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SecondAmendment ago

From the Podesta Emails there are 10 results for the search term "Burkle." Here is one of the ten:

I'd be curious to know what kind of meeting they were having on that Thursday in question. I'm limited on time but maybe someone here can dig a bit into this. . .

FW: Ron Burkle From:[email protected] To: [email protected]

Date: 2007-09-24 15:12

Subject: FW: Ron Burkle

Andy hasn't responded Do you have thoughts on this I assume its fine...

Sent from my Treo

-----Original Message----- From: Zach Schwartz [mailto:[email protected]]

Sent: Monday, September 24, 2007 12:01 PM Eastern Standard Time

To: Andy Stern

Cc: Amy Dacey

Subject: Ron Burkle

Andy, do you have any objection to Ron Burkle joining the meeting on Thursday? Steve feels from a vetting perspective this can only help, but please let us know your thoughts.

Thank you,

Zach Schwartz

Office of Steve Bing

1801 Avenue of the Stars

Suite 150

Los Angeles, CA 90067

310.553.7730 phone

310.432.4593 direct fax

millennial_vulcan ago

boy, you're awesome X

SecondAmendment ago

Thanks, @millennial_vulcan. I noticed that there are other juicy statements in the remaining emails. I don't have time to copy and paste them now but perhaps others with time today can do that? I liked the part where John-Freaking-Kasich is linked to Burkle, though. That was not something I expected to see. . . . .

millennial_vulcan ago

Burkle has sleazy fingers everywhere. He seems to love the hip hop crowd too. He dated supermodel "Gisele Bundchen". Hmm. Wonder what dirty tricks happened there, with her being from mega corrupt brazil n all. A little underage trafficking perhaps? Try not to get beheaded, reporting about it...

LMAO that Burkle wasted $100k paying off journalists from the New York Post not to write shit about him, when *IT IS ALL OVER THE WEB. Fukin' creepo asshole.