elephantdoesntforget ago

Paddock is one of many mind controlled 'assets' that the NWO keeps...

It does appear he was a drug trafficker. The story never made sense about how someone could afford to gamble so much but keep coming back... without another source of income. As rich as he was from working a legit job before retiring, he didn't make THAT much. So what was Paddock doing for them? Running drugs and then laundering money (incl. proceeds) in the Vegas casinos. They plan it from A to Z. Paddock just did what they told him to do. Anyone can tell you that what Paddock did takes years of planning. Most of the conspiracy FUD is crap. The reality is he was most likely programmed to carry out the shooting at a certain point in time. He mind just carried out the programming. Many of the famous shootings are to destroy targets, and to further gun confiscation. It's amazing how much is done through their mind control ops. Target might not always get hit, but they know and revel in the knowledge that hundreds if not thousands of victims will need psychological help and likely be pushed towards prescription drugs. Furthers their destructive agenda.

I know more than most, there's more like him unfortunately. This country is always kept on its toes and made to be reactive to these timed terrors.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

I think it could have been a weapons deal combined with an attempted Saudi assassination attempt, something went wrong, possible distraction, resulting in extracting of high level saudi targets. The internal "official" explanation is that the CIA fucked up, and the FBI must cover for them because of "national security" reasons.

elephantdoesntforget ago

I think that falls under FUD, Tetr4. The only connection I've hear that could make sense is the possible ownership of the top two floors by Saudi billionaire Bin Al-waleed.... Now for anything showing hard evidence of this ownership ... I haven't see it.

I do know some Saudi's had big ownership stakes in the Four Seasons, which is special section of the Mandalay Bay Hotel... but it is not the top two floors in the tower... its a separate building.

I'm sorry but all this CIA and FBI explanation doesn't make sense.... it always seems to be shilling for covering up for the real perps. Sorry, but CIA and FBI do not carry out anything remotely like this that even has a change of going wrong like this .... and the fact this was intentional murder of hundreds of civilians (what kind of civilians? Mostly white and country culture (Christian)).

ESOTERICshade ago

You went all the way around the block to put Paddock's name in a post. At least you were more creative this time.

Iam7777777 ago

YouTube Clinton Chronicles. It fills in the spaces of the seal/Mena/coke/whitewater/dead body guards events.

Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

stumbled also about this....did not read yet.

new4now ago

Marilou married Danley who lived in Little Rock Ark.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago



The investigators on this website say they have identified 'Dan Cooper' as a man who is still alive and named Robert Rackstraw.

Mej777 ago

William Cooper wrote Betond A Pale Horse. He was a deep insider with Majestic 12 information in the secret space program. Beyond A Pale Horse is the expose on the coming end times where Cooper explains the plans to usher in a New World Order run by Luceferians.

In the Book of Revelations the Pale Horse is the sign of the end times...

new4now ago

His name was Milton William Cooper

I want to read this book, I believe he was murdered

ESOTERICshade ago

His name was Milton William Cooper

Check out cooper's "babylon mystery series" on youtube.


Didn't he have an Asian wife?

srayzie ago

Thanks. I'll check that out.

srayzie ago

He even predicted 9/11

derram ago

https://archive.fo/jTFE0 :

What’s fact and what’s fiction in American Made.

https://archive.fo/kWkFH :

Apparently American Made Cut A Controversial Scene Involving Bill Clinton And A Strip Club

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=-alL6_Oo51I | https://www.hooktube.com/embed/-alL6_Oo51I :

Bill Clinton asked a question about Iran-Contra (1994) - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=yfubBWNFNH0 | https://www.hooktube.com/embed/yfubBWNFNH0 :

CIA Gun Running Drug Smuggling And Money Laundering In Mena Arkansas - CBS Part 1 - YouTube

https://archive.fo/LCj5K :

Pilot of Downed Plane Flew for CIA in Vietnam Era - latimes

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Tetr4gr4mm4ton ago

posted by carmencita in other deleted thread:(my fault)

I have said many times on here that eventually Paddock took the place of Barry Seal. When that exactly happened I don't know the exact year, but slowly he took over, and probably after Seal's death. and YES I strongly believe his father was DB Cooper. Whenever I think about Mena I just can't get those two boys out of my mind. Killed and then Thrown on the RR Tracks.

carmencita ago

Thank You :)