Lr2000 ago

Was he in Skull and Bones when he was at Yale?

Lr2000 ago

One of the names he calls himslf is "an American child advocate."

Is that man a "fooler"?

Lr2000 ago

One Voater put it his way: He was irritated because:

Tom Steyer was always trying to kiss Podesta's a--.

Lr2000 ago

When taking a look at him:

He seems to try to portray himslf as "Mr. Perfect" "Mr. Morality" "Mr. Good Clean Guy".

It was nauseatng.

"Mr. Perfect American" "God's ' fair haired boy.

So I got to thinking.

What better person to try to mudslide impeaching POTUS.

I say a big ugh to him.

Lr2000 ago

Lr2000 ago

Is Jim Steyer-- A- Fushion GPS client?