty confident that it will all work out,” she said, adding that Haitian police didn’t bring her group any food or water, but that U.S. officials have delivered water and MREs to eat."

HILLARY'S STATE DEPT. INVOLVED: "U.S. Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch and Reps. Mike Simpson and Walt Minnick announced Monday they’ve lent their support to the imprisoned Idahoans. The delegation is “in steady contact” with U.S. officials, including the State Department and offices in Port-au-Prince, monitoring the Baptists’ safety and ensuring they have adequate food, water, medical care and housing."

"The inquiries are the latest twist in a politically charged case that is unfolding in the middle of an earthquake disaster zone. A lawyer for the group has already been dismissed after being accused of trying to offer bribes to get the 10 Americans out of jail."

"The head of the Salvadoran border police, Commissioner Jorge Callejas, said in a telephone interview that he was investigating accusations that a man with a Dominican passport that identified him as Jorge Anibal Torres Puello led a human trafficking ring that recruited Dominican women and under-age Nicaraguan girls by offering them jobs and then putting them to work as prostitutes in El Salvador."

KnightsofHubris ago

HILLARY'S STATE DEPT. INVOLVED: "U.S. Sens. Mike Crapo and Jim Risch and Reps. Mike Simpson and Walt Minnick announced Monday they’ve lent their support to the imprisoned Idahoans. The delegation is “in steady contact” with U.S. officials, including the State Department and offices in Port-au-Prince, monitoring the Baptists’ safety and ensuring they have adequate food, water, medical care and housing."

Any American arrested in another country can get the State Department involved. It's part of what the State Department does.

septimasexta ago

That's why it is the perfect cover!

KnightsofHubris ago

Are you joking here?

septimasexta ago

NOPE. "Clinton brokers deal over Haiti orphan abductions Tony Allen-Mills February 7 2010, 12:01am, The Sunday Times A DIPLOMATIC deal over the 10 American missionaries jailed in Haiti on child abduction charges may lead to the release this week of all except the group's leader, Laura Silsby, according to legal sources in Port-au-Prince.

The intervention of Bill Clinton, the former president, who is co-ordinating relief efforts in Haiti, may accelerate the resolution of an affair that has embarrassed the US government, dismayed relief agencies and angered many Haitians who believe their plight is being exploited by unscrupulous foreigners.

During a visit to Port-au-Prince on Friday, Clinton said the Haitian government was "not looking for some big fight. They just want to protect their children ... I think they'll find a way to defuse the crisis"."

septimasexta ago

CNN confirms the Clinton visit. The dates match up. Of course, Bill does not advertise that he will try to get the traffickers out of jail. According to CNN, he had just been there 2 weeks prior. WHY THE HASTY RETURN? "February 4th, 2010 09:50 AM ET Bill Clinton to return to Haiti

New York (CNN) – Former President Bill Clinton plans to return to Haiti Friday to meet with Haitian leaders...."

"Clinton traveled to Haiti two weeks ago, days after the quake, to meet with Haitian and U.N. officials and deliver food and water as well as medical supplies, solar flashlights, portable radios and generators, the William J. Clinton Foundation statement said."

septimasexta ago

I am reposting this related comment/links. But first, I just came across this BLOCKBUSTER link by United States Marine Field McConnell putting it it all together:


The key is SOS Children's Villages..

"Here's an important video interview between Amanpour and Angelina Jolie right after the Haiti earthquake in 2010. Jolie is on location and discusses danger of child trafficking there and mentions the Laura Silsby incident. She is pushing Clinton Foundation funded SOS Children's Villages. Sounds like Amanpour is being used to diffuse the Silsby incident. Both she and her husband have close ties to the Clintons.

"Angelina Jolie In Haiti ' Christiane Amanpour Exclusive Interview ' Part1" AngelinaJolieUNHCR Published on Feb 13, 2010

"PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti, February 9 (UNHCR) UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie arrived on Tuesday in the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, where she visited earthquake survivors and met aid workers from local and international organizations.

