Tallest_Skil ago

8chan move

Yeah, we don’t want that fucking faggot there.

I know some will say the whole thing is a LARP but that doesn't really seem possible.

It’s proven.

Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer who doesn’t even know how to use a tripcode is not one of the ONLY TEN PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from more than two people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! DON’T QUESTION IT, just spend the entire MONTH ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.

  • Claims Trump is insulated and will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
  • Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL).
  • Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
  • Claims martial law inbound.
  • Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
  • Claims the EBS will be invoked.
  • Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will take care of itself.
  • Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
  • Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia.
  • Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”
  • Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
  • Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip.
  • Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
  • Claims elections no longer matter.

All claims come from his first week of posting. No proof of any of his claims has come to light.

a government psyop


either way we're going to get a lot of important information as this plays out.

So how would you get important information from someone WHO IS BEING PAID TO GIVE BAD INFORMATION?


Yes, bullshit typing that looks like “hacker code” to boomers. Very convincing.

ThePuppetShow ago

It’s proven.

You mean the same way pizzagate has been "debunked"?

Yes, bullshit typing that looks like “hacker code” to boomers. Very convincing.

Gen X

The rest just sounds like the alt right propaganda Sharia Blue tries to pin on everyone. Are you under Brock's desk?

Tallest_Skil ago

You mean the same way pizzagate has been "debunked"?

Nope. Now shove your strawmen up your ass and actually respond to the topic at hand.

Gen X

Sure, that’s a valid example, too–what Gen X thinks “hacker code” looks like. How’s about substantiating your claims?

The rest just sounds like the alt right propaganda Sharia Blue tries to pin on everyone.

What, the rest of my post? So repeating Q’s own statements sounds like kike shilling? GEE, HOW ABOUT THAT. Almost as though that’s what I’m saying, dipshit. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO PRESENT WHICH MAGICALLY PROVES THAT HE IS RIGHT, DESPITE HIM BEING WRONG?

ThePuppetShow ago

Nope. Now shove your strawmen up your ass and actually respond to the topic at hand.

You're the one who claimed it is debunked, you sound like John Podesta.

Sure, that’s a valid example, too–what Gen X thinks “hacker code” looks like. How’s about substantiating your claims?

Yeah... Because you make ridiculous claims they must be true. 3v3ry On3 kn0w5 h4ck3rs d0n7 R34lly Wr173 l1k3 m0r0n5. And you're throwing around strawman.. lulz

What, the rest of my post? So repeating Q’s own statements sounds like kike shilling? GEE, HOW ABOUT THAT. Almost as though that’s what I’m saying, dipshit. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO PRESENT WHICH MAGICALLY PROVES THAT HE IS RIGHT, DESPITE HIM BEING WRONG?

I don't bother to try to convince media matters trolls, I just point out your shilling and let people form their own opinions. You, on the other hand, are adamant about convincing people you're right, because it's your job.

Tallest_Skil ago

You’re the one who proved it is debunked


Yeah... Because you make ridiculous claims they must be true.

Fucking kill yourself, retard. It’s exactly how Q-LARP posts.

I don’t bother to try to convince media matters trolls, I just point out your shilling

Reported for libel. Thanks for admitting I was right. I’ll repeat.

Repeating Q’s own statements sounds like kike shilling? GEE, HOW ABOUT THAT. Almost as though that’s what I’m saying, dipshit. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO PRESENT WHICH MAGICALLY PROVES THAT HE IS RIGHT, DESPITE HIM BEING WRONG?

?and let people form their own opinions


convincing people you're

Nope. Your LEFTIST BRAIN DAMAGE always seeps right through. You cocksucking faggots can’t help but falsely contextualize statements based on subjectivity. “YOU’RE” “YOU” “ME” “THEY” Always PEOPLE, never DATA.

Fact exists outside of anyone’s beliefs, kike. I have posted proven fact. You have absolutely no response to this. Your kike Q-LARPer was outed instantly. It’s over.

because it’s your job.

The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you.

ThePuppetShow ago

More proof you're media matters trying to make everyone look like morons.. Keep it up. Lets not forget you came to this thread to shill, everything else is irrelevant. Your only concern is making people believe Q is a LARP. Why? Outed instantly? Where? Just because you repeat yourself doesn't make you right.

You're either from the Catholic League, run by William Donohue, or media matters. Your retarded ass globalist opinion doesn't matter sport. Why don't you just get back to swallowing your masters cock? You have to ve good at sonething, it certainly isn't this.

