IpointOutTrolls ago

AnAnonandOnandOn is a Donkey alt.

SoberSecondThought ago

As I commented last week in a related thread, I continue to have problems with this project. I'm totally in favor of "following the money" and identifying shills, it's just that ShareBlue seems like the wrong place to look when compared with Media Matters.

From what I've read, ShareBlue has fewer than 20 employees, many of whom may not even be full time, and doesn't include an argue-with-trolls-on-social-media mandate at all. None of these links show anything to indicate it has secret additional funding, or secret additional employees, or a mandate to go shill anywhere. People continually SAY that ShareBlue is shilling in their threads, but that isn't the same as actually proving it's ShareBlue doing the shilling. The links above lead to hundreds of pages of detailed disbursements for CTR because it was a political organization governed by the FEC. ShareBlue isn't one, which is why there aren't FEC documents for it. It's basically a small, pro-Hillary Clinton blog. Over on /pol/ they're saying that it's the new "Correct The Record," but that's not true. It's not organized like CTR was, or funded the same way, and it's much smaller. Media Matters is 4 or 5 times bigger, it has been proven to have illegally diverted funds, and it has a mandate to do social media interventions.

I'm not saying that ShareBlue is innocent or shouldn't be investigated. I'm just saying that Media Matters remains a much better lead (which was a major point of my series of submissions, see my submission history for details).

darkknight111 ago

I do understand where you're going with this.

I could argue that Shareblue is like a tendril to groups like Media Matters and Correct the Record. By looking at the satelites, we can find more suspects and connect them with the ones we already know or find clues to additional crimes.

Zac for example based on his history with Media Matters is most certainly a lieutenant to David Brock.

SoberSecondThought ago

It's absolutely a relevant subject for research. Although some of the ShareBlue staff are surely just liberal normies, some are likely dirty. My concern is that the folks over on /pol/ seem to yell "ShariaBlue shill!" at everything, not realizing where the big money flows and headcounts actually are.

KnightsofHubris ago

Can you provide evidence for all your claims? You have several unsourced claims. You are also misusing shell company and applying it to non-shell companies. A PAC is not a shell company

Paul Ryan and John McCain fund the group via one of McCain's shell companies.

Ryan Clayton is on the payroll. Is also a pedophile (targets 12-14 year olds).

Zac Petkansas is also on the payroll. Also a pedophile.

ProudTruther ago

Yeah because people always leave records of clandestine/sketchy activities that proles like us can access.

KnightsofHubris ago

Yeah because people always leave records of clandestine/sketchy activities that proles like us can access.

This actually the argument made by pizzagaters about pictures, comments and jokes on Instagram.

darkknight111 ago

How much is shareblue paying you? Also, that's from the account of the former shareblue member.

We know your post history. Get the fuck out shill.

Hey guys, you know how to deal with shills....downvoat brigade them to reduce their ability to comment.

KnightsofHubris ago

How much is shareblue paying you? What are you talking about?

Also, that's from the account of the former shareblue member.

If you have evidence for your claims I'm asking you to provide it.

Ryan and McCain fund Shareblue? really?

AnAnonandOnandOn ago

You're a faggot. If you got brigaded you'd say "there's a shill brigade here you goyz!". Because anyone challenging anything you say is a pedophile because you're so smart. And if your victim makes alts to continue his free speech you say that itself is a shill tactic.

Say weren't you supposed to doxx me months ago or is that just another pretentious FAGGOT thing of the many you say?

@esotericshade you too cunt, didn't you say "we know everything about you?" You realize making empty threats and pretending you have a posse is a LARPFAG move and once exposed you lose credibility? Or does nothing affect you retards' confidence, even your pathetic submissions compared to my own?

ESOTERICshade ago

@esotericshade you too cunt,

Merry Christmas


GeorgeHodelDidit ago

If your just a little person....then just stay quiet...if your one of the tribe with kid blood on your hands....well. You will be found....and you will be dealt with. Fly back to your homeland...and ready yourselves for the embargo. Can Isreal feed itself? Wonder if they can? Shall we find out?

darkknight111 ago

He's one of Donkey's alts.

A total psychopath who has stated that he endorses punishing rape victims instead of the rapist.

He's likely a muslim based on how much he defends them and the horrible way they treat women.

AnAnonandOnandOn ago

Shut the fuck up you worthless illiterate old queen. WHY DO YOU THINK I EVEN MADE THIS ALT? Because you LARPFAGGOT "SHILL-SPOTTERS" are incapable of judging leads on their own merit: you depend on what OTHERS have said about the poster.

That makes you a RETARD. YOU ARE A RETARDED PERSON. Which makes your GAY LITTLE THREATS all the funnier. Actually being wise to the Jews but ALSO worshipping Trump might make you the single dumbest motherfucker here.

Better post record than all you larpers calling me shill, and it's just one account of mine LMAO. Every new post will have you wondering if it's me. https://voat.co/user/AnAnonandOnandOn

new4now ago

Nice job darkknight

Will dig when I can

Blacksmith21 ago

That's some good shit right there. Out of my wheelhouse, but it all looks related to me.