Jolie, who said she was in Haiti to "listen and to learn," visited medical centres, the UN mission and met with vulnerable children. On her arrival in the Haitian capital, Jolie was briefed by the United Nations Acting Special Representative of the Secretary-General Edmond Mulet on the scale of the humanitarian operation to date and the challenges that remain.

She also visited a cash-for-work programme run by the UN Development Programme (UNDP) in the Carrefour district of Port-au-Prince, which is enabling Haitians to earn an income as they help their country to recover. "To give people the ability to work towards their own future is so important at this time. It helps to restore their hope and respects their dignity," said Jolie."

"In the Santo area of Port-au-Prince, Jolie visited SOS Children's Villages, a worldwide programme to raise children inside their own countries. Since the earthquake, the organization has begun providing additional care for children who have been newly orphaned or who have lost contact with their parents as a result of the catastrophe. SOS is working to reunite children with their family members and will continue to care for those without any caregivers.

Jolie applauded their work, while stressing that "new adoptions should definitely not be encouraged as an immediate response to the emergency. Haiti had many trafficking problems before the earthquake and now must keep a very close watch on the children. I would encourage as much support as possible to groups like SOS and UNICEF providing care for children in country.""

Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), the Rockefeller founded/funded non-profit was also there....."

"Here's another Angelina Jolie/SOS Children's villages link. The article appears to indicate Jolie interviewed all 33 of the Silsby abducted children:

Angelina Jolie Visits SOS Children's Village in Haiti Longtime Supporter Back in Haiti to Assess Progress Since Earthquake

"Washington, D.C. (June 21, 2010) – SOS Children’s Villages, a global organization that focuses on family-based, long-term care of children, this weekend welcomed UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador Angelina Jolie to its Village in Santo, Haiti outside of Port-au-Prince. Ms. Jolie spent the night at an SOS house in the Santo Village. She visited with and brought toys for the children. On her trip she met with President Preval, current and former Government of Haiti Ministers, Haitian Judges and lawyers, U.S. State Department officials, and other NGOs regarding child protection in Haiti. Preceding the overnight stay, Ms. Jolie held a dinner and round-table discussion that included UNHCR, SOS Children’s Villages, UNICEF, Partners in Health and PRODEV. The purpose of these meetings was to study the Haitian legal system surrounding child protection issues and explore mechanisms for strengthening the Government’s capacity to address these needs. This is Ms. Jolie’s second visit to the SOS Haiti Village. When last there in February she met with the 33 children who were brought to the village after the Haitian government intervened to prevent their removal from Haiti. This weekend, Ms. Jolie learned that all of the children have been reunited with their families and continue to receive assistance from SOS."

septimasexta ago

MORE CONFIRMATION THE 33 CHILDREN WERE TAKEN TO SOS Children's Village! The following is from a local Idaho paper, written at the time of the Haiti Earthquake:

"The Americans, largely from Eastside Baptist Church in Twin Falls and Central Valley Baptist Church in Meridian, say they were only trying to help orphans survive the earthquake. But legal experts say taking children across a border without documents or government permission can be considered child trafficking.

Eastside members arrested include Pastor Paul Thompson, 43, his son Silas Thompson, 19, and Steve McMullen, 56. Church members Matt and Lora Crider and John Requa were also involved with the project, but remained in the Dominican Republic and were not arrested.

At the SOS Children’s Village orphanage where authorities are protecting the 33 children, regional director Patricia Vargas said none who are old enough and willing to talk had said they were orphans: “Up until now we have not encountered any who say they are an orphan.”

Vargas said most of the children are between 3 and 6 years old, and unable to provide phone numbers or any other details about their origins.

