Vindicator ago

@AgainstPedos: Please repost this with a title that clearly states what it is and why it's important to the investigation of Pizzagate, per Rule 3. This is good stuff, but the title you've given it stinks, is not searchable, and doesn't give the slightest clue what the hell you are linking to. Thanks!

ASolo ago

This is a pretty heavy blind and covers some hardcore angles which validates this entire sub - WHAT ADMIN CAME IN AND MADE EVERYTHING * Poof * ....DISAPPEAR!?! Yep, the big O and H's State D did the biggest favor for our C-leb magician... with caveats and perks of course. There are many more surprises and a treasure trove of secrets yet to come from the Caribbean.

French Leave Eleuthera

ASolo ago

In return, this group of people got names and contacts and also all those clips

In return, this group of people got names and contacts and also all those clips

In return, this group of people got names and contacts and also all those clips

ASolo ago

ZAMPOLLI is an old world BLOODLINE of the Italian AGNELLI/FIAT family.[24] The Agnelli family intermarried with one of the leading ruling families of old Europe that goes back to ancient Etruscans. They are part of the ancient HOUSE OF BOURBON.

Zampolli; Kravitz

ASolo ago

ZAMPOLLI.COM | Official Site of Paolo Zampolli - ID Models

French Leave Eleuthera

follow the white rabbit

ASolo ago

Lenny Kravitz on Eleuthera, Bahamas

The island of Eleuthera, named after the Greek word for “free,” is anything but for the rich and famous. For 20 years, Lenny Kravitz dreamed of owning a studio on Eleuthera, and he now owns a chunk of real estate known as Gregory Town Sound, where he can wake up in the morning and record music in his private studio next to the beach. Quite the getaway dream come true for a seasoned rocker.

ASolo ago

From an early age, Ivanka has worked as 'a model'.

At the age of 13, Ivanka signed on with the new look department of Elite Model Management - under the tutelage of John Casablancas.


I've worked with Trump Models "Casting". We all knew of the trafficking. They'd ship in models, Eastern Euro's who had absolutely no chance of working in NYC. It becomes a debt slavery or fresh meat

Wade Turnbull (@Wade_Turnbull) July 19, 2016


Trump's friend John Casablancas "was a skilled groomer..."

"The playboys - in particular John Casablancas - were used to living by a different set of rules...

"None of these men were shy about their behavior, and the fact that they were bedding models as young as 12 on a routine basis was well known..."

In 1984, John Casablancas met 14-year old Stephanie Seymour.

On her 16th birthday, John Casablancas arranged a party for Stephanie Seymour at a cocaine-fueled nightclub in Milan.

One week later, he moved in with her.

Casablancas talked about his seventeen year old daughter, Cecile.

"She’s got a great little body" he said.


In 2004, ID Models boss Zampolli was exposed as a former business associate/partner of the infamous convicted Pedophile Island financier, Jeffrey Epstein. In 2004, Zampolli and Epstein unsuccessfully tried to buy Elite Model Management at auction. Now, very few if any tie these two figures together in the inner circle of Donald Drumpf, Bill and Hilary Clinton.[34] ,[35]

Follier/Hathaway ZAMPOLLI is an old world BLOODLINE of the Italian AGNELLI/FIAT family.[24] The Agnelli family intermarried with one of the leading ruling families of old Europe that goes back to ancient Etruscans. They are part of the ancient HOUSE OF BOURBON.

Paolo Zampolli has a Dominican diplomatic passport and is officially the Ambassador of the Commonwealth of Dominica for Oceans and Seas- an absolute joke. According to the UN’s Blue Book, Zampolli is Dominica’s (lone) Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN.[30] There is great concern that Zampolli is using his stable of MK ULTRA Sex Kittens at the UN to compromise and bribe foreign heads of state, officials, diplomats and ambassadors.

Zampolli- Vatican- Ninth Satanic Circle? Raffaello Follier was an Italian businessman that moved in Zampolli social circle claimed Vatican ties into getting financial backing from the billionaire Ron Burkle on an exclusive real estate scheme to manage and sell excess Vatican real estate in New York. Burkle had social and financial ties to former President Bill Clinton. In 2008, Follier pleaded guilty to real estate fraud. Well, it seems that it was Zampolli that knew more about Follier and inside Vatican sweetheart real estate deals than anyone else. He had long questioned Follier‘s inside ties to the Vatican.[36]

People like Zampolli aren’t in the business of making poor Central European bloc young ladies legitimate models or superstars. He is an old world criminal Luciferian/Masonic pimp– a white slave trafficker. Zampolli manufacture “Executive Whores” for the elite, wealthy, famous, powerful politicians fascists, bureaucrats, master criminals, and world leaders.

He does the old fashion DEVIL’s work around the world as the ILLUMINATI Bloodlines have been involved in for generations- evil, crime, corruption, espionage, assassinations.

Zampolli runs an international escort racket with stables of mind controlled East European Sex Slaves. He passed down a “sex kitten” charter from the Old World Ruling Houses of Europe, Knights Templar, and Freemasonry to Donald Drumpf, Jeffrey Epstein and the Mossad [Ehud Barak].


AgainstPedos ago

please wait for copy

JrSlimss ago

It's definitely David Copperfield (friend of Jeffrey Epstein). Read the latest comments.

carmencita ago

Who do you think it is? I am at a Crossroads. Either Richard Branson or David Copperfield (who some mentioned in the comments). It's too bad these are really true to life. Nasty Business.