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WhereWeLiveNow ago

Here is the link to the article cited in the title of this post... not sure why is wasn't included.

millennial_vulcan ago

I think most folk got the idea!

TrishaUK ago

Does anyone remember this? I believe, now years later, this seems like MK, now I have heard of it MK. - LeeGTGames Published on 9 Sep 2011 - Two Swedish twins attempt suicide on camera after being questioned at roadside by police - - NO EVIDENCE OF DRUGS OR ALCOHOL - Ursula and Sabina Eriksson - @srayzie @carmencita

millennial_vulcan ago

@TriciaUK that is crazy. But they just look like drugs addicts. I would say crystal meth probably?

TrishaUK ago

It said no alcohol or drugs when tested. Does crystal meth not show up?

3141592653 ago

It does

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for that, I thought that but didn't want to look silly.