finska ago

This story is absolutely chilling....Im so glad we now have people questioning the freemasons. They are utter filth. Im devastated for anyone who has been through something like this. Just horrific.

ESOTERICshade ago

This story is absolutely chilling....Im so glad we now have people questioning the freemasons. They are utter filth. Im devastated for anyone who has been through something like this. Just horrific.

Trusting Freemasons is like like sleeping in the bed with a rattlesnake and hoping you don't get bit.

Piscina ago

The masons worship satan, explained for a former mason:

3141592653 ago

Is this your personal story?

ESOTERICshade ago

No. The headline is the original headline of the article.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

My earliest memories of being a human being are memories of being abused

Ditto! That inescapable FACT, was the beginning of all my memories unraveling.

Shizy ago

Thank God you did and you got away. How awful that you had to suffer abuse,no one should ever have to go through that.

3141592653 ago

Thank you for sharing. I've been through a lot too

Limpness ago

me too. Free masons on both sides of the family tree. One side had 32nd degree wealthy masons.The other side was religioius....Grandfather was a lay minister and has a church named for him to this day. He beat one of his sons every day. Lots of pedophelia in the family.The psychiatrist's handbook, DSM-5® Handbook of Differential Diagnosis describes pedophiles as often upstanding members of the community...involved in church.

Readthesymbols ago

Masonry is not republican or democrat. Its both. Lucifarians at the core while pretending to be christians, jews and even muslims. Yes there are masonic "muslim" lodges. Surely by now people would understand that the aim is to divide the people but control both sides. That way you are never out of power. This is not left vs Right and until you understand that we will never beat them

ESOTERICshade ago

This is not left vs Right and until you understand that we will never beat them

That is my goal but the urge to cheer for a favorite is so strong it is hard convince people not to think in dualistic terms. People are being tricked into thinking there are only two options. The less of two evils. Humanity will have the collective power to shake off the parasite when it learns to say "neither." There is a third way and it does not include either of their dualistic choices. How is the third way accomplished? Collective education known as redpilling. Things did not get this way in a short time frame and it will not unravel in one.

Most human beings think in terms of goals that can be accomplished within their lifetimes and that is the distinct disadvantage humanity has. The cult thinks in terms of decandes and centuries and works its plan accordingly. They are organized like a hive of bees all working toward one purpose.

At one time in pizzagate's history pizzagaters considered themselves part of a hive and sometimes used that terminology. Their big claim to fame was "we are hive without a leader." Decentralization. The hivers know the goal and everybody does what they do best.

Right now pizzagate is in the process of forsaking that model in favor of the Savior model. Unfortunately the Savior comes from the beast itself. Sure recipe for hive death. People then say "well if not the Republicans then who? because they are the only people that can do it."

I say they are the only people that will refuse to destroy their own lucrative and powerful system. No system of that nature has ever voluntarily committed system suicide. The third way is to just say NO and refuse to comply in any way possible which I admit is limited at this point but it is amazing what happens when enough people say NO to something. The PTB will always usually take two steps backwards, step back, and let things settle down. After that the NO has to stick through hive reinforcement, also known as "red pilling", also known as constant meme warfare. Also known as education.

The only way to make the PTB back down is to red pill enough people that are also vocal. Nothing that comes from the mainstream media is dangerous to those people.

The D.C. Ass Grab Distraction will not be dangerous to them either because THEY ARE GENERATING IT. They are not generating news about pedophliia but they could do thousands of stories on it continually if anybody had any inclination. That is why it is up to us to never let that subject die because IT IS THE ONE subject that crosses all boundries. It crosses race, ethnicity, social class, geography, religion (at our level), and all else.

Child abuse is the one hill that all decent humans will collectively fight on. It is THE HILL. There is no other hill that powerfjul and all hive members should be educated to think that way.

GreenDell144 ago

We need you. Thank you for sharing. It is my personal hope that every victim is found, identified and their story heard. I pray for justice. “May your kingdom come” is an important concept. The current kingdom needs to go.

