angelafogo ago

I just made a post that relates to this issue.

GreenDell144 ago

Haven’t seen this infuriating bit of news in awhile. So our allies in this war were opium drug lords and pedophiles? And many normies STILL refuse to question the 9/11 narrative. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch.

angelafogo ago

I have first hand information about this from an english lieutenant based in Afghanistan. Please read my post later in the day. It is far worst than you imagine

Factfinder2 ago

I'd like to read it but am not finding it. Can you give a link?

crashing_this_thread ago

Yet we accept refugees from these shitholes, knowing their culture is overwhelmingly degenerate.

Cat-hax ago

I would of told them to shoot on site and claim they were a terrorist cell.

TrishaUK ago

Oh my goodness, just shocked whats happening in the schools here in UK! My children are all adults now and I don't have any school age children so didn't have a CLUE! HORRIFYING interview with Tommy Robinson! (25 minutes in about abuse of childrens minds BUT the whole video is excellent, even if you can't stand Alex Jones and his constant interruptions, what is being said by Tommy is excellent) - - - @srayzie @carmencita @ESOTERICshade @LionElTrump @DarkMath111

meandrunk ago

“It’s their country.”

This is the same argument I've used in defense of Assad. Good? Bad? You be the judge.

Terraeri1 ago

This is nothing new. This stuff is more out in the open in Muslim countries. India/Pakistan/Iraq/Afghanistan.

It is very common to see men walking off with kids, specifically little boys. As men and women aren't allowed to be in public together unless they are related, it has bred this environment where no one would bat an eyelid at a man and boy walking off together. Whilst my brother was serving in Iraq at the Palace, they all knew who the perverts are because they held pinkies together, some 2 grown men who are obviously in a gay relationship but he said it was common to see men holding pinkies with little boys. Whilst it is disgusting to us, how do you manage a situation like that? A western Army going into foreign territory to an already hostile population that accept this practice as part of life?

Before anyone says anything about race or whatever bullshit... I will be the first one to say. Yes, a lot of pedos are white. BUT, in our society it is openly denounced, against MOST peoples principles. We are fighting it whilst they accept it.

There have been so many documentaries aired here in the UK about it, But people are being beaten into a corner because there is obviously a cultural issue with Islamic countries, but any attempt to address the problem is always cut down with cries of racism. People who regard themselves as feminist, hate Trump because of the Audiotape, but will be the first cunt to say "islam is the religion of peace" post-terror attack. The have seen the same information as I have, they have seen child marriages, rapes, murders,molestation PRESENTED AS EPIDEMIC. But not once would they denounce it as it opposes the narrative that they have been taught is "Right and PC" The world is literally confused out of their minds.

So glad i don't mind being alone in my thought processes. Sheeple everywhere

think- ago

So glad i don't mind being alone in my thought processes.

No, you're not alone. It's just hard to find other people who have the courage to speak up. Think of the British Labour politician (unfortunately forgot her name) who said many Muslim men in Britain clearly had a sexual violence issue. I think she is from Rotherham, which is one of the many English towns where gangs of Pakistani males have raped girls and forced them into prostitution.

This ruined her career. She is an outsider now. But she said the thought that maybe a child could be saved by speaking up was what it made it worthwhile.

Terraeri1 ago

When you live in central London, it feels like it sometimes. Everyone is so brainwashed or sad to say Foreign so they don't even understand half the stuff that goes on.

think- ago

But people are being beaten into a corner because there is obviously a cultural issue with Islamic countries

Yes, it is downright crazy that these issues can't be addressed and those who do are labeled 'racist'.

There are racists of course, but most people who would like to talk about it aren't. Feminists who gladly talk about sexual harrassment at work (and rightly so), but claim that raping children (aka 'child marriages') or genital mutilation of girls have to be seen as 'cultural difference' and accepted, are out of their minds.

TrishaUK ago

Just thought I would share this for all of us HOPING that the Indictments are pizzagate related, just in case they are for MS13 instead - This man gives an good explanation why not to get too disappointed if this is the case, WHICH WE WOULD IF THEY ARE NOT PIZZAGATE RELATED! - IT is worth a listen too Roy Potter (guessing thats his name) only 7 minutes long. 'Q', Trump, MS-13 - @srayzie @carmencita @Darkmath111 @ESOTERICshade

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

They've thrown morality away with much depravity i must say.

boggle247 ago

Am old woman at my work had a son that fought over there and she told me that he was supposed to ignore all of that stuff going on over there.

Funny how you don't hear on the msm about these goatfucking towelheads banging kids. Of course our liberal society right now would probably embrace it.

