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LightlyToasted ago

Have you been watching the news since Friday?

Who is Peter Strzok?

How was he compromised?

How was he paid?

Who is Melissa Hodgman?



Date of promotion?

Focus on the date.

What events re: Peter recently occurred that you now know?

Think HRC emails, Weiner laptop, etc.


Date of promotion of wife?

How do they stack the deck?

Who do they want inside the gov’t?

What are puppets?

How do you control a puppet?

2 in FBI?

Wife connection?

What is a pattern?

Follow the wives.

Keep watching the news this week.

Future proves past.

Re-read crumbs.


How many D’s / R’s will not seek re-election?


What just passed in the Senate?


Who is their new handler?

Do as told?

Why is this relevant?

Do you not understand the gov’t is being gutted publicly?

Bottom middle top.

Hussein Iran connection.

Bombs away.

Merry Christmas.


fartyshorts ago

Who is Melissa Hodgman?

Melissa R. Hodgman, wife of Peter Strzok.


SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission)


Associate Director in Enforcement

Date of promotion?

October 14th, 2016.

Focus on the date.

Additional info:

Hodgman fills the position left vacant when Stephen L. Cohen departed the agency in June 2016. Hodgman has been with the SEC in its Enforcement Division since 2008, most recently as an Assistant Director. She has also served as a member of the agency's Market Abuse Unit since 2010, and leads the Enforcement Division’s Cross-Border Working Group.

In her new position of Associate Director, Hodgman will supervise nearly 60 attorneys and other professionals responsible for investigating and pursuing enforcement matters including accounting and disclosure fraud, insider trading, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, registered and unregistered... [cut off by paywall]

LightlyToasted ago

New Thread:

RED RED 9/11.

Funds raised vs distributed?


7/10 plane crashes are targeted kills.

Those in the know never sleep.


Who knows where the bodies are buried?

FLYNN is safe.

We protect our Patriots.


duhiki ago /

1) Ive been asked to do a thread about the FBI, Flynn, and other current events, so lets gets started. Where to begin? there is a >heck of a lot to cover. So, lets begin at the beginning.

2.) twitter must really not want what I have to say getting out. Ok, from the beginning.

  1. No one expected PDJT to win. The media, left, pollsters all counted him out. Fast forward to when Hillary's email case broke. They realized they might have a problem but thought they had it well in hand.

  2. Let's take at that. Why was Hillary so confident she had nothing to worry about? She knew the fix was in. She knew she was going to get off Scott free.

  3. Who investigates classified material breaches? The FBI. Let's take a close look at the FBI. We know at the time James Comey was head of the FBI. James Comey lied to congress, forged documents, and cleared HRC before she was interviewed. Comey drafted his statement ending the Clinton email investigation months in advance, the FBI confirms Transcripts the Senate Judiciary Committee obtained had previously indicated that Comey drafted the statement.

  4. Comey, obama and lynch corrupted the entire FBI leadership w HRC protectors. His deputy, McCabe is under investigation right with him. I'm talking criminal charges.

External Tweet loading... If nothing shows, it may have been deleted by @ScottAnthonyUSA view original on Twitter 7. McCabe has serious issues. We know he failed to recuse from the HRC email case he had an oversight role in. This was at a time he had taken a huge sum of money from HRC & her insider Terry McCauliffe. Top Clinton Bundlers Were Major Donors to Wife of FBI's Andrew McCabe Bundlers for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign joined Clinton ally and Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe in donating to Jill McCabe.

  1. Dr Jill McCabe w help from Hillary and Terry amassed $1.6 mil in a race she lost compared w half that if her opponent. That seat on average never saw more than $500k per candidate raised.…

  2. Virginia has lax state laws allowing candidates to Essentially KEEP the $. Mcauliffe and Clinton gave the McCabes almost $700k while he was investigating her. Hillary PERSONALLY Raised Cash that Went to Campaign of Wife of FBI Official Overseeing Her Investigation Hillary PERSONALLY Raised Cash that Went to Campaign of Wife of FBI Official Overseeing Her Investigation

  3. And this. Virginia laws on campaign finances. Personal use of campaign funds still OK in Virginia RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — While almost every other state and the federal government have figured out a way to make it illegal for politicians to use campaign funds,amp.html

  4. We can speculate about how some of that money was spent. It was clearly a pay off of a friendly FBI agent with power. New FBI Director McCabe Celebrates Promotion in His Six-Figure Luxury Porsche 911; White House & FBI Agents Outraged Newly minted and controversial FBI Director Andrew McCabe is already ruffling feathers of his FBI underlings and D.C. bosses in the White House by tooling around FBI headquarters and the nationR…

  5. I'm hurrying this Bc I'm not sure if twitter will delete this account before I finish. When Comey was fired, Andrew McCabe, currently under OIG investigation for $s to kill email investigation, and for hatch act violations became acting director.

  6. Underneath McCabe was a whole sewer full of similarly corrupt agents. Immediately beneath McCabe was Peter Strzok. And others. This is a good primer on them.