Thank you for telling your story.

2impendingdoom ago

Ouch, this is painful to read. Freemasons posing as lawyers and judges need to be outed. Eshade I think you should start a campaign meming this concept, and let it expose all their crimes, not just pedo even though I appreciate where you stand. No body who is corrupt for any reason should be spared.

Hastert, the serial child rapist, was taken down for financial crimes after all.

oftotc ago

YNaija is the internet newspaper for young Nigerians, focused on the issues and ideas that matter for an evolving generation. It is an arm of the RED brand, which is the continent's largest omni-media group focused on Africa's youth.

The data collection on that website you linked is impressive. It also employs that "blank space" link technique so if you click anywhere on the whitespace you "clicked" a link. These are among techniques officially known by the technical term, "sketchy".

Also, there are folk here what think this is your story OP. Maybe clear that up for us all a bit.

DonKeydich ago

More bedtime reading from esotericfag. Sorry I mean hard-hitting research LOL

Pablolove ago

I'm glad your family have been able to live good lives after this , it's harrowing and what greater betrayal than a dad towards his own kids. He'll meet his Maker. I've just had a similar experience. It was my kids dad to our two daughters. I found out two years ago so it's still so raw and we've not really moved on as yet. It's hard as you must understand.

Piscina ago

I couldn't finish reading the children's accounts as they were too harrowing. This morning I listened to a former 33rd degree Freemason. He said masonry was a cult of sex. Consequently, these men's thoughts turn to the most debased sex acts such as sex with children and raping women. Freemasons worship Baal and the phallic gods. Only about one in a thousand masons understand the truth of their cult. This former Freemason had counselled about 2000 families. Most children of Freemasons had been sexually abused by either their parents or other masons. He also said it's virtually impossible for anyone to become president unless they're a mason.

I've read accounts of families destroyed by freemasonry. Those on the lower rungs are bled dry of their money. They are always away from their families on weekend jaunts with their mason buddies, paying prostitutes, and filming their rape of children.

pixiesbitch ago

“He did say he had a record of child molesting” so yeah, have kids with him. What a smart lady! /s

pby1000 ago

I am not surprised by any of this.

The normies don't know enough to consider who the Freemasons are when they deal with the courts and law enforcement. I have asked several attorneys I know about the Freemasonry issue when they are in a courtroom, and they never considered it. These attorneys will sometimes complain about horrible decisions being made, and my response is "They are probably Freemasons."

In a sense, we already have Freemasonry political parties. This is NWO globalism. We need an anti-Freemasonry party. I know there used to be. I have read stories about the Freemasons killing people, such as William Morgan in 1826. I bet they were molesting children even back then.

Astrotheologist ago

yeah they probably started the Catholic church too. These are all boys clubs designed to molest children and blackmail people.

2impendingdoom ago

Have you ever noticed that lawyers call eachother "brother"? its fucked up. Both sides of any case are only out to rob their clients.

ESOTERICshade ago

We need an anti-Freemasonry party. I know there used to be.

I busted out loud laughing when you said that considering that we have a Qville Village that would NEVER support you on that because they could not take their beloved Republicans with them. Thanx for the laugh pby1000

pby1000 ago

Lol. Maybe they don't understand what their beloved Republicans really believe.

pizzaequalspedo ago

The Republican Party is dead to me. I support Trump because it’s the only hope we have currently in politics.

Time will tell if he’s the real deal or not.

ThePuppetShow ago

Who claimed the only people helping Q were republican? You're blowing this out of proportion, nobody is cheerleading for the republican party. People just have a little hope. Basically, this is our only shot at a peaceful resolution, most of us just want to see hoe this plays out. You're borderline concern trolling at this point.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're borderline concern trolling at this point.

Only one person had the balls to point out that Roy Cohn was one of Trump's mentors. That is concerning. All things concerning do not come from trolls if a person used discernment.

