ParachuteAcuteAngel ago

not normal

AssJayDoubleyou ago

Anyone remember Obama with his boner on the airplane? WTF was that about...

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You know, there is an opportunity here that we are not exploiting.

65,000 dollars is a lot of money. Especially for "pizza and hot dogs" If we demand an audit and accuse the caterers of defrauding the government, this may force an investigation. The thing about it, is even if they did manage to cover it up, it looks very bad for them because they will have wasted 65 grand on "food". This is not a good position for them to be in with the normies.

This is something that needs to be leveraged. Perhaps printing out this email in mass, highlighting the cost, then in big letters say "end government waste" would be a very subtle way to spread pizza gate around.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Um, who would be running the investigation? Is there an amnesia epidemic?

jizzswizzler ago

was it...



WhiteGoat1 ago

Why downvoat? Its old news but its still true.

argosciv ago

Because the user clearly knows the difference between old news and relevant news.

Their submissions and comments elsewhere indicate this, along with an underlying agenda to race-bait/troll, with the classic "AB blood type?" rhetoric.

This is typical behavior of a shill trying to fit in unnoticed. Someone noticed, though.

Oh_Well_ian ago

New Shill accounts will post old information, although it may be true like in this case, will be downvoated for not being current. New people who are just waking up to Pizzagate will see the downvoats and assume the information is not valid.

Care to address what you are trying to accomplish here, @eurekaVortex ? Did you not see and review the sticky at the top of the sub?

argosciv ago

Look at their comment and submission history, you'll have no trouble figuring out what this user's intent is.

Race-baiter looking to muddy the waters RE: a variety of subjects.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It’s always worth re-posting some of the original content in my opinion.

Sometimes I forget how significant the circumstantial evidence was.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Read the comment above.

ThePuppetShow ago

These shills/bots are fishing for votes so they can look relevant when they post bullshit. This helps them make us look crazy.

con77 ago

he sold his soul then