External Tweet loading... If nothing shows, it may have been deleted by @rising_serpent view original on Twitter 14. Strzok was one malignant cancer. First, he was one of the investigators who questioned Mike Flynn. Along w another McCabe protege, Bill Preistap. FBI supervisor removed from Special Counsel's Office had interviewed Michael Flynn - Sara A. Carter “The most logical thing to happen would be to call the other FBI Special Agent present during Flynn’s interview before the Grand Jury to recount his version,” said a former U.S. Intelligence Official…

  1. Strzok was in charge of the HRC email case while McCabe supervised the investigation. Strzok was one of the agents who questioned Hillary w/o taking notes and not as a sworn deposition.

  2. Fast forward: mere days after Comey/McCabe cleared HRC in the email case, he moved onto investigating Team Trump for alleged collusion. This is where it gets REALLY interesting.…

  3. So after Comey was popped for lying to congress & other failures, McCabe takes the helm. All this is going on at same time.

  4. Peter Strzok acquires and pays for the Steele dossier. He & those in on the coup begin using it.

Mueller aide fired for anti-Trump texts now facing review for role in Clinton email probe Two senior Justice Department officials have confirmed to Fox News that the department's Office of Inspector General is reviewing the role played in the Hillary Clinton email investigation by Peter S…

  1. Stop with me? Good. What did they do with it? Well, Sally Q Yates, took the dossier and along w this guy, used it to fraudulently get FISAs to Spy on team trump. EXCLUSIVE: A top FBI lawyer is allegedly under an investigation for leaking classified information to the media FBI General Counsel James A. Baker is purportedly under a Department of Justice criminal investigation.

  2. This is finally the beginning of the story. Yates, Preistap & Strzok used it to target Flynn first. The investigation of Mike Flynn was looking to entrap him, and others anyway they could.

  3. When they started to question Flynn, they knew he was doing normal transition work but Russia hysteria was in full swing by design. The goal was to use Logan Act to get him and frame the president and anyone else they could. Byron York: In Trump-Russia probe, was it all about the Logan Act? Initially, Justice Department officials suspected Michael Flynn of violating a 218-year-old law under which no one has ever been prosecuted,...

  4. There's a secondary goal here: to put Flynn in a box for lying and go after the president for obstruction. But that's not a legal charge that's legit. The goal wasn't legit charges: it was to take anything that would look legit to a willing congress and stage a coup

  5. Thankfully, some really patriotic people saw what was happening and stepped in. Adm Mike Rogers saved the country. On dec 18 he met the NATSEC team of PDJT transition team and briefed them on it all.

  6. Rogers did this w/o telling the obama admin, and briefed on players, how they were doing it, what goal was. Reports: President Obama considering removing NSA chief Mike Rogers Several top officials, including Defense Secretary Carter and DNI Clapper, reportedly expressed dissatisfaction with Mike Rogers' performance

  7. At that meeting were current DCI Pompeo , former DCI Woolsey, now ambassador, Mike Flynn, Jeff Sessions, and PDJT. Ask yourself: when the ABC story broke Friday, what was the White House response? CNN: White House claims Obama admin approved Flynn calls with Russian ambassador The White House said on Friday that it was the Obama administration that authorized former national security adviser Michael Flynn's contacts with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak during President T…

  8. What do you think that room full of patriots and master spooks decided to do? One thing they did was get Flynn to call and get permission. Notice the story was from ABC? Susan Rice husband was a Sr Vice Pres of news, & exec producer there.

  9. Protocol would have been for Flynn to call rice and ask. No way the WH says he had the go ahead w/o talking to her. There's a tape.

  10. So Flynn essentially pleads guilty to a minor charge that wipes out his NDA associated w his clearance. He's now free to talk about all this. In court.

  11. It's curious the day after Flynn plead out we get word McCabe is under criminal investigation by OIG that'll likely charge him, that the agents that left mueller were fired for personal texts & emails derogatory to PDJT while investigating his campaign.

srayzie ago

Thank you! This was so good. A wealth of information.

duhiki ago

  1. How did FBI & Mueller become aware of Peter Strzok emails and texts, personal ones, that showed he was deliberately trying to take down the president of the United States?…

  2. There's one man who was in the room that day at trump tower capable of that, and mueller was given that data and fired the TWO agents. Adm Mike Rogers and NSA.

  3. Peter Strzok was having an extramarital affair w the 2nd agent who was fired for the same actions: FBI Attorney & 💵Laundering expert, who reported directly to Andrew McCabe: Lisa Page.

  4. Both agents were fired at and rejoined the FBI within a week or two of each other. Strzok was fired on the spot when mueller found out. Both have been assigned to mundane duties in HR. They're no longer allowed to work on any cases.

