Rigg5 ago

NASA and CERN and others do worship Satan. Saturn worship at the least. If Q pushes people about NASA they will discover the whole operation is fake. Including space travel.

NASAdisgruntled ago

Hampstead Case > Sabine McNeil is CERN data analyst NASA > Jack Parsons/Werner Von Braun/ETI Wikileaks Las Vegas> Stephen Paddock> NASA > Sphinx > Mandalay > Bill Gates > Saudi > Connecticut Avenue > Besta Pizza > Sphinx

Cc1914 ago

That link was 404d

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt ago

"The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing the world he didn't exist." - Roger "Verbal" Kint, as played by Kevin Spacey. This was a rephrasing of the phrase "the finest trick of the devil is to persuade you that he does not exist" by Charles Baudelaire

Sustainability is Satan's Ability. Sustainable development is the mechanism for global control through government, industry, religion, education, health, and community. The agenda will be carried out with the Mark of the Beast enforced by AI and Community Policing to create a Hell on Earth with a system of Eternal Enslavement from Cradle to Career.

Racine, Wisconsin is the model, hub and weak link to exposing the real agenda and the great deception against humanity. The chain of command is Rothschilds > Rockefellers > Johnsons (Racine).

Sustainability is the key to the Truth.

SoberSecondThought ago

Ooh, so ironic. So subtle! This would be a nicely ominous parting shot ... except that Kevin Spacey just wound up exposed and ruined for assaulting underage boys. Remember that? So who convinced whom that he didn't exist?

Cartoon villains, every last one of you.

TheAnonQuestion ago

Not to scare the Beejesuz out of anyone but the link https://imgur.com/a/rcovXImgur Album

says Satan Rising

and there was a post on pol a week or two prior to the shootings and the image about Lucifer Rising which mentioned the Paddock suicide note, before it happened... https://imgur.com/a/C2wWa

Clearer image: https://twitter.com/WhistleBlower32/status/930193904783241216 @GassyMcGasface @Flat_Truth

GassyMcGasface ago

Yes and he (rothchild) has many relatives.

Flat_Truth ago

Whether it be real or just a notion... its real in the sense people believe it and act up on it.