ThePuppetShow ago

Personally, I quit political gang banging in 2002. You're lumping me and others into a group cheerleading republicans. This is the same technique SJW's use to discredit legitimate info. You claim this is hurting pizzagate, but I haven't seen this kind of excitement in here in 6 months. We weren't asked to sit back and do nothing like you claim either, it was actually the oposite. We were asked to expose the pedo end of everything when it all starts unraveling. Nobody has told anyone to quit investigating, shit has just slowed from a year ago. There's only so much we can do with no warrants to seize computers, hacking or without another leak. Everything has been scrubbed (with a cloth) at this point reguarding all the old Wikileaks info. We're to a point that all we can do is try to red pill people on the info we have and that hasn't stopped.

How would you explain the things Q has been right about if he/she has no inside government knowledge? How does it hurt pizzagate if this turns out to be a deep state psyop? Do you understand how many more people that will red pill? The Streisand effect is very real.

ESOTERICshade ago

How does it hurt pizzagate if this turns out to be a deep state psyop?

The only thing that concerns me is that people are being conditioned to affiliate with a party that operates on Phoenician, Pharisee, Babylonian, Zionist roots. I think the concern is real but there is nothing I can do about it so I guess it will be what it will be. The other stuff is cool, I like the excitement.

ThePuppetShow ago

Well, I agree that nobody should be cheerleading for the Republican or Democrat parties. As a matter of fact everyone here better know that there's no political parties in DC and there hasn't been for a long time. All these people collude together. BUT there has to be some good people, like us, left in government who have been unable to say anything because the roaches have been running things. That's where my hope comes in that this Q thing is legit and not the douche bags running another game. There just has to be good people left or all that's left is citizens taking back DC by force. That would be ugly and it also seems to be what they wantR considering the hate they're spreading through Antifa, BLM, etc.

I don't really think you're a troll, that's why I threw in borderline. It did trip me out when you told me I was making a slide post. I thought.. For what? All the circada bullshit constantly clogging up the sub? Anyways.. Fuck the Republicans.. Fuck the Democrats.. Fuck every last one of these kiddie diddling luciferains. Let's hope we see them in court soon.

ESOTERICshade ago

I have been a little cranky lately. I think it probably stems from the fact that maybe I understand the origin of their philosophy and it has remained fundamentally the same over time under different names. I realize a lot of people have not had the luxury of time to study like I did. I know I come off as cranky sometimes, i'm just really uncomfortable with people leaning into a position that might cause them to miss what what the core of (((their) philosophy is about.

I see promise for this generation that grew up in 4chan and had the world's library at their fingertips. Some of these kids are amazing in what they are learning. When I was a kid we had to go to the library, and even at that we had to know what we were hunting for.

They are hungry and they are having fun and I love it. For instance check this out. They are having a ball and it is interesting. I have always wondered what Tesla's secret of 3 6 9 is too. It relates to the Golden Mean Ratio for one thing but there is a lot more to it.

One the biggest Masonic secrets is "that the secret is 3." I don't fully understand it but I know it is profound.

That would be ugly and it also seems to be what they wantR considering the hate they're spreading through Antifa, BLM, etc.

Yep. They will always attempt to draw us into a conflict before we are ready for it because they know they can win if we are unprepared. They won't sit around until people are fully equipped and prepared. They want to nip that in the bud.

ESOTERICshade ago

Look at the down votes. Interesting.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The mods no doubt.

ESOTERICshade ago



The marriage lasted six and a third years before our separation, during which time I gave birth to four sons and was pregnant with my fifth. While pregnant with the fifth, my oldest two children, in their father’s absence from our home, began to tell me that he had molested them.

The second-oldest had tried to tell me this perhaps six months earlier, and I had confronted their father with his accusation, but he managed to dissuade me that it was true. I confronted him again, this time, and he admitted his behavior, saying, “I’ve got them all, even the baby, and from the time they were babies.” This was at 8:20 in the a.m. on January 1, 1975, a fact I will probably never forget.

In the desperate months that followed, the boys continued to tell me what their father, his mother, his friends and others had done to them.