  5. Andrew McCabe is censured, and without any power. All of them are going to be fast tracked out of the bureau, but will likely face criminal prosecution for multiple crimes. EXCLUSIVE: FBI Director Wray Demotes Embattled Andrew McCabe; Internal Investigation Dubbed “Train Wreck” FBI Director Christopher Wray has defrocked and demoted embattled deputy director Andrew McCabe, according to FBI sources. McCabe, who has been a lightning rod of controversy in the last two years,…

  6. There's multiple hanging parties looking to purge the FBI and prosecute conspirators who tried to put Hillary in the White House & failing that tried to stage a coup.

  7. Strzok is the link. To everything. To Comey & McCabe clearing and beginning an illegal politically motivated counter intelligence investigation based on the dossier he acquired but all knew was fake.

  8. Strzok is also the connection to mueller, Flynn, Yates, and the DOJ. Remember Yates said she told the White House Flynn was trouble. In reality she hid it from them, refused to say what she, Preistap & Strzok got from Flynn in questioning.

  9. Shifting gears: Yates was no 2 at DOJ. When lynch was fired and before sessions was confirmed, she took the dossier and used it along w FBI Gen Counsel James A Baker & got FISAs knowing the dossier was fake, to spy on team trump. FBI obtained FISA warrant to monitor Trump adviser Carter Page The Justice Department and the FBI convinced a judge of probable cause to believe Page was suspected of acting on Russia’s behalf.

  1. That's just one of many. They spied what NSA calls 3-hops deep. Rogers refused to do it. It was politically motivated and it was illegal. He warned team trum. But Clapper & Brennan had their own NSA and used it. CIA's internal hacking tools rival those of the NSA Debate and discourse around WikiLeaks’ announcement about a series of leaks from the CIA continue unabated. Codenamed

  2. Rogers new. He reported it. Team trump began its own counter Intell operation to which bob mueller is a part. You see all these FBI people falling? The trap is beginning to spring. The president tweeted mueller will wrap up soon.

  3. Listen, I tell you this at great personal risk. This is my 16th, and last, account. Know this: the white hats are winning.

  4. Susan Rice, Yates, Comey, Preistap, Strzok, Page, McCabe, baker, Farkhas, Power, Lynch. We know what they did. We saw it coming.

  5. Something else: do any of you think that all those people I named, who were using google hangouts and gmail to talk off the record, weren't coordinating and getting approval from the boss? This implicates the former president of the United States.

  6. But let's get back to the Logan Act where this all began.US Citizens cannot legally speak or deal on behalf of US without Govt approval. It's a loyalty thing, 18 U.S. Code § 953 - Private correspondence with foreign governments

  7. The former president of the United States is abroad in countries crucial to American NATSEC actively subverting the US efforts.

  8. A trade war w china in the balance, a high wire balancing act China's at the crux of w DPRK, and India sending troops to assist in Afghanistan. India to help Afghanistan on development projects, security Foreign minister Sushma Swaraj said 116 new ‘high impact’ development projects will be implemented jointly in 31 provinces of Afghanistan

  9. So who is really guilty of betraying their country? PDJT and team who are well within the law and constitution, or the obama administration who are actively trying to stage a coup, and who are even now undermining the national security of the United States?

  1. Let's talk about new revelations regarding the Clinton email breeches. We already had some pretty important details. Over 1k emails w TS codeword info, & most alarming: Special Access Program …
  1. Addendum: strong rumors Erik Prince, who was also part of trump NATSEC team was present for Rogers briefing. Dig into Academi, & Constellis. Look at board member & what they do. @duckduckgo search col lee van arsdale & triple canopy.

  2. These people are the black world. We don't move in the shadows we are the shadows. The deep state better be careful. Their pawns and rooks and knights are being taken off the board. This isn't just a judicial remedy. 3% oath keepers stand by. EXCLUSIVE: Blackwater Founder Asks For AG Probe On Obama ‘Unmasking’ Via @dailycaller 'Abuse of an intelligence service's powers' >

Keep the fight going. Avoid media lies. Be each other's eyes and ears. Debunk lies. Don't turn on each other. They can't win unless you turn on each other. Don't ever forget that.

Blacksmith21 ago

@duhiki: Nice write up. I just posted m own theory about what Flynn is up to. As you mention, this has all of the hallmarks of being planned out by Trump and White Hats.

The fact that Strzock was Deputy Director of Counter Intelligence and led the investigation into HRC email is telling. I'm going to assume he's flipped at this point.

Trump can always pardon Flynn when he's done. Flynn is "Free to move about the cabin" so to say. I think we are going to have one hell of a testimony.

Prince better be providing Flynn w/ the best of the best security. There is a reason the DS hates Flynn so much. He knows everything.

DerivaUK ago

Thanks for so much clarity.

srayzie ago

This put everything into perspective for me. THIS shows he's draining the swamp. Who is that twitter user that wrote all this out? An insider? Do you know?

DerivaUK ago

Not sure. There’s been a series of threads from Thomas Wictor and Imperius Rex laying out everything and their theories.

srayzie ago

Yeah ScottAnthonyUSA is good too