The_Savant ago

@argosciv enjoy this. I thought it was interesting but apparently I'm alone in that.

argosciv ago

lol yeah just found it several minutes before your comment xD

I left this(or the original) one alone on purpose because of the Crowley mention... figured you had it handled on account of that.

As much as Woody Allen warrants speculation(seriously, I concur, it does pop up in media references from time to time, it's sus), with respect, I don't give a shit what people think of Crowley lol - I've made it clear at the very least, that he has no claim to the knowledge behind Thelema. I know what I know(I suspect others know it too), others have painted their own picture, others don't know what to think.

Don't ask me to elaborate here, it might make a lot more sense soon, though.

The_Savant ago

Ha! Well I'll just let you know that I don't have a clue and we can leave it at that for now.

argosciv ago

Haha, I don't mean to sound aggressive there or condescending.

I seriously laughed my arse off when I saw you bring up Crowley, like, wait a minute... you've seen my index, why would you bring up Crowley...

You caught my attention on the peripheral topics, but, got my own stuff brewing :P

millennial_vulcan ago

You're such an idiot. You post this crap again?

LAUER LIKES TITS AND ASS. He is NOT a pedo. He is a sick fuckin piece o shit, but a pedo he is not.

Mods, this is NOT PGATE related, ffs

unrealisthenewreal ago

True. But as we know these are sick people. He could use these kids to barter for what he really wants (tits and ass).

millennial_vulcan ago

good point. Urrrghhhhh.

The_Savant ago

The first post was deleted for rule 3. If you don't like it apply to become a mod. I'd LOVE to know why you think Layer is exempt from PizzaGate, though. At the moment, we are both only speculating and neither one of us is more likely to be correct.

millennial_vulcan ago

Evidence: I know folk in the industry. Trust me. He is not a pedo but IS a sex monster. He likes the interns, but young as they are, they are not underage.

Lauer is just your typical creepo CEO. They exist in every corporation. His shit has been known about for years, but only came out now as a valid excuse to get rid of him as ratings plummeting and need new blood.

The_Savant ago

No hard feelings. This is a discussion, not a monologue and I appreciate the input of others. I'll take your word for it - for now, unless something else comes to light although I reckon we've heard the end of Lauer.

Also thanks for the kind words on the baptism, means a lot.

millennial_vulcan ago

you're welcome. It is a wonderful feeling to be baptized and know that you are loved.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Michael Jackson set a pretty good example of someone who parented children that were not his own.

popcorn77 ago

How about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

Ugh. Yes, those two as well.

The_Savant ago

Hm, interesting. I actually don't have a clue what you're talking about but I suppose with all the Feldman stuff knocking around I'll have to look into that.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I was just thinking about how the mother of his children may have been inseminated by donors other than himself.

carmencita ago

It was on CDAN that there was a group of friends and he asked them to donate. What a not so worthy cause From what I hear quite a few did this. Jst whjavascript:void(0)at we need, Screwed Up Stars leaving behind their Messed Up Kids for us to deal with. @The_Savant

unrealisthenewreal ago

Definitely eye brow raising from everything we know. Congrats on your baptism!

The_Savant ago

Ha! Thanks for being the only one to notice! To be honest, it's a little discouraging the response that this got - I was called a shill immediately and then it was deleted. No one seemed to care when I reposted it. Shame, I thought it was an interesting perspective.

unrealisthenewreal ago

Acknowledging patterns is usually the first step to discovery regardless of whether that discovery is nothing or if it's something. It's always good to be aware.

I have a friend who's an atheist and claims to be redpilled. He says he's gone down the rabbit hole and I always tell him that he hasn't gone far enough because at the end of that rabbit hole is God/spirituality.

Blacksmith21 ago

Do you mean Rockville Center, NY? That's about 2 hours out from 30 Rock.

The_Savant ago

I don't believe I am but it's possible that I got that detail wrong. Either way, it's an interesting factoid that Rockefeller Center is less than 2 hours away from where Crowley worshiped Thelema.

millennial_vulcan ago

Oh shut up, idiot. EVERYWHERE is a distance away from where Crowley fuckin worshipped. I don't think dumbass Lauer knows who Crowley is. Stop grasping at straws.

Take your hippie, ILLOGICAL, IRRELEVENT babble somewhere else.

The_Savant ago interesting fact about the Rockefellers. If you have to be critical, be so where it's due.

Edit: the reason why it is strange is because Crowley only worshiped Thelema in ONE place in the entire US and it is that close to Rockefeller Center.

GeorgeHodelDidit ago

I dont know if Lauer is into Crowley...but I will say Crowley has a huge following with the elite Jew art/music/movie crowd. They hold him up to be the most important Occult figure of the 20th Century. Only Levi and perhaps Blastsky in the 1800 gets anywhere similar treatment.

BlowjaySimpson ago

Or Obama raising the nesbitt children.

derram ago :

Dylan Farrow: Why has the #MeToo revolution spared Woody Allen? – LA Times

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