ThePuppetShow ago

Just to prove you have nothing...

Claims Trump is insulated and will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.

Unprovable, that's why you picked this.

Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL). Once again, unprovable..

Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.

There seems to be a patern here... This isn't provable either.

Claims martial law inbound.

Yep, definately a pattern.

Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.

Do you have anything with actual provable fact? It's not looking good.

Claims the EBS will be invoked.

Can you prove it wont be?

Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will take care of itself.

Funny, I could have sworn we were asked to help expose the pedo end of this. That would ve doing nothing.

Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.

Even Newsweek is reporting Obama following Trump around. Where have you been? http://www.newsweek.com/obama-seoul-north-korea-has-one-last-chance-engage-west-631122

Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia. Where? Was it the real Q? Here's all the posts from 4 chan, show me the $. If you're going to pretend that your shill buddies pretending to be Q are really him/her shouldn't we assume the warning about Vegas was Q?

Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”

Can you prove it wont happen? Nope, just more of your shilling bullshit.

Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.

Yawn.. Who did? Can you prove it? I didn't think so.

Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip. Once again.. show me where this was stated. I've heard possible martial law when it all goes down. Maybe even a grid outage. Never heard a specific time from Q. I do know the shills are spreading misinfo to discredit. Did you bite? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21ITPb.qbhqo/

Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).

Vegas doesn't scream that this could be true? Where's your facts that it wont?

Claims elections no longer matter.

Never heard this one either.. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21ITPb.qbhqo/

Tallest_Skil ago

More proof you’re media matters

Reported for admitting to being a paid Media Matters shill.

trying to make everyone look like morons.

You already look like a moron. I don’t need to do anything.

Lets not forget you came to this thread to shill

I came to a shill thread to expose it.

Your only concern is making people believe Q is a LARP. Why?

I don’t give a fuck about your beliefs. Q is a proven LARP. This is fact. Your kike masters refuse to let you admit it.

Outed instantly? Where?

Yeah, I’m going to help the paid shill do his job better. Sure thing.

Just because you repeat yourself doesn’t make you right.

More projection, yid. Way to continue to be unable to refute what I’ve said.

You’re either from the Catholic League, run by William Donohue, or media matters.

So that’s where you’re from, eh? Way to tell us all.

Your retarded ass globalist opinion

  1. Fact is not a matter of opinion.
  2. Q-LARP is proven false.
  3. You’ve outed yourself again. Find one post, anywhere, that I’ve supported globalism.

Why don’t you just get back to swallowing your masters cock?


ThePuppetShow ago

Yeah... I'm the faggot.. Says the bitch who reports people like a SJW. Go ahead report me again cuck bitch, I don't give a fuck. You're just an undercover SJW shill.

Tallest_Skil ago

Cry more, faggot. Your Q-LARP was exposed and your cocksucking is laid bare for all to see. You have absolutely no evidence for any of your claims and can’t refute any of my statements of fact. Isn’t it funny how the SJWs always accuse others of being one...

ThePuppetShow ago

I refuted all your statements and your deflecting isn't working. Piss off you little pussy SJW in disguise.

Tallest_Skil ago

You refuted none of the statements. Reported for admitting to being a paid shill and spamming your LARP here.

Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer who doesn’t even know how to use a tripcode is not one of the ONLY TEN PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from more than two people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! DON’T QUESTION IT, just spend the entire MONTH ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.

  • Claims Trump is insulated and will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
  • Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL).
  • Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
  • Claims martial law inbound.
  • Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
  • Claims the EBS will be invoked.
  • Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will take care of itself.
  • Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
  • Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia.
  • Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”
  • Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
  • Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip.
  • Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
  • Claims elections no longer matter.

All claims come from his first week of posting. No proof of any of his claims has come to light.

ThePuppetShow ago

Nice copy pasta SJW.. "Reported for..." LOL So what cuck boy. That right there proves you're a SJW shill in disguise. BTW.. here you go.. I can copy pasta too.

Claims Trump is insulated and will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.

Unprovable, that's why you picked this.

Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL). Once again, unprovable..

Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.

There seems to be a patern here... This isn't provable either.

Claims martial law inbound.

Yep, definately a pattern.

Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.

Do you have anything with actual provable fact? It's not looking good.

Claims the EBS will be invoked.

Can you prove it wont be?

Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will take care of itself.

Funny, I could have sworn we were asked to help expose the pedo end of this. That wouldn't be doing nothing.

Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.

