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Gothamgirl ago

Just some of the quoted email.

Trump has already begun testing his attacks on the Clintons, referencing Bill in a broadside against Hillary in a January tweet: "I hope Bill Clinton starts talking about women's issues so the voters can see what a hypocrite he is and how Hillary abused those women!" Ironically, though, this is precisely the sort of attack that many denizens of Clintonland welcome. For one thing, they believe that Bill's womanizing is, to borrow an expression Clintonites have been using to dismiss scandals since the days of Whitewater, old news. "How many people are going to be surprised that there's an allegation that Bill Clinton either likes women, hung around with women, or had lots of women? No one over 35. Maybe it'll be a surprise to my grandkids," says a prominent Democrat of Clinton's vintage. He goes on, "And I hate to say this about my grandkids, but with gay marriage and Caitlyn Jenner and whatever else, they're a lot more liberal and loose on that stuff. I just don't think they'll care." re than old news, though, Bill's randy ways would also seem to be ancient history. After Clinton left the White House, he plotted a notoriously hedonistic path. With his public profile lowered and Hillary away in the Senate, Bill fell in with a fast and louche crowd of billionaires. Ostensibly, these men were helping Clinton get his philanthropic foundation off the ground-lending him their private jets for trips to Africa and underwriting the medical clinics he was starting there. It was the extracurricular activities that were cause for concern-especially those involving Ron Burkle. A supermarket magnate and noted playboy, Burkle not only put Clinton on his investment firm's payroll (allowing the then "dead broke" former president to pocket about $15 million over five years) but also became a regular traveling companion of the former president's, often aboard Burkle's 757-a flying pleasure palace that the billionaire's own aides took to calling "Air Fuck One." Burkle boasted at one point that he spent 500 hours a year with Clinton-much to the consternation of others in Clinton's circle. "Everyone knew that Burkle was bad news," says a prominent Democrat, who recalls meeting Burkle in Davos when he tagged along with Clinton one year. "[Burkle] introduced me to his girlfriend. I assumed it was his granddaughter!" Although there was never any proof that Clinton engaged in similarly sleazy behavior, some of his aides feared the worst. Indeed, there was considerable concern during the 2008 campaign that a "bimbo eruption"-as Clinton's old Arkansas troubleshooter Betsey Wright used to call the phenomenon-might derail Hillary. As it turned out, Obama rendered those concerns moot. Eight years later, the whiff of sex that once hung like a permanent cloud around Clinton-"There was a sense he was always on the prowl, always seeing who's available, always seducing," says one person who's been near Clinton for years-is gone. This may be attributable to Clinton's age and physical condition, but it's also the result of some significant structural changes in Clinton's professional operation. For one thing, Burkle is no longer part of the picture. (Indeed, in the 2016 presidential race, Burkle supported Ohio Republican John Kasich.) He and Clinton had a falling-out in 2009. Some say it was over money. Clinton reportedly thought Burkle shortchanged him on $20 million he believed he was owed from their business partnership; Burkle felt he'd already paid the former president more than he deserved.