Markb63 ago

It came from the top.

SmokeCigarettes ago

I asked someone who got deployed to Afghanistan and he said the only thing they mentioned was to ignore the locals who have sex with donkeys.

GeorgeT ago

Joe Biggs did a video on that right before Fake Jones fired him for going too deep into PG.

think- ago

Routine child rape by Afghan police

'In 2010 the San Fransisco Chronicle reported:

'For centuries, Afghan men have taken boys, roughly 9 to 15 years old, as lovers. Some research suggests that half the Pashtun tribal members in Kandahar and other southern towns are bacha baz, the term for an older man with a boy lover. Literally it means “boy player.” The men like to boast about it. “Having a boy has become a custom for us,” Enayatullah, a 42-year-old in Baghlan province, told a Reuters reporter. “Whoever wants to show off should have a boy.”

'The State Department has called bacha baazi a “widespread, culturally sanctioned form of male rape.” For instance, one military intelligence reservist related a story about an Afghan colonel who stood before a judge after he hurt a chai boy by violently raping him: “His defense was, ‘Honestly, who hasn’t raped a chai boy? Ha ha ha.’ The judge responds, ‘You’re right. Case dismissed.'”

'Cracking down on this practice is nearly impossible, as the main culprits are often the very law enforcement and military personnel that the U.S. works alongside.'

Nostrildamus_Sneezed ago

The macabre utility of children squandered for adult sexual pleasure is a direct result of post-modernism and its putrid Relativism expressed toward unadulterated horror. Cancerous philosophical constructs that justify rape and sexual depravity in the name of understanding will honor mass executions in the name of revolution.

think- ago

'An Afghan Tragedy: The Pashtun practice of having sex with young boys Afghanistan's subculture of paedophilia is one of the country's untold shames'

RoBatten ago

I've come to the conclusion that this is a shill slide thread . . .

carmencita ago

This is about as bad and sad as it gets. Our Military and our Elected Officials telling our Soldiers to look the other way while children are being raped. What is going to happen if the Normies find out about THIS?

new4now ago

Most of the normies will stick their heads back in the sand and repeat to themselves it isn't true

Unless some really big stuff comes out with convictions, these people will live happily with their heads in the sand and their asses in the air

carmencita ago

I am hoping for a different ending, but some just may thumb their noses at the stories and go on their merry way. I actually am hoping that this is the beginning of the end.

new4now ago

We are all on standby to help red pill and make people understand why charges are made

Just hope we still have a platform to do it

Trump better move quick

It's getting nasty out there

FB deleting posts

Hillary making her own dump, which is good

I dont care what suit they wear, drain them

But people stuck in the them and us rut and it isn't looking good

Trump needs to open voting classes so more independents can run and drop the 2 party system

We need to get rid of them and us shit

It's ruining our Country

carmencita ago

This is our biggest problem, imo. Division. We mostly agree on things. There are a couple things, we do not, but I believe it is because on both sides we have not quite been told the truth. We all have to agree to listen to the other side. We have to realize that we have been lied to about many things. We have to agree to meet in the middle.

Lafall ago

I suspect the bullshit artists, the asshole people like Trudeau don't care but the general normal hard working population of Canada, Europe, USA would be disgusted by this news. If it went public on the news, there may even be some outcry but deep down probably many people suspect weird abusive shit is happening overseas especially in backward extreme dictator nations with no free press all kinds of abuse is happening and deep down there is a part of people that suspect something is up.

carmencita ago

Yes, isn't it funny that people always think it is happening somewhere else. No, not here, not in my back yard.

BestCaseOntario ago

Because it's all about the mineral wealth and poppies after all.

cibra ago

Also told not to report the 1in 4 military women who get raped by service men. The VA told me in my denial letter I deserved it. I guess it's the culture

tholinz ago

No they didn’t. If you have a letter like that you should post, because that is so legally insane I doubt it would be allowed out of the building.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I don't think you understand the mind of trained killers. That's what soldiers are, and they rape all the time. They have for thousands of years; its nothing new and shouldn't be surprising in the least. If you can murder innocents on a whim, you sure as hell can rape. Again: not a surprise.

cibra ago

Maybe I will. It's in storage and of course it has personal info. To be honest I could care less what you think. It's in appeal in DC because my RO sucks. Hopefully I get my 10 years of back pay soon.

think- ago

"While troops have been told to report human rights violations since 2011, child sex abuse was not declared as a violation until September 2016. Between 2010 and 2016, 16 cases of child sex abuse were reported to the Pentagon, but because no proper reporting mechanisms existed, the exact number of cases is unknown."

