millennial_vulcan ago

if we can also get rid of his unfunny, untalented, cringe-worthy cousin, AMY SCHUMER , then I would be overjoyed.

ESOTERICshade ago


That no talent wench is a waste of good oxygen molecules

millennial_vulcan ago


gaystapo ago

You knew the complaint against chucky was a hoax when it involved an adult female. Have you seen his "wife"???? That's a tranny if I ever saw one.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

More bait and switch. The pedo mods love love love anything that takes the focus off the DC/CIA child traficking torturing murdering ring. And the sheeple in here keep getting away from James Alefantis Rothschild, Podesta, CPP, CIA and satanism. Remember the place that makes soap out of human tissue? The hog farm to dispose the bodies? The paper article about a hideous smell and substance in the gutters? This was the dot connecting during the early days of the crowd source investigation. now the pedo mods delete things about the catholic church raping and torturing children and the sheeple post things about the phony sex deviant distraction cases. "Maut Lauer then pressed a button under the desk which locked the door. He then instucted the lady to take off her top. He then had sex with her until she passed out". No, none of that happened. They have no respect for your intelect. Lauer and his door locking button under the desk. I still lol about that one.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Looks like Schumer pulled the 'Bush National Guard AWOL' trick that was played on Dan Rather.

Bush never showed up for the National Guard, but the documents Dan Rather had WERE FAKED. This little trick killed the AWOL story and ended the career of Dan Rather. PS. I think Rather was in on it, all along, just like Cernovic is likely in on this plot.

Are_we__sure ago

I agree these documents are fraudulent but your reasoning seems a little off.

If Schumer was the source, wouldn't Schumer let it play out? So he could actually take out johnson and cernovich. This feels more nipped in the bud.

PS. I think Rather was in on it, all along, just like Cernovic is likely in on this plot.

Why would have Dan Rather been behind that fake documents that ruined his career? That doesn't make sense. That feels like the cognitive dissonance of not liking Rather but realizing he was wronged. Why would Cernovich work with Schumer and why would he knowingly embarrass himself. And there's miles of difference between a ratfucker like Cernovich and any journalist, let alone Dan Rather.

The genius of the Rather documents, was the contents of the documents were true. So they passed a round of fact checking. The General's secretary remember typing up such documents, it just wasn't these particular papers. So the hoaxers were working from the real files most likely.

The guy said to be directly behind that plot was Roger Stone. People suspect the woman who handed off the documents to guy who gave to them to CBS was Roger Stone's wife.

Oh_Well_ian ago

blackmail answers all your questions

Rather was/is Deep State, just like Brokaw.

Narcissism ago

The threat Chucky issued to Trump - "We (CiA) have 6 ways too Sunday to get back at you" should put him near the top of our shit list.

ESOTERICshade ago

Some people won't like me for this, and as much as I despise Shumer I hate to say it, If we participate in the coming blizzard of "sexual impropriety" that is getting ready to come out of D.C. it will literally blow pedophilia and our focus on the heart of the dark beast right off the map. CNN is working on 40 of these stories so they say.

I call it The D.C. Ass Grab Distraction and they plan to avalanche us with it. We are getting ready to find out how many true pedo hunters we have and how many political cheer leaders we have because the desire to post endlessly about "who grabbed whos ass at work" is going to be tremendous for some people.

I know one for sure (not you darkknight111) that is chomping at the bit to snow us under with it. This will last forever and if we train our new and upcoming pedophile hunters that this is pizzagate we won't have any new recruits trained for the future.

One thing the dark occult demands for its survival is the proper training of new recruits because they know the future survival of the cult demands it or the cult dies. If we are to be worth anything at all in saving children from their distress we have to be equally as clever as they are and continually set an example and lead by example.

I suggest we post these in pizzagatewhatever because if we don't, over time, we will destroy the largest, most effective, and decentralized, hard to co-opt pedophile hunting unit on the planet, and that is what we are right now. We are the only real crowd sourced pedo unit going and we are already in danger of letting this young baby 1 year old phenom slip away because people won't stop posting political noise about "the storm."

If people have not noticed yet the "storm" has been about political payback for all the nasty things the Clinton/Cabal people have done. We are not in that business and the Republicans do not need our help for that but the children to because we are all the most unique and hard to co-opt unit they have.

Survivors love us to death too. We are special and the PEDOS WOULD LOVE FOR US TO PARTICIPATE in this and slowly wipe out our movement and our training regiment.

I realize people have stopped investigating because they are expecting the Freemason Republicans to handle the pedos from now on but in spite of all the hope there is zero evidence that they will focus on it and history says that they will not.

