DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This is when the investigation became it's most surreal, and least plauasible that it was just another of countless coincidence.

Shillaxe ago

I wonder if "no extra food" means they're selling because, without victims, it would cost too much. Even though the pigs ate bodies, i would guess DNA would still be present, blood everywhere etc....

IAMDeMolay ago

The farm is currently listed for sale with Drew Mackintosh.

Disturbing and comes at no suprise at all! The name Mackintosh has been mentioned of belonging to the powerful Satanic bloodlines ruling this earth!

I bet Drew the real estate realtor has some deeply buried skeletons tucked away in his closet.

MoonLanding ago

@Dressage2 Non bot a glove touch the cat!

Dressage2 ago

Too bad can’t sweep for DNA.

Jobew1 ago

good find

EricKaliberhall ago

No more pig slaughter for Skippy...

MoonLanding ago

Oh do shut up John.

2impendingdoom ago

ooh. this reminds me of how the Paule Carres business building in Winchester VA was sold a month or so after Quantokitty's post....

Coincidence or liquidating assets?

Vindicator ago

Gotta links perchance?

2impendingdoom ago

ProudTruther ago

As has been discussed before no extra food so that the pig will be keener to get rid of a body. That's one of the main reasons i've been off pork, I still eat it from time to time but I'm pretty sure there's a good chance that the pigs we've all eaten before have disposed of some pizzagate style victims.

Warnos44 ago

This really ties in with the whole increase of advertising for bacon the last few years. Anytime we see a big promotion or advertising scheme it's usually nefarious (HFCS in moderation comes to mind). Also, the Pepsi "flavor enhancement" made from aborted babies. There is something about feeding the unaware their own kind, but i don't recall what it was, that plays into the Satanism. Seriously grossed out right now too. I knew about this but really didn't think about it when eating pork. I might begin avoiding it now. Makes ya wonder if that's not why the Muslims avoid pork; it's a filthy animal, sure. But it also is what the Jews dispose bodies with.

061916 ago

Wow, I had never heard of that. I thought they sold body parts to the elite or for research. Here’s a link of the companies that use aborted babies for aritifical sweetener research:

think- ago

...or maybe they sell the pigs' meat to 'special customers'? At a higher price than they'd get on the normal meat market?

RagingShieldMaiden ago

"Long pig."

garouwarrior ago

Famous travel writer Paul Theroux has posited this theory:

"...the former cannibals of Oceania now feast on Spam because Spam came the nearest to approximating the porky taste of human flesh. `Long pig' as they called a cooked human being in much of Melanesia. It was a fact that the people-eaters of the Pacific had all evolved, or perhaps degenerated, into Spam-eaters. And in the absence of Spam they settled for corned beef, which also had a corpsy flavor."


migratorypatterns ago

I believe tricking us into eating human flesh would be The Cannibal Elite's style of fun. Remember all the mislabeled meat roaming around Europe and the US? This would be even more devious.

think- ago

Makes sense, too. I just thought there must be people out there who are thrilled when eating pork meat, and knowing (or assuming) that the pig had been fed human remains....

Either way, a somewhat discomforting thought!

migratorypatterns ago

You could be right. It's hard to get in these cannibal perv's heads, and I really don't think I want to!

think- ago

It's hard to get in these cannibal perv's heads, and I really don't think I want to!

Yep, same here....