I always thought raping children was a human rights violation?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I'd heard about this...yeah. It wasn't their mission to police the locals. But on the other hand it's wonder our soldiers come back so @#$%'ed in the head. :(

tholinz ago

Only two people (out of dozens) I knew while in the military had PTSD. One of them was on shift the night of Benghazi in a position to hear what was going on, and it broke him as a person. The other spent a year embedded with an Afghan unit, and became a raging alcoholic upon his return to the States; he can’t handle what he saw happen to children over there.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Few [decent] people could handle something like that....

LionElTrump ago

Adults molesting kids affects their development and creates servants. MK Ultra knows this and what Bacha bazi is just cultural

Cara_C ago

I remember reading this at the time and being appalled that our troops were supposed to stand by and watch little boys being raped by adult men. Raping children is not only horrific for the child victims, it contributes to a violent, screwed-up culture, as humiliated, abused, and rage-filled children often grow up and perpetrate abuse abuse on others.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

I think that's the point. Manufactured psychopathy.

RoBatten ago

I don't think they were in audience watching that depravity. It was known to be going on. It would have been distracting from mission to be world police when you're fighting a war . . .

Blacksmith21 ago

The locals definitely like their young boys, especially on Thu. But they have other nationalities there, like Bangladeshis, etc. who are also gay for the stay. I'd guess more than half of the lcoal (Pashtun) men are gay. The women all have terrorized looks in their eyes. When you get into farm country, out of the city, it is not uncommon for new couples to have difficulty getting pregnant because he keeps screwing her in the butthole.

AgainstPedos ago

Far more than 50% of Afghan women have been beaten badly enough to require hospitalization. I very brave women set up a shelter for them as there weren't any alternatives. Her own life was repeatedly threatened by Afhan authorities as she was interfering in family matters.

Living in a shelter means by law abandoning your children to the same abusive husband.

Starting with the wedding night it's the norm for there to be a lot of blood and to be violent. Romantic sex is a Western concept. Lubricants aren't the norm either. Nor would a married woman ever consider running back to her family or relatives seeking protection. That would result in a worse beating.

new4now ago

Thanks for the laugh

srayzie ago

Why did you say especially on Thursdays?

The guy screws the woman in the butt because he's gay?

Blacksmith21 ago

Thursday (aka Man Love Thursday) is Friday in most Muslim countries. The older men start getting horned up around lunchtime and lead their yong boys around by the hand in preparation for Friday night "festivities".

Yes, the men were taught that women are unpure, especially the vagina. Don't forget: "women are for children, but boys are for pleasure" - Ancient Pashtun saying.

SavedbyJCfromRSA_MK ago

Ugh! Sounds like very unfortunate personal experiences. I think it was in a book, something about "Kite Boys of Kabul". It was a eye opener for me about who we were dealing with in Afghanistan, and an early trigger regarding my own experiences. Flashbacks happened that I still haven't pinned down. It's rotten to be thought of as a defenseless girl while trying desperately to hang onto your boyness.

srayzie ago

Wow that's interesting. If that was in that video, I don't remember it. Their views are so warped.

Vindicator ago

Thank you for your service over there!

ESOTERICshade ago

Maybe America wasn't so bad of a place to grow up in after all.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's not called the Graveyard of Empires for nothing.

Check out "The Dancing Boys of Afghanistan" on YT.

srayzie ago

Oh I saw that before. Sick bastards.

RoBatten ago

That was sick.

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you watch it?

LisasDentalPlan ago

Bacha bazi. Everyone (in Afghanistan) knows this goes on.

Grifter42 ago

Fucking degenerate pieces of shit.

Nobody27 ago

Holy fuck...

Oh_Well_ian ago

I guess this is designed to bury the DYNCORP EMPLOYEES RAPING CHILDREN IN AFGHANISTAN story.

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

I think so.

the_majority ago

Aren't most people on the site in favor of "America First?"

Or does "America First" not count when the Americans suffering are lgbt / poc / poor?

ESOTERICshade ago

hey voatscam how are you today?

EvilSeagull ago

Find some new victims, I'm sick of the same old ones.

bernitdown ago

Fuck reddit and it's SJW safe space, and fuck Voat for the high concentration of straight up racism and jew hatred. This place has POTENTIAL to be better than reddit but not if you drown it in hate. Know what's better than hate?

Having rational discussion about actual problems, who is creating them, and what to do about them. Not just hating on people. You reach a broader audience and promote dicussion between different viewpoints, and since it's harder to vote brigade here, RATIONALITY AND LOGIC WOULD WIN OUT OVER SJW SAFE SPACE BULLSHIT.