Even Newsweek is reporting Obama following Trump around. Where have you been? http://www.newsweek.com/obama-seoul-north-korea-has-one-last-chance-engage-west-631122

Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia. Where? Was it the real Q? Here's all the posts from 4 chan, show me the $. If you're going to pretend that your shill buddies pretending to be Q are really him/her shouldn't we assume the warning about Vegas was Q?

Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”

Can you prove it wont happen? Nope, just more of your shilling bullshit.

Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.

Yawn.. Who did? Can you prove it? I didn't think so.

Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip. Once again.. show me where this was stated. I've heard possible martial law when it all goes down. Maybe even a grid outage. Never heard a specific time from Q. I do know the shills are spreading misinfo to discredit. Did you bite? https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21ITPb.qbhqo/

Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).

Vegas doesn't scream that this could be true? Where's your facts that it wont?

Claims elections no longer matter.

Never heard this one either.. https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/tripcode/%21ITPb.qbhqo/

Tallest_Skil ago


Great argument. Thanks for proving me right.

Nothing is happening. Nothing was ever going to happen. A cuckchan LARPer who doesn’t even know how to use a tripcode is not one of the ONLY TEN PEOPLE IN THE FUCKING WORLD with a specific level of security clearance and “full knowledge of this plan.” Someone that important is not posting on 4chan. Someone that important–if he actually has knowledge he wants to disseminate–is also not going to type cryptic bullshit that looks like it came from more than two people and ask questions that he doesn’t answer. Someone that important is, statistically, owned by jews, even if there are some patriots left up there. Out of 10 of the most powerful people in the entire fucking world, the redditors on 4chan expect one of them to not only be “#ourguy”, but to leak the proceedings of FUCKING NATIONWIDE MARTIAL LAW and–surprise surprise–the arrest of three quarters of the US government.

Why, that’s exactly what we would want! Happy day! All of our dreams are coming true, and we didn’t even have to put in an ounce of work ourselves! Hooray! It’s over! We’re saved! DON’T QUESTION IT, just spend the entire MONTH ignoring everything else that is ACTUALLY happening in the news, never mind your own wildly successful campaign of “It’s okay to be white.” Because nothing ever came from YOU doing an honest day’s work!


If there is something, why is nothing happening? Where’s the Emergency Broadcast System announcement? Where’s Trump using Obama’s emergency television override to speak to the people? Where’s the martial law? Where are the riots he talked about? Antifa couldn’t even get off their asses for a completely unrelated outing. Where’s the Huma arrest? Where are the Podesta arrests? They were supposed to be in custody by now; no one has any information on that beyond your continued shilling campaign. Why is he a CIVIC NATIONALIST? Nothing he said has happened.

Fuck off, redditors. Hero worship somewhere else.

  • Claims Trump is insulated and will not be addressing the nation on what is supposedly the biggest mass-arrest in national history.
  • Claims there are more patriots than traitors in the government (LOL).
  • Claims something is in the works to make the Democrat Party lose the nigger vote entirely.
  • Claims martial law inbound.
  • Claims mass arrests of the government are inbound.
  • Claims the EBS will be invoked.
  • Claims no one will have to lift a finger and that the government will take care of itself.
  • Claims Obama went to North Korea and may be there right now.
  • Claims Trump would leave an important message on Twitter before leaving for Asia.
  • Claims Twitter, “My fellow Americans, the storm is upon us…”
  • Claims the CIA/alphabet agencies were responsible for the 11 minute Twitter takedown of POTUS account.
  • Claimed that martial law and the arrests will be made during Trump’s Asia trip.
  • Claims false flag attacks at right-wing gatherings (cities, sporting events).
  • Claims elections no longer matter.

All claims come from his first week of posting. No proof of any of his claims has come to light.

the claim is unprovable (because I say so)

but it’s real (because i say so)

This is how mentally defective you actually are.

even Newsweek

Funny, I can’t find anything about North Korea there. How about that.


Reported for admitting to shilling a proven LARP paid by kikes.

ThePuppetShow ago


Tallest_Skil ago

For what? You’ll have to be way more specific.

ThePuppetShow ago

I was more specific and you ignored it.

Tallest_Skil ago

You have absolutely no specifics, you fucking lunatic. YOU MADE THE CLAIMS. IT IS ON YOU TO PROVE THEM. There is ZERO evidence of any of the claims. WE’RE STILL WAITING, SWEETHEART. Waiting for your LARPer who is PROVEN false.

