ESOTERICshade ago

So Podesta's daughter has a link to kindergarten kids through Dublin schools?

TheSunIsWithin ago

Yes and she tweets about marijuana on the school board page.

ESOTERICshade ago

You trollin me again? :)

ESOTERICshade ago

So whats the link to Joe Scarborough and Megan?

TheSunIsWithin ago

This January 3, 2014 letter (shown below), confirms Podesta transferred 25,146 shares of Series C Preferred Shares and 8,547 Series C-II Preferred shares of Joule Unlimited stock to a private company registered in Utah, Leonidio Holdings LLC.

Podesta, however, gives the address of Leonidio Holdings as 7962 Shannon Court in Dublin, California, which is the home address of his daughter, Megan Rouse.

ESOTERICshade ago

I knew about Joe and the dead intern but what is the scoop on Poesta's daughter? Specifically, what dirty laundry is she airing out for John Podesta?

TheSunIsWithin ago

“The disclosure that Clinton Chair John Podesta transferred his shares in Putin-backed Joule Unlimited to an anonymous holding company when he joined the Obama Administration is extremely concerning,” said Donald Trump Senior Communications Advisor Jason Miller in a statement.

TheSunIsWithin ago

Rouse operates Megan Rouse Financial Planning from her home in the suburb east of San Francisco Bay. The letter, written and signed by Podesta, is addressed to Mark Solakian, corporate secretary for Joule Global Holdings.

ESOTERICshade ago

You can tell that guy describing his "run like hell" from the towers is acting.

ASolo ago

Hmmm. I wonder if this is the female lawyer that the new CDAN blind is referring to?

TheSunIsWithin ago

She isn't a lawyer as far as I am aware.

ESOTERICshade ago

Podesta's daughter Megan runs the Susan G. Komen scam?

TheSunIsWithin ago

No, that's Megan Rouse of Buffalo.

Gothamgirl ago

I refer to them as douch bank. They sold a condo to me, I paid cash, and then they tried to steal it back. Well actually they did steal it back, it went to auction, they had to repurchase it and deed it back to me. I would never ever do business with them, ever again.

vastrightwing ago

DB hasn't gone bust yet?

think- ago

No, but in Germany, you are allowed to call them a "criminal organization" in public, a court decided.