But racism? Come on. Sure, every race has things they're good at and bad at, and frankly, some people were selectively bred for a few hundred years which skews averages, but NOT EVERYONE IS LIKE THAT. Wake the fuck up and realize dumbasses come in all shapes and sizes; one race might have a higher percentage of dumbasses but that doesn't mean you should hate that entire group of people.

EvilSeagull ago

Who said anything about hate? During my short time here I have received an education regarding the ways of the world from many different people. Rational discussion is the norm, and if I find something offensive I don't continue to read it. Perhaps the facts being discussed are not to your liking therefore the discussion does not seem rational. You can call it racism if you'd like, but don't distract from the facts to add a label. Your statement "...and frankly, some people were selectively bred for a few hundred years which skews averages" is quite intriguing; could you elaborate on that as I've never heard that excuse before.

bernitdown ago

I have. Every time I come here the front page is filled with anti-jew bullshit. Are jews in positions of power? Sure, some of them. Are their dickheads in position of power? Yup. Are they all Jewish? No. So fuck off with that shit. Attacking an entire group of people only WEAKENS whatever you are pissed about, because people don't listen to that.

Re: Selectively bred... I mean. Slave trade. Selective breeding. People didn't want especially smart slaves. There is a ton of information about it. Just google "selective breeding slaves". There are even books on amazon:

Wow. Can't link the amazon links.

What do you think happens when people who own other people and use them for labor want? They want large, strong, stupid people. Does this mean ALL african americans are stupid? NO! That is dumb and genetics don't account for everything, but it does explain why AVERAGE traits are different.

You should always give people a chance before judging them, if they turn out to be morons/idiots/dickheads, fine, whatever, you gave them a shot. But there is so much variety in every group of people; anyone who judges entire groups like that is an idiot.

Martenzo ago

Would you agree then, that if police officers' own lives are on the stakes, profiling suspects based on averages of their race and being prepared for the worst in direct interactions with them is the logical option to take? You can't judge a whole race based on averages sure, but "assuming" every black american is one of the outliers is what gets good cops killed. What do you think is going to happen when a cop assumes they're dealing an intelligent black that can be reasoned with, but it's instead a monkey with a gun that only sees weakness when a cop treats them politely and refuses escalate when faced with aggression and insubordination?

bernitdown ago

Are you a cop? Is your life in danger right now?

Rurntis ago

I’ve enjoyed your rant, you are correct. Voat doesn’t live up to its potential it often wastes away in ignorance/hate.

Beast-mode-freak ago

But African Americans have an average IQ of 85, which is significantly higher than the average of their African brethren.

Are you working for JIDF or the new Shareblue?

AgainstPedos ago

US has a taboo against cousin marriage. In Africa and other parts of the world young teen marriage and child birth is the norm. All of these factors result in lower IQ rates of babies.

undertheshills ago

Bot. reported.

RoBatten ago

Reddit is down the hall and to the left. You'll be much happier there!

derram ago :

U.S. Soldiers Told to Ignore Sexual Abuse of Boys by Afghan Allies - The New York Times

This has been an automated message.

jealoushe ago

They would pretty much have to detain everyone they saw....which would be...everyone. I know in the Canadian Military they are trained in this, that it happens and to just ignore it, and also warned they may be raped while there.

Oh_Well_ian ago

let's be real... US and Canadian contractors were JOINING IN THE CHILD FUCKING IN AFGHANISTAN.

RoBatten ago

You make it sound like it's a fuck-fest. I never saw or heard of anything like that going on over there, and I know a lot of contractors who never saw shit like that. Not saying it doesn't go on, but it's not common.

TrishaUK ago

Thats GREAT to hear, we would all loose heart if it were the majority. We know its these elite sickos who rule and the ones they blackmail. Thank goodness they think they are high an mighty above the rest of us, otherwise it would be forced on the majority! - That being said, now it is beginning to be forced on our little ones. see - (at 25mins) -Tommy Robinson: Cult Of Islam Aligns With The Left To Censor Conservative Christians -

Blacksmith21 ago

I second that as well. Maybe 10+ years ago. They also had pilots flying high AF on heroin. Shit still happens, but I so no kid fucking by Americans.

Factfinder2 ago

Warned they may be raped?! Are they told to ignore that too and not fight back if it happens?

jealoushe ago

they are told to not be ashamed if they ejaculate, because it is natural to just from physiology. SO yeah, they go there with that in their mind.