The Americans apparently enlisted a clergyman who went knocking on doors asking people if they wanted to give away their children, the director of Haiti’s social welfare agency, Jeanne Bernard Pierre, told The Associated Press."

septimasexta ago

WARNING! The above "Able Danger" link may be a fake. Don't click on the videos! Looks like it may be a cut and paste from the real"Able Danger". While the written info could be legit, I have not watched the videos. Still, the other links are good and all point to SOS Children's Villages as the one to investigate!

septimasexta ago

Here is a link verifying the partnership between HSBC bank and SOS Children's Villages.

HSBC is Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Company. Researching it's history and founders is worthwhile. When the East India Co. was forced to shut down, it was replaced by Jardine Matheson, former employees of East India Co. This company was behind the "Opium Wars" with China, using the British navy to procure gunboat trade agreements. The East India Co. and its successor were constantly dogged with a trade deficit with China. China would only accept gold and silver as payment for tea and silk, and often didn't want British goods. Beginning with the East India Co., the problem was solved by smuggling Indian opium into China and getting payment for it in gold by addicted Chinese citizens. The ill gotten coin was then used to purchase silk and tea to sell to Europeans. By the time Jardine Matheson took over the trade, the Chinese rulers had outlawed opium and were actively fighting the drug war. After the Chinese confiscated a huge cargo of opium and dumped it into the river, Jardine Matheson used the incident to rally the British navy to their defense. The Brits won, and part of the trade agreement forced on the Chinese was that opium would be legalized and Great Britain (Jardine Matheson, etc.) would have control of Hong Kong as a trade port. The Sassoon family, former Iraqi Jews, fled to India and set up a large opium operation which supplied the East India Co. and its successors. Some of the Sassoon children moved to Hong Kong to oversee the banking/business end of the family business. The opium business was so lucrative that they set up a special bank to handle the wealth, HSBC. HSBC has always been associated with the drug trade and has recently been caught red-handed doing money laundering for the Mexican drug cartels, among others.

Here's an article on the China/Sassoon family/HSBC history BY SARAH LAZARUS 13 DEC 2014 / UPDATED ON 30 JUN 2016

Here are some quotes: "The first Jews to set up home in Hong Kong were Iraqis who arrived in the 1840s. They were descendants of Jews expelled from Spain and Portugal during the Inquisition (which lasted from the late 15th to early 19th centuries) who had worked their way east to Baghdad, where a sizeable community developed.

During the 19th century, Baghdadi adventurers travelled to India and set up trading operations in the booming ports of Bombay and Calcutta. Later, as China gradually opened to international trade, they crossed the Indian Ocean and established outposts in Canton, Macau and Hong Kong."

"The cemetery was created by the Sassoons, a family that was once dubbed "the Rothschilds of the East". They bought the parcel of land from local farmers. Green points out a plaque on the back wall that commemorates the opening of the burial ground, in 1855.

The family patriarch, David Sassoon, left Baghdad in 1832 and established himself in Bombay, modern-day Mumbai. He had seven sons whom he dispatched to outposts across the Orient, using his offspring to build a business empire.

"He had a son in practically every port," says Green. "As well as in Hong Kong, he had offices in Singapore, Burma, Canton, even as far as Japan and Indonesia."

The family started trading back and forth and invested in shipping, hotels and property, but its real fortune came from the less salubrious trade in opium. By the 1870s, the family was one of the leading importers to China of this incredibly lucrative commodity."

"The Sassoons had fingers in pies across the breadth of Hong Kong society and helped to get the fledgling colony up and running. One of David's sons, Arthur, was on the provisional committee that founded the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in 1864."

Reference: HONG KONG AND THE EARLY OPIUM TRADE: JARDINE MATHESON March 18, 2011 text quote: "Jardine, Matheson & Co. was founded in Canton on 1 July 1832, following a meeting between William Jardine and another Scots trader, James Matheson from Sutherland. In 1834, the pair sent the first private shipments of Chinese tea to England; another big export to the UK was silk. In return, they traded opium to the Chinese.[8] Jardine Matheson’s early profits were based on this trading of Indian opium into China. When the Chinese emperor tried to ban the trade, the company called on Britain to compel China to provide compensation for the confiscated opium, leading in 1839 to the first of two Opium Wars."