ThePuppetShow ago

The only claim I made was the Q on 8chan is the same Q that's on 4chan. You're actually the one making all the claims and not backing them. This is the game you SJW's play, it's old and tired. Deflection 101. You're a basic bitch.

Tallest_Skil ago


Okay. It’s a LARPer. Similarlity is irrelevant.

making all the claims

Yes, the kike shill who made all the claims sure isn’t the one making the claims. It’s the person repeating the claims; he’s the one making the claims.

Fucking kill yourself, you illiterate sack of shit. You prove, constantly, that you’re an SJW.

ThePuppetShow ago

You're outed, poser. You have no facts, just SJW bullshit.

Tallest_Skil ago

Reported for continuing to spam Q-LARP bullshit.

ESOTERICshade ago

Calm Before The Storm" is blowing Pizzagate into the swamp.

ThePuppetShow ago

I know.. Right when we almost had those arrests.. /s

Seriously though.. How is this hurting pizzagate?

ESOTERICshade ago

It doesn't if it says pedophile related. The problem comes in when every little political squabble in D.C. is considered pizzagate forum worthy and it slides the forum.

ThePuppetShow ago

This place is a shit hole for organizing information, a VB forum would be better. The major problem around here is that you can't post and talk about new ideas if it's not already proven.

ESOTERICshade ago

This place is a shit hole for organizing information, a VB forum would be better.

I don't know what VB is but if you mean a bump forum I agree. In a bump oriented forum if anybody posts in an old thread it automatically pops to the very top of the forum automatically. Then everybody knows something new is added and people start looking again. In this forum threads die in a day because of the way this forum works. And the collapsing comments is a damn nightmare.

For instance a forum like this one bumps to the top anytime someone posts in an old thread. These types of forums are superior for keeping discussions on topics alive.


SterlingJB ago

One of the "aliens" of twitter (lol, I <3 2017) says 8chan Q is disinfo. https://twitter.com/kabamur_taygeta/status/937316801221771265

TheSpeaker2 ago

I've been more of an outside observer to all of this since it started, but I still cannot understand the advantage of the Trump administration or law enforcement divulging this information to the internet. If it is true that a major "storm" is upon us which may involve a covert bait-and-switch (referring to the possibility of Flynn's prosecution as a Trojan Horse for Trump), then what good could come from it, unless it is meant to throw the dogs off the scent, in which case we return to questioning it anyway?

Why leak your playbook to the internet? Anybody - including the enemy - can access the analysis.

Unless, of course, it's too late for the targeted suspects, anyway. In either case, I think caution and prudence would dictate keeping cards closer to the chest.

It doesn't make sense to me....yet.

Matt_Helm ago

The purpose is to throw the bad guys off balance by using Q to expose their crimes they don't know what to do they become paranoid with all their dirty laundry appearing on 4chan and twitter. It's psychological warfare and it's very valuable. They don't know who Q is or how many Q's there are how many good guys white hats are working against the deep state cabal.

ESOTERICshade ago

Why leak your playbook to the internet? Anybody - including the enemy - can access the analysis.

I stopped attempting to make that obvious point lest I be deemed the Blackpill Dragon.

(heyyyy, pssstttt, lets leak our secret takedown plans on 4chan) Seriously....

Commoner ago

Trump's CIA Director, Mike Pompeo, goes head-to-head with Obama's CIA Director, Leon Panetta. Pompeo does an excellent job and explains how strategic Trump's tweets are and how important it is for CIA to 'follow the money' to disrupt the terrorists/cabal. It convinces me more than ever that Q anon is in Trump's inner circle. Leon P also demonstrates how much the Deep State hates Trump's tweets and how nervous they are.

This is the long version


This is a much shorter version with explanation


Gothamgirl ago

Wonder if Snow White =Apple.

argosciv ago

There is defininitely some delicious treats in this one, be careful to not get poisoned though ;)

Vindicator ago

Giving this the QAnon Storm Watch flair.

Hmmm...what's in Henderson, NV I wonder?

bopper ago

Why do you ask that?

Commoner ago

in Q's last post, (s)he dropped a clue"89074" followed by 'massive underground data center".

zip code 89074 is Henderson, NV. Researchers are trying to figure out what is there.

89074b is in OP stringer above and I believe Q had made other mentions of the area.

bopper ago

Ah, thank-you. I went to elementary school there. The kids beat us up every day. Weird town, had lots of transients.

