new4now ago

just reading this makes me ill, no way am I clicking any links

how I can be so sad and angry at the same time

you know, I don't give a shit if these people were molested themselves as a child, its so wrong

carmencita ago

This should have had an NSFW Label on it. Disgusting. And what her being a Feminist has to do with this I don't understand. If this is true, She is a Rapist Period. Not a Feminist Rapist.

PedoStomper ago

Well most modern day feminists hate men and have very bizarre sexual fantasies about raping men with dildos, drugging them, cutting off their dicks, crushing their balls, etc. And with men becoming huge cucks, pretty soon men will be willingly castrating themselves to make their "feminist" girlfriends and wives happy. I'm so glad I'm married to a Mexican woman who is traditional and hates feminism.

carmencita ago

Well, I am a Feminist of sorts and I do not hate men. Just because I believe in women getting the same pay for the same job and a few other things does not mean I go around hating men or doing any of the other things you say. Bazaar Sexual Fantasies are in the Mind of the Beholder.

PedoStomper ago

I said a lot of feminists are that way, not all of them. Classical feminists wanted true equality between men and women. And the "pay gap" is made up. All of my superiors in my office are women, and all of them make more than I do. There are also several female employees who do the same job as I do and some of them get paid more because they've been here for a while. Equality between men and women exists in real life, but feminists pretend it doesn't, and they act like we're still in 1945.

News Flash, the only places in the world where women are TRULY mistreated, with the full support of the society at large, are Middle Eastern, Latin American, and African countries.

zarthos1 ago

She is a radical feminist from Womad, which is a splinter group from the infamous feminist group called Megalia.

shadow332 ago

Ok will do.

o0shad0o ago

... Nice.

dbvapor ago

Fuck. I think that’s enough internet for me today.