In the event that the Freemason Republicans fail, and I fully expect them too, at least our team will remain intact through this coming blizzard of D.C. ass grab if we stay in shape. If we don't our movement will be wiped out when they fail.

The founders of our movement would cuss people out in a minute for anybody suggesting we trust Freemasons and I am flabbergasted and stunned that people are wanting to do it now. Freemasons play a long game, they plan for decades and centuries at a time, and they have secrets for a reason.

They don't give a shit about us regardless of what people believe and the thing they hate most is for us to have an organized movement they cannot control that focuses on their pedophile problem.

I am convinced that I have identifiedat least two or three sudden regulars around here who are part of an effort to slide our movement and co-opt into a Zionist Freemason Cheer Leading Squad.

I am also amazed that some people are not thinking long term enough to understand what conditioning our movement to cheer for Freemasons will do to our elite pedo hunting unit. I seriously wish the people that have come to pizzagate to cheerlead for a Zionist Freemasonic deep state political party would just GTFO and go to V/politics or CBTS.

In earlier days they would have been chased out and it would not have been nicely either. They would have been told to GTFO and stay out.

The stickie threads are responsible for the slide problem around here and I don't understand why they keep doing the stickies. The sticky threads invite the slide threads and then, eventually, the mods get around to deleting them.

The sticky threads themselves totally violate our posting rules so its no wonder people are confused about what we are supposed to be doing. How could they not be? This situation is getting more fucked up by the day too.

There is a CBTS forum and a v/politics forum and why people want to cross pollinate and fuck the jewel in the crown is beyond me.

darkknight111 ago

If my theory is true, then the vid in this thread from last night is what he's trying to get ahead of. The one about the underage Dominicans.

VoatisCIA ago


Oh_Well_ian ago

Moore had victims.

Schumer has plotters.


KnightsofHubris ago

Odd behavior?

Somebody forges a document about Schumer and Schumer is the one at fault? Pleeeze.

Chuck Johnson and Cernovich were the folks peddling this forgery. And soon we will find out about Roger Stone's involvement, i'm sure. (OMG! Q level access!) Let's Steisand Effect the failure of these two trolls to not spot a hoax.

A forged document accusing the top Democrat in the Senate of sexual harassment copied language verbatim from a real sexual-harassment complaint filed against Rep. John Conyers.

On Tuesday afternoon, right-wing social media personalities Charles Johnson and Mike Cernovich boasted of obtaining a document that would put a senator out of a job.

“Michael Cernovich & I are going to end the career of a U.S. Senator,” Johnson posted on Facebook on Monday.

The senator was Minority Leader Charles Schumer of New York, Axios first reported.

But the document was fake. A copy of the document, obtained by The Daily Beast, purports to be draft lawsuit complaint against Schumer by a former staffer. It accuses him of sexual harassment. Schumer’s office told The Daily Beast the document and her signature are forgeries. Schumer’s office said the senator was not in Washington, D.C. or the United States during several dates in the document when he is said to have harassed the staffer.

“The document is a forged document and every allegation is false,” Schumer spokesperson Matt House told The Daily Beast. “We have turned it over to the Capitol Police and asked them to investigate and pursue criminal charges because it is clear the law has been broken. We believe the individual responsible for forging the document should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law to prevent other malicious actors from doing the same.”

Hortance ago

Schumer knows that stories are coming about him. Yes it DOES make sense he'd like to plant a few false ones he could knock out of the park to DISCREDIT later accusers.... Close relations with Corey Booker and Sen. Menendez; stories developing, reportedly, about the three of them being involved in flying in young Dominican girls....

Of course, Anthony Weiner and Schumer were VERY close, Schumer described as his "mentor".....

Schumer wouldn't be the first to make PRE-EMPTIVE attempts to discredit ugly stories that are feared to be coming.

November 14, 2017--Theresa May spoke to a dinner group of establishment types in Great Britain, issuing a strong warning about how she had it on good authority that Russia was going to be attacking Western institutions and leaders with false stories and PHOTOSHOPPED PICTURES.

Somebody is very worried about something becoming public knowledge, and Schumer reeks of exactly the same kind of desperation.

Are_we__sure ago

Seems too much like a screenplay. If there was fire behind the smoke, getting reporters asking your current and ex-staff about sexual harassment seems a bit risky. The Washington Post was sent a woman with a fake story and they stumbled into a story about how Project Veritas was passing around fake sexual abuse accusations.

EricKaliberhall ago

Oh, I have been waiting for the day Chuck Shumer finally is exposed... He can take Amy to hell with him.

millennial_vulcan ago

HAHA I just left same comment re the horrendous tranny cousin, Amy.

derram ago :

Sen. Chuck Schumer alerts police to alleged plot to smear him with sexual harassment claim : The_Donald

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