"There was one method available by which a Briton could establish a business on the East India Company’s preserves. He could accept the consulship of a foreign country and register under its laws. This method was employed by Jardine to establish himself in Canton. Magniac had obtained an appointment from the King of Prussia, and later James Matheson represented Denmark and Hawaii. On this basis the partners had nothing to fear from the Company; in fact, relations between these two and the East India Company seemed in time to have become amicable. It is recorded that when ships of the East India Company were detained outside the harbour by the authorities, Jardine offered his services “without fee or reward.” These services saved the East India Company a considerable sum of money and earned for Jardine the Company’s gratitude." Read entire article!

septimasexta ago

"David (Sassoon) became a naturalized British citizen in 1853, although he continued to live in Pune. His son Albert Abdullah moved to England, where he married into the Rothschild family and was elected to Parliament on the Conservative Party's ticket." read more:

"Gustave Samuel James de Rothschild, Baron de Rothschild (17 February 1829 in Paris – 28 November 1911 in Paris) was a French banker and scion of the French branch of the Rothschild family. He was the second son of James Mayer de Rothschild and Betty Salomon von Rothschild (of the German branch of the same family).

In accordance with Rothschild tradition, Gustave was expected to marry a cousin, and his family hoped that he would propose to his cousins Mathilde Hannah von Rothschild or Evelina de Rothschild.[1] Instead, in 1859 Gustave married Cécile Anspach, the daughter of a high official in the Court of Cassation and they had six children:

Octave (1860–1860) Zoé Lucie Betty de Rothschild (fr) (1863–1916), married in 1882 the Belgian banker Léon Lambert (fr) (1851–1919), Aline Caroline de Rothschild (1867–1909), married in 1887 Sir Edward Albert Sassoon (1856–1912)"

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Laura Silsby/Clinton connection and alertsense is already the smoking gun.

migratorypatterns ago

It might be.

My question is where the names of the ten others are listed. Indie Journalists and YouTubers keep stating one of them was Daniel Pye, the scumbag who was just found guilty of child molestation, but I never see any actual articles stating it. Every media story only names Laura Silsby and ten others. I believe one or two articles mentioned a couple of these others professions, but they sure didn't list the names. Does anyone have a list of these names?

septimasexta ago

Pye's In Haiti Blog about the Pye's life in Haiti!

migratorypatterns ago

And this gives the names? Or tells he was/wasn't arrested?

septimasexta ago

He was jailed, but I haven't found his name directly linked with Silsby. Do look at the photos of him and his daughter and Haitian children. No one likes to wear shirts......Creepy!

migratorypatterns ago

I haven't either, but I've seen/heard it linked.

Oh, he is creepy as hell! I'm surprised no one caught on before this. It's probably just to monstrous for people to accept.

KnightsofHubris ago

Daniel Pye had nothing to do with Laura Silsby (think about how big a news story that would have been) and it's very easy to find the names of others.

Charisa Coulter's father wrong a book about this.

migratorypatterns ago

The point is that numerous indie journalists have called him out as being arrested with Silsby.

And if it's so easy to find, give me the names, pls, and a linked source you got them from.

KnightsofHubris ago

The point is that numerous indie journalists have called him out as being arrested with Silsby.

Are these folks actually journalists in any way? Because it's very simple to find the facts

For example google lets you search for a particular date range. Here are the results of a search for Jan and February of 2010 for

"Daniel Pye Haiti"

jewfighter33 ago

The names of ten others would surely be known as there are photos of them locked up in jail and Silsby case was aired nationwide on TV. Should be easy to find on mainstream media articles I think.