If I had heard one more thing, I would have lost my mind. My lawyer told me to write down everything they said. I did. The children told of being sexually tortured, of being sold in the “dirty bookstores of Kansas City”–[“Daddy got money for letting men hurt us in the little rooms at the back of the store.”]; they told of being forced to watch while other children were murdered–[“They held our heads and made us watch.”]; and they gave clues that matched newspaper articles about a missing and later found decapitated twelve-year-old local girl. I mourned that child for eighteen years, not realizing that she had been dancing on the streets of heaven ever since the moment of her death.

There were other details. These stand out, thirty-five years later. For years I could not look at or read what I had written down. It was too ghastly, too traumatic.


Suffice it to say, the authorities were not on my side. I tried to get help for my boys, knowing they needed help, but the local mental health godfather pointed to his PHd on the wall and assured me that he was much smarter than I, and that no father would do such things to his own children.

I explained that he had already confessed and had a record…but my lawyer told me to get out of town by that Friday or I would be put in a mental ward on drugs [I was five months pregnant with my fifth son and my children would be taken away from me. So, we were forced to go back to the house where most of the abuse had taken place, in a Kansas City suburb.

My oldest child was not allowed to testify to the abuse in court because one had to be six and he was only five and a half at that time. I had never caught him in the act, so we were not allowed to bring charges.

I actually had a man who identified himself as a judge phone me and tell me I was not to speak a word of any of this to anyone. My response was to tell, him, “Sure, OK, anything you say,” and then to tell everyone I ever knew anywhere what had happened. They left me alone after that!

My third son had never spoken up to this point. He was two and a half years old. His first words were “Daddy frew da wittle girl in da wake.” Daddy threw the little girl into the lake. I guess this was to attempt to dispose of a body.

Fast forward. We relocated several hours away. A social worker told me just to give the boys a “good reality,” that children are very resilient. So, that was the goal. I remained a zombie for almost six years–had great guilt for my sin and rebellion having brought this on my beautiful babies–and then made the conscious decision that I would like to live again.

The children went to public school; we actually all received more love there than in the Christian school I had so wanted them to attend in Kansas City. We eventually moved to North Carolina–an answer to prayer as I had prayed that if it ever became public about their father, I wanted my boys far removed from having to grow up under that stigma–they were totally innocent victims.


Six months after we moved, my ex-husband was discovered having been entered into the Big Brother Program–he was actually PROMOTED into it by a sponsor on the Board–where he was found to have molested a thirteen-year-old boy.

He was given a 22-year sentence and may have served six years of that sentence. In the meantime, I found out from a police detective in Topeka that he and his second wife had become adoptive parents of three more children through a state foster parent program.

Their lives were quite sad, too. One tried to burn down his school. Another was put in foster care and attempted to molest children there….I forget at this time the story of the third. I believe their names were Eddie, Teddie, and Tracey.

As teenagers, the boys had access to the beach and to the mountains and to work opportunities after school here in North Carolina. It was a welcome move for us all.

One is a doctor; one is a dedicated pastor, one has his own business and just landed a lucrative contract with the state, one is a nurse and the last one is kind of freewheeling it in Hawaii these days.

Jesus heals and He answers prayer. One of the reasons He came was “to destroy the works of the devil.” We are living proof. I could not be prouder of my children. All are good fathers and men who love their truly beautiful wives. I have twelve wonderful, healthy, smart, fun, beautiful grandchildren. We consider ourselves Christian people.

Shizy ago

I would have killed him for doing that to my children, but thank God all turned out well for her and her boys in that they were able to get away and live a happy, peaceful life

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

@ESOTERICshade Is this from your own personal experience?

(My computer is being sluggish so may have missed something.)

abcdefg222 ago

Wow. I'm in awe of Your strength and courage and your fight for your children. Such bravery. Thank you for sharing.

StcharlesSeminary ago

I am so very sorry. I can relate. Thank you for your bravery in coming forward

Gothamgirl ago

So terribly sad this is.