A facebook acquaintance of mine (renowned investigator and Jim Garrison friend and interviewer w/ walk of fame star) lives there and has been posting about the Las Vegas shootings vociferously.

argosciv ago

Cheers, was having difficulty gauging if I should look into this, the flair is as good a reason as any for me :P

mobbA1115 ago

exploring pathway true or false?

mobbA1115 ago

iSa63vXCC8 ago

Just who the fuck are you trying to convince with this shit?





NO NETS LOL! where they go?



paulf ago

It's a stringer code from military intelligence. Q has used a lot of them.

Flat_Truth ago

I fail to see why moderators here allow such foul mouthed idiots to be a part of this "investigation". Seems odd.

Joe10jo ago

Crybaby snowflake. God I can't fucking stand you people.

iSa63vXCC8 ago

Go back to reddit faggot, if you need a mod to hold your little prick before you mom allows you on the internet you'll amount to nothing you're entire pathetic life.

Lobotomy ago


Vindicator ago

Because this isn't Reddit. Mods aren't allowed to touch comments, unless they are actually illegal in Switzerland. The power is in your hands. Use the downvoat button to collapse the comment -- it only takes a few downvoats to do so. That's why this place is called "Voat".

ESOTERICshade ago

"Calm Before The Storm" is blowing Pizzagate into the swamp. You are the main facilitator of it. Congratulations.

Vindicator ago

On the contrary, Esoteric. I've watched this topic bring a bunch of great PG researchers who hadn't posted in months back in to reengage. It's inspired many people to start digging afresh and others to start making memes based on our past research. It's certainly not pushing anything better off the front page. I don't understand why it bothers you so much.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's certainly not pushing anything better off the front page. I don't understand why it bothers you so much.

People are confusing pigs pushing for a place at the taxpayer pig trough for pizzagate and its destroying the focus and the mission. You are turning pizzagate into football game in which people are cheering for their favorite team. You are bringing the swamp into pizzagate. If it does not stay pedophilia related its a loss for pizzagate. Maybe jangles is right, maybe you are just too thick to get it. Anything storm related needs to be pedophilia related or its a distraction. This political scuffle we see is not about pedophilia. Its two gangs fighting for power.

Joe10jo ago

Exactly @ Vindicator!! It takes a lot for me to get fired up and comment about something, but Flat_Truth, if you're one of those "snowflake" people, get the fuck out of here.

MrPim ago

A small correction

unless they are actually illegal in Switzerland America. Voat is incorporated in America.

DomKeyhote ago

That just draws further attention to it you fucktard LMAO

Beast-mode-freak ago

Nigger kike what. Now infinity/best chan pol is going to be overrun with retards from 4chan. Fucking terrible move. It's just going to treble the shills and ruin the signal to noise ratio irreparably.

paulf ago

/cbts/ is its own board. Noone is bothering 8/pol/. Signal to noise ratio is pretty good. Q has dropped some good stuff. 4chan CBTS has been completely overrun by a Clown-sponsored botnet.

Tallest_Skil ago

They were until your containment board was created. Q is the fucking botnet. Did you ever stop to wonder why /pol/ doesn’t even fucking WANT him there?

paulf ago

I don't have to stop and wonder - I've lurked 8/pol/ for years. Anyone who bothers them gets an instant lifetime IP ban from /cbts/. Anyone who invites cuckchan fags gets an instant lifetime IP ban from /cbts/. It's in the rules and it's strictly enforced. This is just the GG exodus all over again except this time the fallout has been minimal.

Tallest_Skil ago


  1. 90 days
  2. Range bans are gone, so we can literally come right back.

It’s in the rules and it's strictly enforced.

No one cares about your fucking LARP.

This is just the GG exodus all over again

It’s not; gamergate actually meant something and wasn’t a jewish paid shilling operation.

paulf ago

90 days Range bans are gone, so we can literally come right back.

3650 days and range bans seem to be working for me judging by the number of crying on the ban appeals list.

No one cares about your fucking LARP.

You do clearly otherwise I wouldn't be in your head rent-free.

It’s not; gamergate actually meant something and wasn’t a jewish paid shilling operation.

Lol. If only I got paid for this.

Tallest_Skil ago

Shill harder, kike. Q was exposed a month ago. You’re wasting millions.

ThePuppetShow ago

Does anyone know how to search 8chan by tripcode? Like this link does for 4chan..


fartyshorts ago

I tried to figure it out, but it seems tricky. I think they are deindexed on purpose, so Google is useless.

Vindicator ago

Yeah, I saw someone else say that feature wasn't available in 8chan.