BTW can you downvote @Oh_well_ian for me so his post isn't at the top? Hes going on a rampage calling this disinfo just because I have numbers on my handle, and now I'm getting millions of messages and notifications from him

Shillaxe ago

OWIan is a racist hater, please join in "beating" up the bully, more 👎 voats the better.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you're a shill because you're spamming voat with the FLAWED SUBMISSION, you fucking faggot.

dooob ago

Elaborate, you cunt.

jewfighter33 ago

So my submission is flawed because I have numbers on my username? xD you make me laugh bro

migratorypatterns ago

It should be easy, but it's not. I did search after search, and someone else on Voat was having the same trouble.

jewfighter33 ago

Now that I think about it, didn't the missionaries write a hand-written note saying that Laura Silsby is "LYING"? I cant find it, maybe they deleted the article lol. I quite distinctly remember it though. Silsby was never portrayed as innocent

migratorypatterns ago

Well, if Daniel Pye were one of these innocent missionaries, it would seem the note was wrong. Unless the note pertained to the ones not in on the child trafficking scheme.

The thing I find interesting about your post is why you're taking a pounding. The person in your post misrepresented himself as an attorney the same way that Laura Silsby misrepresented herself and tried to smuggle out 33 children. Perhaps it's the way someone views this. To me it's the Birds of a Feather syndrome and makes what you have posted valid in a weird kind of way.

jewfighter33 ago

Im not sure about the other ten but I think I recall that they said Silsby lied to them or something? So I think Silsby was the main culprit so the other ten might not be so important... i dunno.

Im just sharing this because I bumped into it and hadnt seen it shared. William Craddick and george webb are very well known and his talking to Puello here

jewfighter33 ago

@Oh_well_ian has likely used multiple accounts to downvote this thread. (he spammed/stalked me in other threads)

If you think this is disinfo, check and confirm for yourself. Note that he concluded that this is disinfo based on my username and semantics "he did not reply, he tweeted" coughwhat is #metoo cough. He's either a shill or mentally ill.

Tweet is here:

Oh_Well_ian ago

I don't need multiple accounts, you Shareblue faggot.

Your shit has been exposed. Time to fuck off.

jewfighter33 ago

What did you expose exactly? The numbers on my username? lol

Oh_Well_ian ago

You exposed yourself, you stupid cunt. By the way, will you be fucking off soon? Because you said 20 minutes ago you were out of here.

jewfighter33 ago

lol do you do this to everyone who shares new info here? i haven't been here for awhile so im kinda disappointed. this place was quite productive before, but people like you just ruin everything (selfish too, think of the kids)

By the way, will you be fucking off soon? Because you said 20 minutes ago you were out of here.

Who's the one spamming me in every thread I've commented on? Huh?

Off yourself Shareblue.

Oh_Well_ian ago

this is OLD INFO you stupid kid fucking faggot... and you got it wrong on multiple levels.

why the fuck are you still here? 40 minutes since you shit on PG and said you 'were out' haha

jewfighter33 ago

Hahaha you backtracked from "flawed" to "old". So you admitted that its real info. So info has an expiry date now?

Yes I'm sure that the numbers on my username debunked pizzagate okay nothing to see here kk xD

Keep it going Ian you lad, the kids need you

Oh_Well_ian ago

A) This guy is not a lawyer, but posed as one when Silsby was arrested in Haiti.

B ) He did not testify, he tweeted.

C ) Wild that your screen name has a 33, the same number of Haitian children Silsby attempted to abduct.

D ) You're a brand new account, so tell v/pizzagate about your intentions.

anotherdream ago

Love these fucking 12-19 hour members lately! Last 48 hours have been crawling with these fuckers.

jewfighter33 ago

Thanx 4 the downvote @Oh_Well_ian

Lol you literally spam-replied all of my comments hahahaha.


Oh_Well_ian ago

New guy acting like a fucking turd.

Yeah... welcome Shareblue faggot

jewfighter33 ago

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh my how v/pizzagate has changed.

Fuck this place. I'm out. Also, kill yourself faggot.

jewfighter33 ago


@Gwenjackmann @ron_fournier the real people doing the trafficking are The Clinton Foundation, Several Salvadora, Dominican and Haitian Pres

Twitter account:


Dylan_Klebold ago

She will still probably not get arrested.