Vindicator ago

Hi 21. I am sorry about Donkey. I have banned numerous of his alts. If he posts submissions that violate the rules, I will ban all of his current alts. I can't ban him for legal comments, though. That's what the vote button is for. If everyone uses it, his comments will be collapsed and no one will see him. Also, you can ban his usernames so you don't have to see them.

Meanwhile, I have to remove this post per Rules 1, 2 and 4. You are welcome to repost it at v/pizzagatemods if you want it on the record.

srayzie ago

I see what you are saying. If we stop people from having free speech then we end up like everyone else. Then where do we draw the line? We can't ban everybody that is a jerk.

But Millenial Falcon will ban people who haven't done anything. People who have honestly contributed here have been banned, but Donkey gets away with a lot more. I think that's what makes people so mad. That's a good idea to just block him. It sucks for newbies tho who don't know that. It also sucks for the ones that keep getting banned for no reason.

djsumdog ago

Is it just one person? Whenever I look at the front page or all, it's nothing but tons and tons of endless racism. It's just the way Voat is going .. like even more than it has been, which I didn't think was possible.

donkayote ago

SHUT THE FUCK UP none of you have provided as much good research as I have. None of you have the balls to name the Jew so I have to do it for you because all of you act like a bunch of STUPID WOMEN.

DonKeydich ago

Fail. I don't need any alts cuz I don't post more than 10 comments per day anymore. Too busy fucking your SLUT MOTHER

ESOTERICshade ago

Damn he is talking to himself now. You forgot to switch names didn't you?

think- ago

As I said....give him his own sub, then he can post all his brillant stuff there and also provide all of the comments... ;-P

P.S.: Eso, would you please do us a favor and re-post this meme you made a couple of time ago - the donkey sitting in a hole? :-) Thanks!

srayzie ago

Lol I never saw that one

think- ago

:-) :-) :-) Thank you!

srayzie ago

He must be being paid.

  • He doesn't care about children.

  • He hates Jews.

  • He hates women.

  • He hates American culture.

  • The only group he defends are Muslims.

  • He said that more American women should be raped.

  • He said so what that Muslims marry young girls in the Middle East. That's what puberty is for.

  • He told me that he hopes my brother, who is fighting the war in Afghanistan has his limbs blown off.

  • He told me to kill myself.

I'm sick of him.

RimeTheBard ago

Shut the fuck up, kike.

rarepeeks ago

Shut the fuck up, kike.

STFU you little child beating bitch, before I dox your ip and mac address to your fucking doorstep and give your name to a rape crew you little maggot.

RimeTheBard ago

Yeah sure kike. Whatever you say.

darkknight111 ago

If donkey's newest comments about child marriage being acceptable are an indication, then he is someone worth being investigated as a pedo supporter.

darkknight111 ago

Trust me, just about EVERYONE here hates that asshole.

A lot of us suspect he's likely a psychopath based on the utter lack of empathy/compassion he wantonly shows.

He's on record saying that "there should be more rapes in America".

Also a big time misogynistic pig too.

Though in honesty I suggest moving this to v/pizzagatewhatever.

21yearsofdigging ago

No, I am not backing down. I have some real personal reasons for why Pizzagate means something to me and all his ranting destroys our good intentions. thank you though

ESOTERICshade ago

No, I am not backing down. I have some real personal reasons for why Pizzagate means something to me

So do I and its why i'm so serious. I have a score to settle with the satanic pedo community. Its personal.

think- ago

Though in honesty I suggest moving this to v/pizzagatewhatever.

Well, I'd suggest to crosspost it over there, @21yearsofdigging. Let it stay here though so it gets more views (until the mods gonna delete it).

21yearsofdigging ago

Honeybee is a personal friend and hopefully she understands how important this is to me. Thanks

IpointOutTrolls ago

Could it be any clearer who is trolling this subverse? Will be interesting to see if this comment gets deleted. If it does it will be flooded VOAT WIDE and it will never stop, forever...

