DeathToMasonsASAP ago

It wasn't "rape" rape, and it wasn't "sex traficking" sex traficking.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

A lawsuit, not criminal charges. Says it all.

darkknight111 ago

Fabrizo Lombardo (former Miramax executive) is a relevant person of interest.

mooteensy ago

You know how truly sick society is when "Not Just Rape" is used. Thank you for sharing this OP

3141592653 ago


RimeTheBard ago

(((((((((((((((OY VEY)))))))))))))))

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but just as importantly, Kadian Noblecalls out Naomi Campbell and OPRAH!!!! Liz Crokin I believe made reference to the molestation case at Oprah's school for girls. What I didn't know is that a baby was found in a backpack!! Not a peep about that in the media though. It's what happens when you buy a presidency.

Flashback: A matron at Oprah's school was charged w molesting several girls & a dead baby was found in a backpack!

and here's where Ms. Noble alleges the connection:

Actress: Weinstein used Oprah and Naomi to seduce me

It's so weird. Naomi Campbell's name came up in some thread ... think it was the one about Stallone. He used an exotic supermodel to hone his golf skills. The model would lay down on the floor of a Hollywood exec' office and he'd use her crotch as the target. Sick stuff and I thought maybe it was Campbell. Don't know, but she has been to Epstein island.

AgainstPedos ago

From reading on LipstickAlley, and especially the older gossip threads which reveal a ton of relevant info, most young teen models have always tried to get a competitive edge by sleeping with whomever will help to advance their career. Definite advantages to the bisexual, who later recruit other newbie models to go to risque very private parties. Naomi followed her mother's lead in matching the super wealthy elite with whomever they desired.

Note the Russian oligarch who arranged for Naomi's unusual designed island home. It's somewhat similar in theme to the one on Pedo island. Some say many super famous models & actresses have a role similar to Hillary's. (You may have to ask for permission to read the best gossip threads on LSA as they've been "attacked" by PR Teams & shills who don't want certain info revealed.)

3141592653 ago

Please share more about Gordy and Motown Records

GeorgeT ago

Great summary. That's their game. Always felt Naomi was amiss what with temper tantrums and all that!

migratorypatterns ago


And your bringing in the music industry is apt. Didn't Naomi appear on Empire? Perfect fit.

I was thrilled about Oprah being connected though. She needs to be exposed for the fraud she is.

new4now ago

you can tie Naomi with Epstein and Clinton too

she's another passenger of the Lolita Express

ANOTHER TRIP: Bill Clinton, Naomi Campbell and key Clinton aide Doug Band were on board Epstein's private Boeing 727 as it flew from London Luton airport to JFK

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. Oh, and I just thought of another one ...

I'll save it for a post I'm working on ... lots to come ...

new4now ago

looking forward to it

if theres anything I can do, research wise, let me know

My favs are packed with info

migratorypatterns ago


I'm thinking the first post will be all me, but hopefully people will follow up on some of the things contained within.

new4now ago

Sounds good

Cheesebooger ago

Hollywood = Israel. The pedo road leads back to Israel. I've said it for ten years or more that I've been researching it

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Actually Hollywood=cabalists. Just a tad more accurate a definition. Agree with the Israel pedo thing though. Just a continuation of the following of Cabala and Talmud. Sabbatai Zevi freaks.

Cheesebooger ago

I agree. Cabalists is a good definition for Hollywood. I call them that sometimes too

AgainstPedos ago

When you say "Israel" are you speaking of Netanyahu, Mossad, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers or specifically someone else? Have read the Jesuits and/or Nights of Malta created Islam. Supposedly they have a tremendous influence in the Mid East and are using Israel as a puppet and a pawn.

Don't know if this is just another internet rumor. There are so many I'm getting confused with what's true vs extreme exaggerations.

GeorgeT ago

Umberto Eco wrote a book titled Focault's Pendulum - a compendium of hirarchy of all the secret orders in history. It's a great read - if one has the attention span and wicked sense of humor. Eventually the Book arrives at the capstone of the sectet order that runs (supposedly) all secret order and he reckons its the Jesuits.

Cheesebooger ago

Jesuits?? Stop right the fuck there. ITS. THE. JEWS. What jews do and have been doing isn't over-exaggerated. If anything it isn't talked about enough!

darkknight111 ago

I know House Saud's rise to power was due to House Windsor.

Through that the Wahabbi sect (real bad news group) of Islam grew.

JesusRules ago


VoatisCIA ago

ZIONISM MUST BE KILLED....!!! SHHHHHH!!!! ( What happened in KSA will happened in Israel: SWAMP DRAIN)