MolochHunter ago

Dude this should be re-posted but adding Liz Crokins tweet with EVIDENCE OF CLINTON FOUNDATION CONNECTION

go for it

3141592653 ago

Damn. Reminds me of McMartin

Factfinder2 ago

From artcle:

The kindergarten is located adjacent to a large military base, and rumours flew online that military officials there were involved in sexually abusing the children.

Fun Junfeng, the base’s political commissioner, confirmed in an interview with the PLA Daily that the husband of the school’s director was previously an official there, but said there was so far “no evidence” that military personnel had been involved in the abuse."

“But this is just the first step of the investigation,” he added.

Factfinder2 ago

From the article:

Several emotional parents spoke to reporters outside the school gates. One mother told reporters that her child had disclosed that teachers had threatened the children not to tell their parents about things occurring at the preschool. They told the young children that they had a “very long telescope” and would be able to watch them, even if they were at home.

“My child is only three-and-a-half years old, and I found needle hole marks on his thighs and buttocks. I am trembling with anger,” one other parent told reporters.

In an interview with another parent, a mother tells about her 3-year-old child’s account of all the children being subjected to naked “health checks” at school by a “grandpa doctor” and “uncle doctor,” who also did not wear any clothes according to the child. Children were allegedly forced to watch one of the pupils being raped (being described as a “piston motion” [活塞运动]) by the “uncle doctor.”

A father stated to journalists that one of the children had been taken to the hospital on November 22 for an examination, and that the doctor found there was trauma to the anus area. “I feel like burning down the school,” the man said.

Sackajahweeda ago

Isnt there something about certain colors and MKultra? I was thinking that the name is interesting in that regard.

StolenPyreGiftedWire ago

Red White and Blue.

hairybawbag ago

Evidence may be on video

There is, I saw them a week or 2 ago. No sexual abuse but fairly brutal physical abuse.

l4l1lul3l0 ago

Good thread. I've also posted a [thread]( /r/conspiracy) @ /r/conspiracy .

heuristic ago

great post. good work.

Justice4thekids ago

Thanks for the reminder, this is a world-wide problem.

I notice a lot of kids are dressed in tiny miniskirts & revealing clothes in many Chinese ads. In the middle east, they put a lot of makeup on kids in ads. You also see a lot of blonde girls with heavy makeup and it makes me wonder if they're shipped from Europe or North America there.

GreenDell144 ago

Be sure to check out the plethora of videos exposing the Chinese organ harvesting epidemic.

It’s connected to pizza gate and this post because young organs have increased value, but also because western elites are the clients. The clue is in the pricing and the amount of organs harvested. In some videos, the advertising and publicity for the transplant surgery is clearly directed at westerners.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Them little white pills, I remember 'em well. It knocks out your memory from well before the pill moment and for several hours afterwards.

You can't remember any of it for many years. When you do it's jumbled and feels like a horror movie, couldn't be real you tell yourself. Except the details don't change and it keeps getting more and more clear. The pills are timed such that if memory does return, it's always too late to get anyone in trouble. What fool would believe a mere child over an authority figure? Only a fool.

Thank God for Fools.

vahelper ago

Injection marks... drugging or blood collection? If drugging why the white pill?

Oh_Well_ian ago


what is your theory?

vahelper ago

There are studies showing the blood of children is beneficial to brain health but there is no legal mechanism to collect blood from very young children. So who would you task to get it for you illegally if you were an aging billionaire? I would blackmail pedophiles to do it.

Oh_Well_ian ago

blood is not drawn from the buttocks and appendages

those would be injection sites

vahelper ago

Blood is not withdrawn from appendages... okay

Oh_Well_ian ago

did you the pics provided? every had blood drawn ? okay..

you're theory is weak, sorry. This clearly looks like injections, not blood removal.

derram ago :

China horrified by allegations of child abuse at kindergarten | World news | The Guardian :

ThatsMeNotYou comments on Another Kindergarten Abuse Case: Beijing’s RYB Education Branch Accused of Drugging and Molesting Children :


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