"DonKeydich" writes:

It could not be clearer how intimidated you are by my intellect and discernment. Check the comment history: i knew you were a PUSSY from day one DIDNT I TELL YOU I CAN SMELL TUNA A MILE AWAY?

Ok, "DonKeydich", checking comments.

Slit your wrists says..."DonKeydich"

Slit your arteries says "crensch"

Slit your wrists says "donkeydich"

Slit your throat says "crensch"

"DonKeydich" hates homosexuals

"crensch" hates homosexuals

crensch is obsessed with jews and trashes women

DonKeydich is obsessed with jews and trashes women

"DonKeydich" wants to gas the kikes

"crensch" wants to gas the kikes

Look over in the right hand sidebar at the "O" and that is your subverse owner sitting on the internet all day false flagging this subverse. This subverse is being held hostage. VictorSteinerDavion is part of it. Who is really who on that list?

Believe it or not DonKeydich and crensch are the same person. Why do you think Donkeydich is allowed to stay here? Because crensch is DonKeydich and all his aliases.

"Now you know, the rest of the story".....This is why your hard core pedophile research often gets deleted. Demand freedom.

bonerloner ago

i'm bored tomorrow.

where is this cripple?

I summon you faggot

think- ago

Believe it or not DonKeydich and crensch are the same person.

I don't know whether they are the same person, but they use similar wording, which means no one will be banned here for writing what Don K. writes.

srayzie ago

I agree. He's been banned several times but always makes new profiles.

think- ago

He's been banned several times

Oh, ok. Didn't know that. So there might be hope... ;-) Maybe he'll give up some time.

srayzie ago

Here are some of his profiles

srayzie ago

I'll just paste what I replied to someone else too...

Oh yeah. Everyone who's been here since the beginning knows him as Donkeyhote. That was his main ID. He was banned from pizzagate so then he's made a lot of new profiles with similar usernames that usually start with a D and end with Keyhote. Like DanKeyhote, DanteKeyhote, DawnKeyhote, DeanKeyhote, etc... it's highly suspected that he was also Equineluvr. It goes way back unfortunately.

You can go back and read @Donkeyhote comments. He was only banned from pizzagate. Once he was banned from here, he hasn't used the profile since.

That doesn't give me hope because every time he is finally banned, he just comes back with a new profile and doesn't even hide it. He hasn't showed signs of giving up.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

What's his name?

srayzie ago

He was Donkeyhote. Now he's DomKeyhote and Donkeydich.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Oh he goes way back huh?

srayzie ago

Here are just some of his profiles

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. Everyone who's been here since the beginning knows him as Donkeyhote. That was his main ID. He was banned from pizzagate so then he's made a lot of new profiles with similar usernames that usually start with a D and end with Keyhote. Like DanKeyhote, DanteKeyhote, DawnKeyhote, DeanKeyhote, etc... it's highly suspected that he was also Equineluvr. It goes way back unfortunately.

You can go back and read @Donkeyhote comments. He was only banned from pizzagate. Once he was banned from here, he hasn't used the profile since.

21yearsofdigging ago

donk something. Just look, every post that is somewhat informative he or she jumps in there and has to make it about jew hating. It defeats what we are all trying to do! I am not a jew, I don't like zionists but this person taints everything we are about. Saving children for fuck sake!! Any uniformed person comes on here and reads his rants it destroys us! I am serious! I have tried for 23 years to expose ritual abuse and what goes on. My children were stolen!!! My life destroyed over this!!! Yeah, I know how hard it is to be believed. This asshole turns everything into a racist rant!

DonKeydich ago

If Jews can be connected directly to every single post maybe that should be a bigger concern for you than my potty- mouth....YA CUNT

ESOTERICshade ago

I bet your mother beats your ass every day for leaving your piss jugs around the basement and stinking up the house.

think- ago

Thank you for your post. Recently he wrote (must be a he, hates women too much): "I should be in charge here" - well, I suggest he should have his own pizzagate sub, then he could be in charge there and everybody would be happy. I agree that using abusive language is destroying this sub.